Yes, for some reason my groundies always want to jerk on the rope and everytime I tell them done jerk, keep constant pressure.
If i may be so bold;
The reason may be in the way your teaching/instructing your ground persons.
Whenever you see them do this;
a.)Turn your saw off and stop cutting.
b.)Help them bring the line up tight with your field come-a-long system.
c.)Sit down with your ground man and explain the importance again of not rocking the tree.Wait until you clearly feel he/she understands that his actions are unacceptable before continuing.Don't make this moment brief either.Even if not much else is said,allow at least 5 minutes of quiet time to pass.They will understand production halt was on them for doing something incorrectly,and this moment will remain with them.
d.)If you see this again,use judgement as to which you feel may be safer,but if at all possible,stop cutting and have them stop immediately.Sit them back down and use a much stronger,though still professional voice and manner.Be firm with your instructions,and let them know your not asking.
e.)Repeat this process as much as needed.What you will find helps you, is stopping all production and letting the importance of your instruction be the primary focus.Keep your cool,but make your point firm and the ground person will understand he has but one option,that's to follow instruction only.Production halts when he/she doesn't.
f.) If you have another ground person performing another work duty,ask them to stop and join your conversion.Your not trying to embarrass anyone,your objective is to give clear important instruction.Total production halt,gives strong power to the importance of your words at this time.
Give this a try whenever your giving instructions.I think you'll see a drastic and fast learning curve with your ground crew.
You'll be amazed behind the power of one whisper quiet 5 minute production halt, right in the middle of an important arboricultural procedure (when safe to do so.):msp_smile: