some advice for a tree removal

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You havent got that damn thing down yet?

Quit talkin about it and do the damn thing.

You know the saying, I use it all the time, "Ain't nothin to it but to do it"
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i already took the limbs out of the power

Did you climb it?

How much weight did you remove do you think?

Is the tree evenly weighted, leaning etc?

Roots work like ropes, only in tension. Think about that when you're working on this tree. If there's a big open cavity on one side of the tree it is likely that there's not much root there so take weight off the side opposite that ... do you understand? But easy she goes, reduce some weight next over the bad side and bit by bit keep reducing.

Also cut off pieces where you do not have to rig first. If you are rigging ensure you set the block above a clear LZ so you can let em run straight to the ground ... no shock loads.

Be smart, read the tree, work the scene intelligently, get a lowering device for smoothness of rigging.

Good luck!
i think it was well i am forgetting but having another arborist help him and ekka advicce is the best...ok not the best...handing the job off to someone with experince in this is the best

but new guy is detrmined i think we all have gotten are selves into things over are head from time to time...not sure about this deep

but being smart is your best bet

good luck...i want to see pictures and soon
I never stop being amazed at the folks that come on this site asking for advice from the pros, get the good advice that is needed, and then proceed to go off on their original plan anyway dismissing the advice as 'all wrong'. Another wasted thread. :sucks:
ok for one i told him it did pose a risk.
So what? Getting out of bed poses a risk. Staying in bed poses a higher risk! Sounds like you succeeded in scaring your friend into giving you work based on seeing a cavity. If the risk was so bad, how do you know it was safe to climb?

Risk is a fact of life--it’s only a matter of degree. It is important to remember that there is no zero-risk scenario. An experienced arborist can inspect a tree, assess in relative terms the risk of failure and the risk of harm, and describe reasonable actions that can lower those risks.

It soon becomes clear that the kind of professional assessment that minimizes liability for all concerned takes a lot of valuable time. You should be paid for this time, and if you are not, think carefully before offering an opinion. Getting paid for assessment affords the time needed to put together and write down a report that a tree owner can use. It also removes the appearance of bias, since assessors will not be compelled to sell maintenance or removal to justify their assessment time. Risk assessment is a distinct service, best done independently, and separate from the sale of tree care services.
Newguy,You seem to ignore advice from those of us who do this for a living and who after countless takedowns still continue to learn,because every tree is different and climbing poses its own risks,esp when compiled with the dangers of a removal of a hazardous tree
i can do the work i just havent done any thing that big before and was wanting some advice and was wondering if my plan was safe or not i think it is

If you have to ask that question then perhaps it's not?
advice for all the new guys

thanks canyon for recognizing my post was designed to pursued, probably not Mr Bill How, but perhaps the next guy who reads this....

Posts here have rightfully talked tree about risk assessment. Newguy people who do any dangerous work need a sensible personal risk management. this link talks a bit about developing risk management for folks who push [typically children {no offense intended] the envelope of personal risk. Notice the article about the Canadian air force air demonstration pilot who died recently in Montana plying his trade; I knew that person and he was very much the professional who did things right...

Newguy18 sounds like you only want advice you want to hear. going it yourself against conventional wisdom can be positive under the right circumstances; we would all still be hucking rocks at ostriches if no one ever challenged the establishment. However seems like you are about to huck a rock at a saber tooth tiger....
Newguy18 sounds like you only want advice you want to hear. going it yourself against conventional wisdom can be positive under the right circumstances; we would all still be hucking rocks at ostriches if no one ever challenged the establishment. However seems like you are about to huck a rock at a saber tooth tiger....

And if your unexperienced you can get in trouble fast, we have all have had trees that try to bite back
does this help?

