I have not had many encounters with suspicious individuals but back before Christmas of 2000 I was on my way out to the shop to pick up a couple saws to head over to the woodyard,had some long length over there I was chunking up for next years firewood. On my way out I heard chainsaws working up behind my brothers home and I knew it wasn`t him as I glanced down the main road, I seen a one ton stake side parked at a woods trail that looked out of place. I went back inside and asked Wolfie if he wanted to go for a walk, those words alone brought Wolfie bounding ,and he was a big brute of a dog. Quiet for the most part, seldom barked but when he did it was for a reason, so out the door we went and up the lane past my brothers house we had a Christmas tree lot, small one about 150 trees. Wolfie kept looking up at me looking for a sign or command but I had already told him to ,trail and he was the kind that listened intently, just as I thought there were two guys cutting trees on the lot,they had about 25 down and were going at it hard to make it 50 or more. We were right up on them when one guy spotted us and dropped his saw the other guy seen him and turned just in time to see Wolfie give him a big toothy grin, standing about 5 feet from each other. Wolfie was the type of dog that read peoples eyes and facial expressions well, would stay calm unless I told him otherwise. The guy facing Wolfie about pissed his pants and turned whiter than the snow on the ground. His buddy was stammering about not knowing this was private land or that these trees were on a cultivated lot,yada yada. I had not said a word up until then as I did not want the dog to misunderstand. Without me saying anything they both grabbed their saws and left as fast as they could muster, neither of them wanted to face down Wolfie who was intently looking to me for instruction. As they were leaving but still well within earshot I said loudly, I am going back home but the dog may not want to so watch your back until you get out to your vehicle. I quiclky made my way back down to the main road and waited til they had gotten out to the truck I had seen parked down the road, I took a pic of them as they drove past, they did not see me or the dog as we had stayed just inside the tree line but I got a good pic of them as they passed the open end of the driveway. There is times when a big dog can get across a warning better than words from a person. The pic below is of the breed and close to WOLFIE`s coloration but my dog would weigh much more than the one in this pic.
This thread popped back up and I enjoyed reading all of it. Been wrenching all sort of stuff since I could start a lawn mower
That dog looks like a big coyote we have locally here. Needs an orange collar so he don't get shot.

I don't shoot yotes/foxes/bobcats as they kill varmints here I'm more annoyed with.
Back to having a dog. I had a great big mutt named "Jackie", he was a cross of shepard with something ? He was a nice dog. I had a command "smile Jackie", at which he would bare his teeth, but not growl unless he knew there was a threat. Scared the feces out of strangers....
I miss that dog, was my best friend growing up.