Spotted Al Gore

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tiptop logic

That global warming is happening at a rate that should alarm everyone is incredibly obvious. To all but those in a political corner.

What we can do about it at this point is an unresolved question.

My contention is that we need to quit stealing from our children in so many ways.

Back to this thread.
Al Gore is hurting the global warming cause.
His selfishness is a liability.

Walk the talk or step aside.
oh really

spending our children's what .6 of a degree temp. wise in 15 years cmon the planets continents were at one time A:: connected together which was it global warming or global cooling responsible for that little change Al Bore is the spokesperson and leader for the cause might as well put the U.N in wait they had a scientific CONSENSUS that it could probably maybe be man made......Key word consensus Webster that one will ya......the only ones trying to politicize this is the people who thin America is the cause of all things bad. Hollywood and all the rest of the hypocrites think their cause is just.....just don't ask them to do their part,to busy with the limos and jets .......remember in the 1970s it was wolf all over again except we were gonna freeze to death yep i was there to read that B.S. then listen they cannot predict an earthquake tornado rainfall or which way a hurricane will yer telling me we ...... not God ..... not nature ...... WE have this power ???? Dam were good...please try and think for yourself America is the greatest don't ever forget her and please don't tread on her for she is stronger than any conspiracy :sword: God bless our troops
Just to let you know we all don't do what you claim.
We don't let the car run while we are in the house. We recycle everything we can.
I suppose you believe Micheal Moore's films also?
You can have an opinion and find a way to make it look like it is so true.
To bad you haven't read about the past ice ages we have already had. Do you think we have had global warming since then? Of course or we would be living on the ice.
Like it has been said before the volcanoes of the world have been putting more pollutants in the air than we ever could.
Of course we should conserve, but it is pretty funny for a former politician to go around in his private jet,and SUV and preach how we all need to watch what we do while he is burning up as much as he can and more.
He should fly commercial air, drive a hybrid or electric car, and make his houses environmentally friendly if he is going to preach the destruction of our earth.
It's funny how people like him can tell us what we should do while he does what he wants.
If you talk the talk walk the walk.:rock:

I suppose the 3 straight years of glacial reccesion on Mars is caused by humans. There are some wacky scientist who think that the increased solar activity from the sun may even contribute to global warming.

A great proto type home for Al Gore would be to be to copy George Bushes tiny comparitively 6000 sqaure foot home(verses 20000) built with solar panels water recovery system and throw away materials from other home builders.
Thought this was kinda interesting.

I did see Gore's film. I literally fell asleep half way through.
His voice is like aural valium.
But I backed it up and watched it all the way through.
I thought it humanized him somewhat, and made some interesting points.
I'm not sure what I think, but I guess I lead toward making some sensible changes in lifestyle, but I don't think we need to go all crazy.

Regardless, I will be planting a LOT of trees next year. Global warming or not.
I suppose the 3 straight years of glacial reccesion on Mars is caused by humans. There are some wacky scientist who think that the increased solar activity from the sun may even contribute to global warming.

A great proto type home for Al Gore would be to be to copy George Bushes tiny comparitively 6000 sqaure foot home(verses 20000) built with solar panels water recovery system and throw away materials from other home builders.

GW's home is smaller than that, its 4000 sq/ft.

And yes we humans on earth are causing the warm-up on mars too. The pollution from the rovers NASA has sent up there is drastically changing the landscape.
GW's home is smaller than that, its 4000 sq/ft.

And yes we humans on earth are causing the warm-up on mars too. The pollution from the rovers NASA has sent up there is drastically changing the landscape.

Who's up there to refuel those things? I wonder if they are cutting down all the trees too?:jawdrop:
Checking out

:sucks: I'm checking out of this argument-As my grandfather used to say: Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time, and annoys the pig:bang: :bang:
This should shut Al up but it won't. There is too much money involved:

Did you even read the article? If you finished the second page and still think it is the nail in Al's coffin you may have brain damage.

Personally I find Al Gore annoying and maybe he is a hypocrite, who gives a crap. The majority of scientist agree that man is influencing our climate. You think they are comming to this conclusion because they want to continue to get grant money? Exxon would pay you a hell of a lot more to see it their way.

Of course we all know the earth is only 6k years old and will end soon so who cares.
Personally I find Al Gore annoying and maybe he is a hypocrite, who gives a crap. The majority of scientist agree that man is influencing our climate. You think they are comming to this conclusion because they want to continue to get grant money? Exxon would pay you a hell of a lot more to see it their way.

Of course we all know the earth is only 6k years old and will end soon so who cares.

The was a time when a majority of scientists agreed that the Earth was flat.

My stance on Global Warming is strong as you can tell. My intentions were not to offend anyone but to educate. I don't take Gore's word alone. There are thousands of scientific studies done. Then, there are the non-believers who need to see it first hand to believe it. Just the same in religion, which I won't even dare get into.

"Think about the issues in an intelligent, unemotional way. Discuss. Listen. Learn." Certainly, you have to agree that all the smog, unnecessary landfill, and energy wasted cannot be doing us or the world any good..

Do we affect our planet in all of our actions...of course we do. Do I do my part....yes as best I can. As far as slowing down global warming, if we can stop the cows from farting we will gain more ground than any of us can gain. I can't help but go back to 30 years ago, when the expert scientist beleived in global cooling, and all of the evidence that they gathered pointed to just that. The world changes everyday. We can't stop that, no one can. If we stopped driving cars and heating our homes , the cows would still fart.

Can we all do our part to keep our country cleaner. Yes, and I think an auful lot of Americans do. We can only work on ourselves, and I think thats what Algore needs to do. Practice what he preaches.
Carbon Emission Offsets

This is for the people who think Gore is great for paying for cabon offsets, what ever they are. I think I will start a company for diet offsets, pay me and I will pay an Ethiopian to skip a meal for you to loose weight.

"Mr. Gore claims that it does not matter how much energy he burns because he buys Carbon Emission Offsets, a concept that used to be popular with the right and now has been taken up by Mr. Gore and friends. It means that wealthy consumers like Mr. Gore pay a fee to splurge, which is then invested in reducing carbon emissions in the developing world, allegedly a zero-sum game. Mr. Gore's money stays in the family, though. The company he deals with is called Generation Investment Management, LLP. Based in London and Washington, its chairman and founding partner is none other than Al Gore."
It's amazing to see the same morons that voted for george Wacko junkie bush
denying the problems here on this planet and going after the head of AL Gore. How has bush educated you ,AAH AAAH AAH DUH Yea I'm sure you have those support your troops stickers on your cars too... How have you supported them ?????????????????? By wanting to keep them in harms way!!!! Get them out and leave the poor people who live in Iraq and the rest of the poor world alone ... STOP the exploitation of poor people .... GLOBAL WARMING DOES EXIST !!!! MAN MADE OR NOT!!!! WE CONTRIBUTE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER >>> WE CAN HELP ! SO DO SO .... DON"T BE A SELFISH A55 IN DENILE.... I HOPE I OFFENDED A LOT OF YOU >>>> BUSH IS THE WORST PRESIDENT OUR COUNTRY HAS SEEN !!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT UP TO HIM AND WE ALL WOULD BE WORKING FOR A CORPORATION WITH NO BENEFITS!!!! GO CHINA GO:buttkick:
Rant: Stupid is As Stupid Does "DENILE"

It's amazing to see the same morons that voted for george Wacko junkie bush
denying the problems here on this planet and going after the head of AL Gore. How has bush educated you ,AAH AAAH AAH DUH Yea I'm sure you have those support your troops stickers on your cars too... How have you supported them ?????????????????? By wanting to keep them in harms way!!!! Get them out and leave the poor people who live in Iraq and the rest of the poor world alone ... STOP the exploitation of poor people .... GLOBAL WARMING DOES EXIST !!!! MAN MADE OR NOT!!!! WE CONTRIBUTE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER >>> WE CAN HELP ! SO DO SO .... DON"T BE A SELFISH A55 IN DENILE.... I HOPE I OFFENDED A LOT OF YOU >>>> BUSH IS THE WORST PRESIDENT OUR COUNTRY HAS SEEN !!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE IT UP TO HIM AND WE ALL WOULD BE WORKING FOR A CORPORATION WITH NO BENEFITS!!!! GO CHINA GO:buttkick:

Please; go to China:newbie: . Please. Maybe there you could learn how to :
1. Buck wood without dulling your saw ( get off your butt :buttkick: ).
2. Maybe rant (not in China, its not a democracy don't you know ? No.).
3. Buy a chainsaw (no, not without the Party's permission).
4. Get PPE ( permit mandated.)
5. "Free" wood you want ? Huh? China has no woodlands. Gone. Coal.
Drop the shout :bang: . Learn to use the brain first.
"DENILE" is a river in Egypt :rock: .
Yea I'm sure you have those support your troops stickers on your cars too... How have you supported them ?????????????????? By wanting to keep them in harms way!!!! Get them out and leave the poor people who live in Iraq and the rest of the poor world alone ...

Yeah leave the rest of the world alone. Until a crisis occurs, then everyone expects the US to stroke a blank check, right?