Spotted Al Gore

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educate yourselves

I run into people all the time that use Al Gores movie as gospel. You just have to educate yourself and others on the opposing view point.

This one place to start. It is pretty easy to get enough counter points to deal with these emotional nitwits. I say emotional, because this debate as left reason behind for emotion, and it only becomes harder to convince people that they maybe wrong.

There are a few more good websites, I will post them when I get to my office computer.

It's amazing to see the same morons that voted for george Wacko junkie bush
denying the problems here on this planet and going after the head of AL Gore. How has bush educated you ,AAH AAAH AAH DUH Yea I'm sure you have those support your troops stickers on your cars too... How have you supported them ?????????????????? By wanting to keep them in harms way!!!! Get them out and leave the poor people who live in Iraq and the rest of the poor world alone ... STOP the exploitation of poor people .... GLOBAL WARMING DOES EXIST !!!! MAN MADE OR NOT!!!! WE CONTRIBUTE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER >>> WE CAN HELP ! SO DO SO .... DON"T BE A SELFISH A55 IN DENILE.... I HOPE I OFFENDED A LOT OF YOU >>>> BUSH IS THE WORST PRESIDENT OUR COUNTRY HAS SEEN !!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT UP TO HIM AND WE ALL WOULD BE WORKING FOR A CORPORATION WITH NO BENEFITS!!!! GO CHINA GO:buttkick:

NO one is denying global warming we just are saying that it is a natural process and has happend before.
If you think China is so great why don't you go live there? Have you seen how many chinese baby girls there are here that are adopted?
They literally kill the baby as it is being born if they find out it is not your first baby.
No one said Bush was the greatest president and I certainly can think of several past presidents that have damaged our country by leaps and bounds.
(Carter, Clinton):buttkick:
As for the troops, we support them by sending them packages, moral support and prayers.
The people of Iraq may not all want us there, but the media is playing up on the terrorist side.
Think about it, if the Iraqis didn't want our troops there they could very easily get rid of them. There are millions of Iraqis compared to 150,000 troops. DOH!
Do you speak to anyone in the military that has been there? If you have you will find out all the good things that are going on. There are places that haven't had fresh water or electricity and schools for many years while Saddam was dictator.
They are one of the richest countries because of their oil and their poverty level and infant death rate was extremly high because of Saddam's leadership.:bang:
I always think it is pretty funny when someone like you rants and forgets that the reason you can is because you live here in the United States of America and past soldiers have helped give you that right.:rock:
Please; go to China:newbie: . Please. Maybe there you could learn how to :
1. Buck wood without dulling your saw ( get off your butt :buttkick: ).
2. Maybe rant (not in China, its not a democracy don't you know ? No.).
3. Buy a chainsaw (no, not without the Party's permission).
4. Get PPE ( permit mandated.)
5. "Free" wood you want ? Huh? China has no woodlands. Gone. Coal.
Drop the shout :bang: . Learn to use the brain first.
"DENILE" is a river in Egypt :rock: .

perfect A+, .....A lot of these newbies are simply tree hugging hippies, they don't care about this site one bit, except to get their message out
Please; go to China:newbie: . Please. Maybe there you could learn how to :
1. Buck wood without dulling your saw ( get off your butt :buttkick: ).
2. Maybe rant (not in China, its not a democracy don't you know ? No.).
3. Buy a chainsaw (no, not without the Party's permission).
4. Get PPE ( permit mandated.)
5. "Free" wood you want ? Huh? China has no woodlands. Gone. Coal.
Drop the shout :bang: . Learn to use the brain first.
"DENILE" is a river in Egypt :rock: .

you must be talking bout the same China ole Bubba was taking all that money from in trade for our technology secrets while getting a Lewinsky in the oval orrifice....opps office support our troops yes i do bought a couple of air conditioning units through a program last year how about yerself nada i am sure enjoy yer freedom pal but it isnt free and never has been planets been changing FOREVER and this hate George Bush crowed has to get with the facts on terrorism and these people wanting to KILL all of U.S. i could go on forever trying to educate you but i feel the need to cut down a tree GOD BLESS G.W.B.
Ya Talkin ta me ?

you must be talking bout the same China ole Bubba was taking all that money from in trade for our technology secrets while getting a Lewinsky in the oval orrifice....opps office support our troops yes i do bought a couple of air conditioning units through a program last year how about yerself nada i am sure enjoy yer freedom pal but it isnt free and never has been planets been changing FOREVER and this hate George Bush crowed has to get with the facts on terrorism and these people wanting to KILL all of U.S. i could go on forever trying to educate you but i feel the need to cut down a tree GOD BLESS G.W.B.

:laugh: I'd rep ya for that but....usual story. Tell you what...if we can't rep we'll still let the poster know but then we owe them a beer instead. Make sense?

Sounds good! I can't buy you a beer now, but will get you on payday.:laugh: