My dad had one, it was pretty much a great decoration after the first time we used it, we had more luck with a $10 yard sale maul than the triangle on a stick, sturdy handle tho
They work, they just have to be sharpened like a real axe. I used one before when they first came out, I didn't like it because it was too heavy, but they split wood well if you can get the horsepower behind them and address the edge.
Family up the street I supply wood to, around Christmas I took a truck bed row of premium hickory heartwood. Their teenage boy was showing me his monster maul, said it sucked, wouldn't split was as flat as a hammer! I mean about 1/2 inch flat edge. I said, "duh, just saw you playing with your new knife, notice it is sharp? All cutting tools need to be sharp. Take this thing to your grinder.."
With that said, for cheap bucks, the best deal out there I agree with a TSC Truper like I have, full rubber handle protector goes right though the head of the axe and extends well below the head. I have seriously abused that poor thing, still works fine. Again though, needs better than the factory edge. Cheap, works, for the purists it's a wooden handle, but the rubber guard protector is real effective how they designed it, you don't have to replace the handle all the time.
I just prefer the fiskars when I can switch to it in straightish wood. I'm built more for RPMs over torque HAHAHAHAHA