some advice from our fellow americans

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ehp said:
Hi, when you get sometime on your 361 do yourself a big favour, open up your muffler hole some cause that small hole is really hurting that saw, you will not believe how much more power it will have , it takes a saw that has no torque and makes a saw that has torque, this is if you are allowed to do that over there
ehp said:
Thanks for your note. A few questions :

- if you modify your saw like that, what happens with the noise level ? I suspect it goes up a lot, ...

- my saw still has a full year guarantee. If you tune it up like that, I guess guarantee does no longer apply, does it ?


If you want to boost your saw, put a tsunami in your tank!
Belgian, I am glad you like the 136 but it pales compared to the rest of the line. It and the 141 are rebadged Poulans made in the U.S. The rest of the Husky's are built in Sweden and these are winners. Good luck with your Stihl, have not tried it yet but am hearing lots of praise.
Canada HAD a reputable military but what with weak kneed politicians and and a brutally inefficient federal bureaucracy, oh dang better go to work and contribute to the tax base before I get really wound up
hello belgian,

you say that you got too many democrats over there huh? well, how about we trade a few of our "passionate conservative peacefull democratic wielding fellow republicans" for a few of your democrats? only need a few though, as that last election was very close.....again.
my sympathies canguy.. bout all you can do is ignore it at this stage i guess.
the wusses are trying to get their way dn here also.they wont be satisfied until there perfect regulated world ,is given a just never gonna regulate a perfect world..
always gonna have to be an force to stop the predator..jmo
octane, currency fraud, and free trade

re octane
The ROZ (phoenetically misspelled as "Regulärishe Octane Zahn") in Europe is RON in the US, which stands for "Research Octane Number." ROZ is apparently how gas is sold in Europe. In the US Market, "Octane" is colloquial for an average, "(R+M)/2," where "R" is Research Octane Number (=ROZ the European "octane" number) and "M" is Motor Octane Number. Thus, the average of the Euorpean number plus another number is what is commonly referred to in the US as the "Octane number." (The real term for (R+M)/2, per American Society of Testing Materials is "Antiknock Index" or AKI-octane). In a typical gasoline, the difference between R and M is called the "Sensitivity." It typically comes to 10 (R-M=10). So, in the US, when we say "87 AKI-octane," that gasoline will usually have a European "ROZ-octane" of 92, being MON of 82 and an RON of 92.

re the "high" european prices
set aside all the small think chatter with which we have been brainwashed ... the exchange rates are not based on lawful emission of national currencies or on honest market principles. for example, the US borrows its currency from the members, all private operations fronting for an "international" e.g. a foreign, power, called "The Open Market Committee," which like all things Royal British, which must be differentiated from all things human British, is neither open, nor market. Basically, we print our own currency, sell it to Soloman, Kuhn Loeb, Brown Brothers, etc, for 1.4¢ per sheet ($1 or $100 machts nicht) and they then lend it back to "our" banks, who then escalate it as "reserves" for their loans.. (The five US presidents who have been assassinated tried, before their assassinations, to assert that the US is a sovereign country, and therefore does not need to borrow its currency, or the power to emit constitutionally lawful currency, from a foreign power - a foreign power which incidentally, thanks to spy Jonathan Pollard, recently took delivery of four nuclear armed submarines which were specifically designed to defeat the defenses of one nation, e.g. to attack on nation, -- and that would be ... the US. I'm counting Hamilton as the first president, since Hamilton, along with Franklin, was the real brains behind the first assertion of national sovereignty in the history of mankind -- the American Revolution -- the Netherlands revolution came close but they did not have Franklin and Hamilton to assert the need for national sovereignty over currency.) I assume that if you trace your "Belgian" currency from the printer to your pocket, you will find that Belgium also borrows its currency from a rehash of the "Open Market Kommittee" of a privately owned bank, called the Federal Reserve System. As a further example, the international exchange rates which banks must use, are not determined by market forces. They are fingered, so to speak, assigned, behind closed doors, based on gold arbitrage, in meeting of a few London Bankers, who effectively control all the gold of the world, and therefore the currencies of the world, and therefore the power to emit credit for the needs of future populations..

Free trade, is a symptom of globalized bank fraud, which can be traced back to babylon. It is a sympton of the loss of sovereignty in the organization of the power to emit credit, and it will be the enslavement of all of us. (There's a reason that we have shut down our steel mills and power plants in the US, while we open up gambling parlors and Hollywood sweat shops.) Simply stated, the economic principle behind free trade is: Homer Simpson really does know how to run a nuclear power plant, and his brother knows how to design and build one, as well as a steel mill. Therefore, the US shoudl adopt a policy of "let the rich get richer," while we bankrupt the family farmer and descend into a Wall Street (aka Russian Kommunist) farming system, based on serfdom. "Homer, fix me my power plant ... or I'll put ten more lashs to your back."

