Thought I ought to put this up as guys are planning what GTG's they are going to this fall. We've got so much going on here right now that we are going to take a year off. All good stuff, but a little too much stuff. Instead of the usual "I can't wait til the GTG", it's been more of a "Geez, we gotta do that saw thing again already". Even the guy who takes all the cookies sold his OWB, and we don't have a destination for all those things! Therefore I thought I should pass this on so that guys planning to come here may want to consider going to Lee's or the Norwich, CT event.
But it's also gotten a little stale the last 2 years and I want to change the direction a little bit and expand the participation. To me the high $ ported saws are a little over represented anymore. Yeah their fun and all, but if that's all that's there, it's boring. We end up with too many of the same handful of Husky and Stihl models, built by the same handful of builders. A half dozen 372's built by the same guy is interesting? If it wasn't for Lee, JP, the guys from the Cutting Edge and a couple others, we'd have very little variety here.
One result of all this is that I think a lot of guys with stock or DIY builds think that they don't have a saw that's cool or interesting enough, and that it's not about them. WRONG. You are the guys we want to see more of. Part of the reason we do GTG's is to exchange and share information. That's how we all learn and pick up ideas for our next project. And let's be honest, a guy who built his own saw adds more to the conversation than a guy who wrote a check. So, whether you build a stock saw or you did some mods at home, that work ought to be appreciated just as much as a saw built by a pro with expensive machine tools.
Same goes for guys with stock and older saws. It's about you too. A 70E or 038 Mag that's run it's bar through hundreds of cords of wood over the years has earned a different kind of respect than the latest and greatest bling saw. Your first saw, a saw you inherited from your Dad, the one saw that did all your work before CAD set in.

, the less common models and brands, the Macs and Homies that can still get it done. Those saws all tell a little different story that should be part of what we are doing here.
So, We're gonna take a year off, and get back on the program next year. Gonna miss those donuts though.