Spotted Al Gore

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Buckeye please explain your Hilary Clinton signature picture. If that's in reference to her saying that she would reverse the unfair taxcuts that Bush gave to those making more than $200,000 / year then I am all ears to hear how that is so wrong.

Highpower explained it better than I ever could. I fail to understand how the .gov confiscating less of our money can be unfair. The Bush tax cuts have strengthened our economy tremendously.

Remember that the majority of all new jobs created in this country are in the small-business sector. If we tax those entrepreneurs to death, where is the incentive for them to open new businesses and create new jobs?

Who Said It?

Karl Marx, Mao Zedong or Hillary Clinton?

"I am a fan of the social policies that you find in Europe."

"We just can't trust the people to make those types of choices.... Government has to make those choices for people."

"We're going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

"Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?!"

“You know, I'm going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I'm going to start thinking of her as a human being.”

"We are at a stage in history in which remolding society is one of the great challenges facing all of us in the West."

"The only way to make a difference is to acquire power."

"This is your fault, you motherf****** Jew!"

"We will have to take your money from you and give it to someone else for the good of the country."

"Uhhh, yeah, you heard of Ghandi? He used to run a gas-station down in St. Louis."

"... not ALL wars are bad - Just the ones being fought by Republican Presidents!"

"I want to take those profits and put them into an alternative energy fund."

"The challenge now is to practice politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible."

"In the Bible it says they asked Jesus how many times you should forgive, and he said 70 times 7. Well, I want you all to know that I'm keeping a chart."

"Don't confuse having a career with having a life."

"Too many people have made too much money."

"It's time to put the common good, the national interest, ahead of individuals."

"I just don't have any memory of that."

"And I know there is a collective sigh of relief when people like me leave."

"I'm a big believer in tipping. We should support working people."

"The stories come and go, and I stay the same."

"Sometimes I read about myself and I say, 'Oooh, I don't like her at all.'"

"No, I did not remember that profit."

"I do not remember any of those details."

"The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend to be something they're not."

"If I didn't kick Bill Clinton's ass every day, he wouldn't be worth anything."

"I am particularly horrified by the use of propaganda and the manipulation of the truth and the revision of history"

"There are literally millions of people who have never read a printed book. You cannot believe how many people I have met who have told me that MY book is the FIRST BOOK they have ever read."

"We just screwed all of these people."

"The clearest way to know whether you are with a poor person in America is not by the logo on the clothes, because we all wear pretty much the same anymore. It's by looking into their eyes and seeing whether they look into yours, and seeing what kind of teeth they have."

"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas."
aspx. If I am not mistaken the quote is from when the " Assualt Weapons" ban was about to sunset and Hillary and other fine American heroes such as Charles Schumer and Diane Feinstein were dead set on letting this happen. And I have to tell you, I certainly feel less safe since since September 2004 when that piece of legislation (or erosion of our constitutional rights, depending on how you want to look at it) was thrown off the books. By the way I am not a Bush fan either. I am a Libertarian and know that the two party political system is a faulty mode of self governance.

You are NOT a libertarian. The "Assault weapons ban" was a joke.
You ARE A liberal. You FEEL less safe. WHY?
You are NOT a libertarian. The "Assault weapons ban" was a joke.
You ARE A liberal. You FEEL less safe. WHY?

The joke is coming back in full force:
"H.R. 1022: To reauthorize the assault weapons ban, and for other purposes."

I think the reason you hear so much about the dreaded global warming is the dems needed a new cause after the weapons ban died. They needed a new fund raising scheme. The only people laws like this hurt are law abiding citizens. I shoot NRA Highpower rifle competition with an "assault rifle" a highly modified AR 15 that weighs 12 pounds. Believe me, the ban hurt me and new people trying to get into the sport but only because it drove the prices of the rifles and magazines out of sight for most working people. Except maybe drug dealers and crooks.
taxes and reality


That tax scenario isn't even close.

Here is one that is:

Rich guy does not pay $59/beer. He pays the same price as everyone else.
He has more income, so he buys more beer than his body can afford. Becomes an alcoholic.

Poor guy can't stick with beer. Gets into meth, robs the rich guy.
Neither can afford the legal fees.

Middle class guy like my self enjoys life, one glass wine with dinner about every other night. What mind and body can afford.
More than that, I enjoy knowing that we pay less taxes than almost all the industrialized nations of the world. Certainly less than the other major industrialized countries.

I do have nagging worries. That Republicans with math challenges keep forgetting that the record deficits are Reagan, Bush 1 and now Bush 2.

I worry about the way greedy ones are robbing from our kids for their extra beer tonight.

That tax scenario isn't even close.

Here is one that is:

Rich guy does not pay $59/beer. He pays the same price as everyone else.
He has more income, so he buys more beer than his body can afford. Becomes an alcoholic.

Poor guy can't stick with beer. Gets into meth, robs the rich guy.
Neither can afford the legal fees.

Middle class guy like my self enjoys life, one glass wine with dinner about every other night. What mind and body can afford.
More than that, I enjoy knowing that we pay less taxes than almost all the industrialized nations of the world. Certainly less than the other major industrialized countries.

I do have nagging worries. That Republicans with math challenges keep forgetting that the record deficits are Reagan, Bush 1 and now Bush 2.

I worry about the way greedy ones are robbing from our kids for their extra beer tonight.


I will concede to your tax scenario being the more true to life, but, there is always a but. Before Reagan took office Carter made a mess of the military and the country. Reagan fixed it, rebuilt our military and our country. People were proud to be Americans again. Bush 1 rode Reagan's wave, then along comes The Clintons, still riding the Reagan economic wave but absolutely decimated our military (a third of our service families were on food stamps), embarrassed the highest office in our country, sent our moral standards into the gutter and was impeached. Bush 2 has kept the economy going while at war, which is unheard of. Can you imagine if Al Gore was president at the time of 9-11 or John Kerry? It almost happened.
You are NOT a libertarian. The "Assault weapons ban" was a joke.

Well, I finally made a post that someone responded to, however apparently it is beyond my abilities to communicate sarcasm through the written word. I was being facetious when I said I felt safer. I am a 3 state concealed carry license holder, the owner of class 3 weapons and a Barrett 50 caliber rifle among many others. I am a Libertarian. I believe that you should be able to do anything you want to in this country as long as it doesn't negatively affect someone else. ( ie. operating a motor vehicle while under the influence) This includes the use of currently illegal drugs, which we spend BILLIONS of dollars each year trying to slow down. If you think the war in Iraq is money poorly spent compare it to the war on drugs. The Liberals that run this country, Republicans and Democrats alike, are enamored with the idea of protecting people from themselves. If this is allowed to continue it will all but remove Darwin's natural selection from relevency. We continually enact public policy that erodes the greatness of this country. Our children start school later than all but a few other industrialized countries, allowing us to fall further behind advancing countries like China and India. We also have policies in most school district to slow down the more advanced students so that the slower ones can catch up. And whoever said that we pay less taxes than other industrialized countries needs to look past Federal Income Tax and start to notice all of the other taxes that are added to every single thing you do in this country, from the 18.5 cents per gallon Federal Gas Tax and the State Gas Tax that ranges from 7.5 cpg to 28 cpg in the state that I reside in, Washington. Not to mention Property tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheretance Tax ( because it's not enough to tax the same money once ) Arms and Ammunition Tax, and many, many others that could go on forever. All this to say sorry for the previous poorly written post and the confusion that it caused.
Sarcasm is hard to express in this method, but I appreciate the sentiment.
When I said the assault rifle ban was a joke, I meant in its ability to curtail crime to any reasonable extent.
I myself have experienced the ridiculous hassles of wondering if any particular modification to a shotgun or AR would potentially inadvertantly make you a felon.
Everyone should actually READ the assault rifle ban to try and fully comprehend the stupidity of the authors.

As I read one time, the only thing the assault rifle ban accomplished was that it greatly reduced the number of drive by bayonetings. :hmm3grin2orange:
Algore (igor's cousin)

Seeing that this thread started with the activism of Algore- here is another juicy tidbit. It seems that our big-headed buddy has been buying green credits or some other such nonsense(kind of like Indulgences from the Catholic church in the dark ages). Guess who he has been buying them from? Himself, in the form of a different company!:jawdrop: :jawdrop:
Wake Up

This forum started out about Al Gore and ended up strictly politics.

It's sad to hear that so many of you choose to be blind by the fact that our world is diminishing because nobody cares. We all live for today and nobody worries about tomorrow. It's disturbing to think that our children and grandchildren will experience a different and challenging way of life if this continues.

I, too, cut trees for a living, and I know how important it is to make a livelihood, but we can all make a difference without wearing blinders. For example, look behind you and notice if there is a light or tv on that no one is using. Look in your garbage barrel and notice all the paper, cans, and bottles mixed in. Do you give an estimate when it's cold out and leave your truck running for a half hour because you thought you would only be a couples of minutes? We are all guilty of this. We have all done this without knowing the consequences. Now we are fully aware. Does it make it right that we continue?

From what I hear in this forum, Al Gore may not follow all that he preaches, but he has opened my eyes and hopefully many others before it's too late. Now, when I give an estimate and someone is undecided on pruning or removing a healthy tree that is encroaching on their house, (which is easier and often times more profitable on removing), I now encourage them to prune it back instead of removing it. This also ensures me future work to prune it again in a couple of years.