And if your unexperienced you can get in trouble fast, we have all have had trees that try to bite back

i forgot to mention that i took probably 900 lbs of limbs out of it one midsized limb that was about 9 inch at trunk 25 ft long and on large one that i headed back about half way to 2 ascending limbs that go straight up. a twenty inch barely cleared the limb when i cut it.:newbie: :chainsawguy: :bang:
hi my names bill howe and i do not do trees ..............because it is rotton but alive i will be taking pieces about fire wood length so i dont split it out and cause an accident.

i forgot to mention that i took probably 900 lbs of limbs out of it one midsized limb that was about 9 inch at trunk 25 ft long and on large one that i headed back about half way to 2 ascending limbs that go straight up. a twenty inch barely cleared the limb when i cut it.

careful cutting big if it that hollow/rotten oak :eek: pops apart when your tied in to it,don't have that moment of clarity just a little too late
dont worry

careful cutting big if it that hollow/rotten oak :eek: pops apart when your tied in to it,don't have that moment of clarity just a little too late

i pieced them out in fire wood lengths the limb in power did not have rot but that large one i pieced out and headed back about 6 ic\nchs of the center was completly soft and rotton. i dont drop pieces larger than 24 inches long out of any tree for that matter.:chainsawguy: :bang: :newbie:
i pieced them out in fire wood lengths the limb in power did not have rot but that large one i pieced out and headed back about 6 ic\nchs of the center was completly soft and rotton. i dont drop pieces larger than 24 inches long out of any tree for that matter.:chainsawguy: :bang: :newbie:
Having done only a couple of trees I'd guess ya don't at that. Don't be getting defensive newguy, the guys here have a wealth of experience and knowlege, nothing to sneeze at, and your safety is the prime concern here. You admit a lack of knowlege and people are trying to help, thats all. It is smart that you are blocking down in small chunks imo. as that reduces the risk of shock loads as Ekka wisely pointed out, that was a good post there Ekka (and others too but his was packaged nicely ;) ). Since you appear determined to get this tree down then just go do it but do not foresake the advice that has been given. For that matter you haven't told us what you are using as tools/equipment for this undertaking either, and for Dogs sake get some pics of the job to stop our second-guessing things.
Nothing left ta say from this end :rockn: :rockn:


New guy...i saw your profile said you were 18...then maybe i can get to you..i am 19...i am taking it your stuborn and want to get this thing down just because...i have been like that we all have been...but your young just like me...

we have are whole lives ahead of us...a while back i put a post about a 80 ft pine...the guys quickly wised me that tree was out of my league..

dont fight with them, understand everyone is here to help others have sad...YOUR SAFETY..

your hole life is ahead of...dont let one Oak tree...end that for you...

But as i am sure this wont make a difference in your decison to doing the tree...i would like and i am sure everyone else before and after pictures...maybe a viedo or two...too

best of luck
my set up

Having done only a couple of trees I'd guess ya don't at that. Don't be getting defensive newguy, the guys here have a wealth of experience and knowlege, nothing to sneeze at, and your safety is the prime concern here. You admit a lack of knowlege and people are trying to help, thats all. It is smart that you are blocking down in small chunks imo. as that reduces the risk of shock loads as Ekka wisely pointed out, that was a good post there Ekka (and others too but his was packaged nicely ;) ). Since you appear determined to get this tree down then just go do it but do not foresake the advice that has been given. For that matter you haven't told us what you are using as tools/equipment for this undertaking either, and for Dogs sake get some pics of the job to stop our second-guessing things.
Nothing left ta say from this end :rockn: :rockn:


i will be useing a husky 51 with a 16 inch bar for the most part but will put the 20 incher on it for some of the limbs.ihave a few handsaws 100 ft climb line my saftey and of course spikes and my el cheapo saddle.i cant put pics on computer is to small.i will tell how it goes when i do it.i have read all advice given and with the advice of another pro who has done it for some time who is not an as member i have elected to do it my self.i also offered other alternatives for the tree trimming to weight it away from lines and fences and cabling but ray said he dont want the tree just take it down. i respect all advice given but i believe i will do fine.all the best and god bless. bill howe.p.s my personal saftey dont matter to me i aint suicidal or any thing i just dont care or worry for that matter.god protects me.:hmm3grin2orange:
i will be useing a husky 51 with a 16 inch bar for the most part but will put the 20 incher on it for some of the limbs.ihave a few handsaws 100 ft climb line my saftey and of course spikes and my el cheapo saddle.i cant put pics on computer is to small.i will tell how it goes when i do it.i have read all advice given and with the advice of another pro who has done it for some time who is not an as member i have elected to do it my self.i also offered other alternatives for the tree trimming to weight it away from lines and fences and cabling but ray said he dont want the tree just take it down. i respect all advice given but i believe i will do fine.all the best and god bless. bill howe.p.s my personal saftey dont matter to me i aint suicidal or any thing i just dont care or worry for that matter.god protects me.:hmm3grin2orange:

Ok if you are going to do it remember that you are breaking law and could be fined for getting closer than ten foot to a powerline. It is illegal for a tree trimmer to get closer than ten foot unless he is a line clearance professional you are breaking law and can be fined. Just want you to know.
Best part is if you call them they will clear lines for you usually no charge so let the pros handle it I have seen electrocution not pretty.
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my personal saftey dont matter to me i aint suicidal or any thing i just dont care or worry for that matter.god protects me.:hmm3grin2orange:

Ok-that may be the stupidest thing you've said on this thread. According to your logic, we should be able to walk off a bridge with no ill effect simply because "God will protect us?" COME ON!!!

I am a believer in God myself and am not making fun of your religious beliefs. But if you believe "God will protect us", then maybe you need to read some of the posts on the injury/fatality thread. Why wasn't God protecting them? God gave us a brain-use it!!!
I dont no how many of us are religous out there..but i am some what i go to church on sunday and believe in god...

but i think their is a reason god gave us a brain...i always thought it was for us to use...i mean common have soe faith, but dude seriously now...

Your are like that joke the little kid told his dad in the pursuit of Happines...a man boat flipped or something two differnt ships came by stopped and asked him if he needed help...and the man replied no god will save me. The man later died, he drowned. When he got to Heaven, he spoke with god and was like hey why didnt you save me...god replied i tried to you idiot i sent you two rescue boats...

Newguy...if you truly do believe in god, then maybe he is trying to tell you something...their are tons of Professional who have dedicated their trees...

They are saying what are you you alternative ideas..

Another guy just posted about you breaking the law..being so close to the wires..

The oak is diseased...oaks can be hollow...

One of my best friends dad....was using a pole saw cutting down a oak branch around 9 inches in diamter guess what it was hollow and killed him...a innocent good man

All i am saying is be smart. god gave you a brain for a reason...use it
I dont no how many of us are religous out there..but i am some what i go to church on sunday and believe in god...

but i think their is a reason god gave us a brain...i always thought it was for us to use...i mean common have soe faith, but dude seriously now...

Your are like that joke the little kid told his dad in the pursuit of Happines...a man boat flipped or something two differnt ships came by stopped and asked him if he needed help...and the man replied no god will save me. The man later died, he drowned. When he got to Heaven, he spoke with god and was like hey why didnt you save me...god replied i tried to you idiot i sent you two rescue boats...

Newguy...if you truly do believe in god, then maybe he is trying to tell you something...their are tons of Professional who have dedicated their trees...

They are saying what are you you alternative ideas..

Another guy just posted about you breaking the law..being so close to the wires..

The oak is diseased...oaks can be hollow...

One of my best friends dad....was using a pole saw cutting down a oak branch around 9 inches in diamter guess what it was hollow and killed him...a innocent good man

All i am saying is be smart. god gave you a brain for a reason...use it
+1 the spirit of this thread, anyone an electrician here? :biggrinbounce2: see...i gots this 100,000volt main trunkline that i want to splice a few leads i can run 500 feet of copper housewire out to the field, see? my plan is to drive rebar into the wet ground and wrap the copper around the rebar see? i want to keep them pesky deer outta my weed garden...they are cutting into my profits see......

so is this the best route to go? i read a book once and learned sum basic electricity by reading a few catalogs, and plan to do this anyways tommorow. but i still want to hear your opinion eh, cuz i'm stuboorn and like to argue....

:sucks: :sucks: :sucks: :sucks: :sucks: :sucks: :sucks:

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