The reason that nations have lost their sovereignty is that men, world wide, even men swinging chainsaws bigger than their daddy's chainsaws, men worldwide, have become cowards. prettyboys. liars. these theives and weaklings have become our political leaders and our millionaires. that is why our women and children have become so frightened. if you don't sense that, then you need to look into their eyes just to see it. rest assured, girls, that will change at some point in time.

As Christ said in his sermon on the mount, Give your usury to me! (and NOT to the international gangsters who will assassinate me, in their effort to put entire nations of women and children into slavery and prostitution ... take for example, what the London-Hollywood-Bankers have done to Ukranian population over the last ten years. The day will come when we will all pay a heavy price, for the what we men have allowed our Hollywood-American bankers and their appointed Lords of Pourn have done to the youngsters of that population.

Ok ... that'll get this board a rockin
Molecule said:
re octane

Ok ... that'll get this board a rockin
Dang, octane to free trade to sovereignty to Communism to Homer Simpson to Christ to pourn to cynical doom. (Economist, Historian, Political Scientist, Theologian, Sociologist, Prophet) Where's the cuckoo smiley? :dizzy:
Molecule said:
that is why our women and children have become so frightened. if you don't sense that, then you need to look into their eyes just to see it. rest assured, girls, that will change at some point in time.

Perhaps they're afraid because of the man in front of them? I haven't seen any frightened women or children. :)

Has anyone noticed that every age seems to contain a segment of society that perceives a better past and a better future, but a deplorable present? Contemporaries are villainized, ancestors are idealized, Gods are worshiped, attempts to edify any who'll listen are made, and doom is prophesied? This is one of my views on man anyway. I apologize for straying from the subject. I'll be quiet now. :)
Mole, Who's account of the sermon on the mount were you quoting? Is the Federal Reserve system scandalous? Yes. Does your rant seem reasonable?-Sorry but NO :( .
spacemule said:
Dang, octane to free trade to sovereignty to Communism to Homer Simpson to Christ to pourn to cynical doom. (Economist, Historian, Political Scientist, Theologian, Sociologist, Prophet) Where's the cuckoo smiley? :dizzy:

Wow, this is getting out of my league here, guys. Too complicated for me. Guess molecule is either CIA or FBI.
Got me !!

Stumper -- you are right -- the idea of Christ demanding his usury comes long after the sermon on the mount -- it's from the parable of the talents (Matt 25).

I had always wondered, what was He talking about -- what does Christ want with usury? Usury is bad, right, always, right? But then I read some of Hamilton's Reports, on Manufactures and on Banking, and Credit and currency (I dug them out of the Library of Congress, and typed them up myself, and can email them to you if you are interested-- Haminton's orignial texts must banned from the internet, because you will not find a complete text), and it finally came to me. Holy Yipes! Christ was talking about national sovereignty -- that is, if a sovereign Christian nation is going to charge interest on the emittance and circulation of its own currency, then any interest owed on it, should accrue to the Christian nation that emitted it, and not to a foreign power. (Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and if Caesar stiffs you with fraudulent currencies and fraudulent debts, and shuts down your steel mills and power plants, and bankrupts your family farmers, and everybody else who is honest, then, return to Caesar exactly that which he gave you ... which is exactly what Hamilton did in defending the Continental Dollar, which had come under attack by the same Babylonian-mongoloids, e.g. gangsters. Hamilton financed the revolution with paper currency, and we won. So, as long as there are sufficient reserves, the crucial point is not whether circulated currency is paper or metal itself. The issue is, who controls it.) It's interesting that in Hebrew, word "usury" is pronounced "Na-Sheck." "Sheck" is Hebrew for "silver." "Sheck-el" is, "little silver." "Na-Sheck," is "not-silver." Thus, if I lend you "not-silver" and demand "real silver" as interest (a kind of interest payment which can be enforced only by an organized criminal syndicate like the Federal Reserve), that would be one form of usury. BTW, at the instigation of the Nixon administration, "our" supreme court ruled that, since international law has it that national debts can only be "settled" in real gold, that the US treasury has had to pay interest on the national debt, a fraud which it "owes" for borrowing its own paper currency from these totally corrupt and rabid gangsters, in real gold. Fictitious debts and fraudulent debts, paid off in real gold. Moreover, the value of gold, for payment of interest on the fraudulent national debt, is NOT valued at the "free-market" value! It is applied at the statutory value, which is $20 a nominal ounce for a $20 gold piece, and at $50 an ounce for modern "bullion gold." For each $1,000 FRN frauds we borrow from these hoods, we have to pay 100 dollars weight (2 ounces) of bullion gold, for which on the open market you would pay roughly $900 in FRNs. Thus, when calculated in gold, we pay roughly 90% interest on the fraud of borrowing $1,000 of our own currency back from ourselves. e.g. the national debt. Calculate the gold owed on 1 Trillion $ of Federal Reserve Debt Fraud ...