If we are all money-minded, then we are no better than they are. It's time everyone opens their eyes to what we are all doing to our planet. Watch the movie "An Inconvenient Truth". Many people have not watched it, but are the first to prance on it because they feel threatened. Wake up - we are all threatened because Global Warming is happening!!!!!!!!!! You may never notice a difference in your lifetime, but think beyond yourself .... think about the children.
A bit of advice - Don't believe everything you see in the movies, or read on the internet for that matter. Al Gore's rhetoric is profit driven. He needs you to buy into his scheme because his livelihood (money and power) depends on it.

Climate change is occurring, no doubt, just as it has for tens of thousands of years. It was happening before we arrived on this rock, and it will continue long after we are gone. Anyone who thinks that we are more than specks of dirt on this planet is sadly mistaken.
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A Bit of Advice to You

Educate yourself. According to your spelling, your education is lacking.

Every scientist will agree that Global Warming is greatly affected by human development and destruction. Al Gore did not pull these facts out of his hat. They are scientifically proven. I'm sure Al Gore is making money from his documentary. Hats off to him. If he's making a difference in the world by educating the blind, myself included, then he deserves that credit. It's people like you that will drag the rest of the world under the ocean, because of your ignorance.

EDUCATE YOURSELF AND WATCH THE VIDEO! YOU will not only benefit by it, but so will we.

P.S. Going out now for a $59 beer. Will check back in the a.m.

:cheers: If you want things to change, you need to stand up and vote. You lose your right to complain if you choose not to vote.
Algore (igor's cousin)

Hey Tiptop-Algore isn't getting his facts off of the top of his head, but perhaps someplace lower! Science is not a consensus- if you ask a hundred scientists a question about any topic they are likely to give you a hundred different answers, except for global warming! Could it be that they fear losing federal $ if they disagree with Herr Gore? I suggest you switch from $59 Beer to Koolaid.:deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse:
Educate yourself. According to your spelling, your education is lacking.

Every scientist will agree that Global Warming is greatly affected by human development and destruction. Al Gore did not pull these facts out of his hat. They are scientifically proven. I'm sure Al Gore is making money from his documentary. Hats off to him. If he's making a difference in the world by educating the blind, myself included, then he deserves that credit. It's people like you that will drag the rest of the world under the ocean, because of your ignorance.

EDUCATE YOURSELF AND WATCH THE VIDEO! YOU will not only benefit by it, but so will we.

P.S. Going out now for a $59 beer. Will check back in the a.m.

I started this thread to prove what a hypocritical ass Al Gore is. Being from Tennessee I have seen and heard the things the Gores have done, junior and senior. Before you criticize someone for missing a few keys and misspelling a word or two check out these links and read the scientific facts. Not the BS Al Gore is spoon feeding you.

Facts About Global Warming:

Fact #1: Most scientists do not believe human activities threaten to disrupt the Earth's climate.

Fact #2: The Most Reliable Temperature Data Show No Global Warming Trend.

Fact #3: Global computer models are too crude to predict future climate changes.

Fact #4: The IPCC did not prove that human activities are causing global warming.

Fact #5: A modest amount of global warming, should it occur, would be beneficial to the natural world and to human civilization.

Fact #6: Quickly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions would be costly and would not stop global warming.

Fact #7: The best strategy to pursue is one of "no regrets.

Sorry the links did not work. Try this:
Read 1 through 6

This should shut Al up but it won't. There is too much money involved:
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This forum started out about Al Gore and ended up strictly politics.

It's sad to hear that so many of you choose to be blind by the fact that our world is diminishing because nobody cares. We all live for today and nobody worries about tomorrow. It's disturbing to think that our children and grandchildren will experience a different and challenging way of life if this continues.

I, too, cut trees for a living, and I know how important it is to make a livelihood, but we can all make a difference without wearing blinders. For example, look behind you and notice if there is a light or tv on that no one is using. Look in your garbage barrel and notice all the paper, cans, and bottles mixed in. Do you give an estimate when it's cold out and leave your truck running for a half hour because you thought you would only be a couples of minutes? We are all guilty of this. We have all done this without knowing the consequences. Now we are fully aware. Does it make it right that we continue?

From what I hear in this forum, Al Gore may not follow all that he preaches, but he has opened my eyes and hopefully many others before it's too late. Now, when I give an estimate and someone is undecided on pruning or removing a healthy tree that is encroaching on their house, (which is easier and often times more profitable on removing), I now encourage them to prune it back instead of removing it. This also ensures me future work to prune it again in a couple of years.

