Top photo is of some round, Oregon 'wood grenade' type splitting wedges. One is iron, one is alloy. Got them at garage sales for fun, and I keep them for show-and-tell. Not very impressed with them.
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The lower photo shows my conventional, forged iron splitting wedges: 3, 4, and 5 pound sizes. I have a total of 6. Like anything else, it is nice to have a choice, depending on the task. I would pick the 4 pound size for
my general use if I was buying them new.
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The reason they look so pretty is because they have not been used in a while. The cost for these got ridiculous in recent years, so I picked up several at garage/estate sales for $2 - $3 each.
Like any striking tool, the tops need to be dressed when they start to mushroom over. The blue wedges had over 1/2" of material sticking out the sides when I bought them! It was easier to cut these edges off with an angle grinder than to grind them back with a bench grinder.
Afterwards, I cleaned up the tops and bevels with a bench grinder and a ScotchBrite wheel, them painted them so that they don't rust in my garage. They don't stay pretty long in use!