Franklin said it real simple ... if the US Congress can emit national debt (against the full faith and credit of the people of the United States), which a foreign power will convert into "our" own currency, then why doesn't the Congress just emit the currency itself (against the same full faith and credit ... ) If farmer Brown's family grows 110 bushes of wheat this year, where last year it grew 100, by increasing its technology etc, then congress should just emit "United States Notes" proportional to the increase in population and productivity (which Hamilton called the power of artisan labor), rather than borrowing "Foreign Power Promissory Notes" from the members of the Federal Reserve's Open Market Committee, of which Brown Brothers Harriman is a partner. (W-43 is a full partner of the firm BBH, from which the US borrows much of its soaring national debt, by inheritance of a partnership share through his grandfather, Sheldon Bush, a founding partner.)

hey spacemule -- I just kinda felt like I had to "wrap it all up" From Homer Simpson to Jesus Christ ... Man, I get all raged out on this point much too easy ... so I gotta go cut myself some wood ... anybody know if KY works as barlube?
Molecule, a lot of that stuff sounds like it's got a kernel of truth in it, but I'd be reluctant to concur with you overall (I think you're mingling several things which are in fact diverse).

"usury" now means "excessive interest" but it used to mean "any interest"

Do you happen to have any "United States Note"s?

In that discussion in Matthew 25:24ff, Christ was not saying he wanted anything with interest.&nbsp; (charging interest was even taboo according to the Law of Moses except when making loans to the "uncircumcised")&nbsp; The gist of that was the guy mistakenly(?) ascribed the qualities of being harsh, reaping where not sown, etc. to the master, which if true, would include the master expecting the money with interest (usury) on his return.&nbsp; But the entrusted servant didn't even do <i>that</i> much with the money.&nbsp; Well, anyway, read it again.&nbsp; Jesus was not advocating putting money out at interest.

United States Notes --- red seal with an eagle

I think it was St Augustine who defined usury as lending someone a bottle of wine, but first drinking the wine so that all you lent was an empty bottle. Of course, after having lent this "bottle of wine," you then demanded that it be returned, as a bottle of wine, but in this case, not empty. I think the concept of usury goes way past concepts of mere interest, as we have now been brainwashed for the last 100 years or so, to "know" them. Early encyclopedias (pre 1900) and early law dictionaries and journals also have articles on usury, peonage, and etc.

In his Comedia, Dante defined usury as a she-wolf (it was more a kind of wounding of the human soul), whose main characteristic was that: the more you fed her, the hungrier she got, until she devoured all her subjects.

Usury might also be something like this. Say your wife makes you a pair of socks. She grows the sheep, she harvests the wool, spins the threads, and darns the socks. The socks were made by her, entirely by the creativity of her mind, and her willingness to do honest work. No currency is involved, just ... take My gift all that you can, for none shall be able to enumerate it, and be fruitful and multiply. So, your wife gives you a pair of socks.

You are walking along the street in your new socks, and some guy comes along and says, Hey you, Those your socks? You say, Yea, maybe, what's it to ya! Ok, say's the accoster, you owe me 10% on the market value. What the h***!! who do you think you are!! It's simple, says the accoster. You pay me 10%, and I'll permit you the use of that which you already own.

So it is also with national currencies. Currency is actually created as a byproduct of credit. It is actually sovereign credit which is emitted. The currency just follows the credit. Contrary to what many think, it's not the other way round. (When you buy a pair of socks with a credit card, the "currency" which you "borrow" when your credit is approved, is *created, on the spot, when you swipe the card thru the "computer." Prior to your use of the card, that currency never existed anywhere! You created it. And, many pay 20%, for the privilege of using that which they themselves created. The political question we have been taught never to ask is, How is credit to be used? If credit is emitted toward a productive end, it will transform this unbounded gift, from God, which we call the "universe," into a blessing for mankind, for the body of Christ. If credit is emitted toward unproductive ends (toward reckless and senseless greed, toward 'I got mine Jack, screw you buddy' fantasies, toward Hollywood/Baseball millionaire frauds, Wall St. LBO-debt frauds, etc, etc,) mankind puts itself under the thumb of Satan. Governments are instituted amongst men ... to organize the future. BTW, Hamilton did not argue for "big government." He argued for minimum government, that minimum being necessary to maintain sovereignty, which then lets a private economy organize progress. His National Bank, was a privately owned bank. But, the owner's were not allowed to be foreigners, bend on destruction of our Constitution by debt fraud and currency fraud.