If we are all money-minded, then we are no better than they are. It's time everyone opens their eyes to what we are all doing to our planet. Watch the movie "An Inconvenient Truth". Many people have not watched it, but are the first to prance on it because they feel threatened. Wake up - we are all threatened because Global Warming is happening!!!!!!!!!! You may never notice a difference in your lifetime, but think beyond yourself .... think about the children.

Just to let you know we all don't do what you claim.
We don't let the car run while we are in the house. We recycle everything we can.
I suppose you believe Micheal Moore's films also?
You can have an opinion and find a way to make it look like it is so true.
To bad you haven't read about the past ice ages we have already had. Do you think we have had global warming since then? Of course or we would be living on the ice.
Like it has been said before the volcanoes of the world have been putting more pollutants in the air than we ever could.
Of course we should conserve, but it is pretty funny for a former politician to go around in his private jet,and SUV and preach how we all need to watch what we do while he is burning up as much as he can and more.
He should fly commercial air, drive a hybrid or electric car, and make his houses environmentally friendly if he is going to preach the destruction of our earth.
It's funny how people like him can tell us what we should do while he does what he wants.
If you talk the talk walk the walk.:rock:
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I remember back in the 70's when they thought the earth was cooling and they were all worried about that.
We've been having global warming since the ice age. Before that it was cooling.
I think man has been taking alot more credit than he is capable of doing.
All it would take would be a couple of good volcanic eruptions and things would cool off real quick,but then I suppose they would blame them on the Farting Cows or something!
They can't do a good job of predicting next week let alone next year.
The weather goes in cycles and right now we are in a warming trend.
nuf sed :dizzy:
The Middle Way: Farting Cows and Al G

Before we get into a firefight, think about the issues in an intelligent, unemotional way. Discuss. Listen. Learn.:dizzy:

The"Inconvenient Truth" is neither. From a scientific, disciplined approach, the film and books have no science. The facts are not reproduceable, unsubstantiated by either sources, footnote, or any method used by normal science. Epistamology folks. Al refuses to discuss "his findings" in any forum with scientists pro or con. So, he goes to Preach to a choir of acolytes at the Oscars.

There is no doubt that something is going on with warming. It is the causal factor that is questionable. That is what many scientists of all disciplines question. It is on this point that it becomes political. The UN climate group mandates, yes demands, "consensus" on findings. That's science ? Take away my polluting 2-cycle chainsaw ?

Is the "documentary" just a Michael Moore /Joseph Goebbels propaganda pitch ? My take: yes.

Why aren't there open discussions by scientists about the causes and remediation for the increase in global temps ?

C'mon, get off these ad hominum attacks on veracity. So what if the spelling is wrong ? Get off your :deadhorse: and discuss. You may be taliking to a PhD :cheers: .

BTW: when my CEL (check engine light) went on, I found the computer codes for the reading, spoke with my ASE mechanic. Did you know that what comes out of your CAT is ----drum roll:clap: :clap: : CARBON DIOXIDE !! Recall why cats were mandated in the 70's---pollution, carcinogens, particulates, etc... Get rid of cats ?

Now: it is reasonable to ask Al why he has an "Inconvenient Pool" in his Tennessee home that uses more carbon ( coal energy) than most US homes use in a year. "Buying" carbon credits, AKA "cap and trade" is a simple shell game that does not lessen the global carbon output. Ask.

Our firewood is sustainable, renewable, carbon neutral. Can you imagine Msr. Gore heating with wood ? This is not rhetorical.

I am done, finished, out, dismissed.......
Played with Matches and Started a Fire

Before we get into a firefight, think about the issues in an intelligent, unemotional way. Discuss. Listen. Learn.

Very well put. Perhaps Al Gore is just an actor making a buck in his documentary, but the point is that Global Warming is happening. No, we cannot stop it. Yes, we do contribute to it. Can we slow down the inevitable? I don't believe we are helping the situation any by ignoring it. Some people were already conscious about recycling and energy use. Like so many others, I was not. It's easier to ignore it. I never said I would vote for Gore, especially on his documentary alone. Should he be exposed for his misuse of energy? Most definitely!!!!!!!! However, his documentary has made a change in my home and way of thinking. Don't condemn the man for pointing out that our world is changing quite rapidly.

My stance on Global Warming is strong as you can tell. My intentions were not to offend anyone but to educate. I don't take Gore's word alone. There are thousands of scientific studies done. Then, there are the non-believers who need to see it first hand to believe it. Just the same in religion, which I won't even dare get into.

"Think about the issues in an intelligent, unemotional way. Discuss. Listen. Learn." Certainly, you have to agree that all the smog, unnecessary landfill, and energy wasted cannot be doing us or the world any good.

Again, my apologies if I offended anyone.