All good
Stihl still sell them via that PN above so I ordered one!
Took the fuel tank apart and gave it a new line filter and gasket and impulse line. I also put new washers on both tank caps, checked the tank vent for function and for a clear fuel passage. That went well. New gasket was old OEM and thus used a little permatex number 3 on it.
That’s the good...
The bad...
I finally got the pull rope on the saw and tested spark today on the spark tester to get an idea of strength. It could hardly bridge the gap! Grrr
I confirmed the gap between magnet and flywheel which was fine, checked the points and capacitor, again both fine and wiring was solid.
Re did the primary and secondary test and secondary gave me some stupid high number. The coil was iffy, I’m done with it now, I’m looking for another.
I have found some aftermarket ones from a shop here in Australia. I hate to use AM parts, but coils can play silly buggers and I fear that I may get a used one and it be problematic. They don’t tend to either work perfectly or die, they can do all sorts and be all strengths depending on condition.
Any thoughts chaps?

Took the fuel tank apart and gave it a new line filter and gasket and impulse line. I also put new washers on both tank caps, checked the tank vent for function and for a clear fuel passage. That went well. New gasket was old OEM and thus used a little permatex number 3 on it.
That’s the good...
The bad...
I finally got the pull rope on the saw and tested spark today on the spark tester to get an idea of strength. It could hardly bridge the gap! Grrr
I confirmed the gap between magnet and flywheel which was fine, checked the points and capacitor, again both fine and wiring was solid.
Re did the primary and secondary test and secondary gave me some stupid high number. The coil was iffy, I’m done with it now, I’m looking for another.
I have found some aftermarket ones from a shop here in Australia. I hate to use AM parts, but coils can play silly buggers and I fear that I may get a used one and it be problematic. They don’t tend to either work perfectly or die, they can do all sorts and be all strengths depending on condition.
Any thoughts chaps?