As to "our" right of ownership of "that which we already own," the currency of our nation (much as you might own a pair of socks emitted by your wife), Hamilton organized the Continental Dollar (the "shot heard 'round the world," was not that of a bullet speeding across a bridge in Arlington Mass. The "shot" heard round the world was when Hamilton and Franklin made the proclamation, along with a few other patriots ... ok then, if the "mother" country won't agree to finance construction of the steel mills and factories we need (and esp. electricity, as Franklin had electrically illuminated his home in Philly in 1760 ... repeat ... Franklin installed electrical illumination in his house in Philly ... in 1760 ... and when he took his discoveries to England, to get financing to change with world with this new power (he accumulated electricity in leyden jars ... and paid nothing to an electrical utility co, by taking it from atmospheric electiricty, which has about 200 volts per meter in it, or for a 100 ft tree, about 6,000 volts -- ever wondered how a tree gets to be 100 ft tall -- think 6000 volts might have any effect on plant growth and movement of minerals??) the royals, said no way Frankie babie, americans are "efficient" at incubating slaves and growing cotton do you are permitted to do that - but no manufactures.) So, Hamilton and Franklin announced, screw those idiots. We going to open our own bank and emit our own currency, and build our own factories, and change with world with this new science called electricity. (The First National Bank ... funny how we are 'taught history" but we are never taught the history of banking, currency and opium.) That proclamation, was the shot heard round the world. Charles III responded, What! open their own bank, who do those grovelling little colonials, those little creatures think they are, open their own bank, Ha! I'll show them ... this means ... war!) Lincoln did the Greenback dollar, and won the Civil War with it. Garfield and McKinley threatened to go back to a sovereign currency, and they were also assassinated. So then Kennedy comes along, and emits "United States Notes." They have a red seal on them, instead of the Fed's Green seal, and they say at the top "United States Note," rather than "Federal Reserve Note." They were emitted into circulation by the US Treasury emit, interest free (in accord with our constitution) in the same fashion that congress emits unlawful debt, which is converted into unlawful currency by a foreign power. (Woodrow Wilson, who gave us the Federal Reserve was a notorious KKK homosexual from a plantation family in Georgia.) With the US Notes, Kennedy was able to finance his dream, a space program. (Much as Franklin wanted to finance his space program, then electrictiy.) Then, Kennedy was assassinated.

Any pawn shop or coin store will likely have them. Some people might say, that it's the blood of a slain president on those bills.
I've still got a couple of U.S. Notes, a $2 and a $10.&nbsp; Up until several years ago (a few years even before the recent facelift) one would still get older Fed notes amongst the newer ones, mostly $50 and $100, which carried the full terminology legally <i>required</i> of a note:<ul><li>who it's from<li>how much it's for<li>who it's to<li>when it's payable</ul>The same four requirements for a check you write.

The statement "will pay to the bearer on demand" near the bottom of the note (just above its written value) was replaced with a fancy scroll and "In God We Trust" was put on the back&nbsp; The last two elements above, which made them a legal document, are now missing.&nbsp; Where they say, in the upper left, "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private", used to say "redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury, or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank" until gold was pulled in the early '30s, and "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury, or at any Federal Reserve Bank" until silver was pulled in the mid '60s (when the scrollwork mentioned above was also introduced).&nbsp; They <i>had</i> all four minimum requirements to be a legal <i>note</i>.&nbsp; Now they are no notes whatsoever.

If you were to take one of the old <b>notes</b> to the aforementioned Treasury or Fed. banks and demand the "lawful money" at any time after about '64, they'd happily take it from you and give you crisp new bills.&nbsp; The only thing they're good for now are as evidence.

You're really clouding the issue when you bring up ancient (and/or religious) reference.&nbsp; It's not necessary.&nbsp; Everything that needs to be known can be found within the 20th century.&nbsp; But you should maintain the healthy attitude; that and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee.&nbsp; People just don't care.

We have no "lawful money" anymore; merely fiat currency which can be valued/devalued at will without messing with the world's precious metal markets.
