Stihl case splitter

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Here's a link to a thread that i started a long time ago that has a lot of helpful info and pics,,,,,

Hi, what's the chance you have the above posted somewhere on the site, the above link is dead now :(
That looks like a very interesting thread from someone who has considerable old time experience! My local Stihl
repairmen are all younger guys, and do not have the old time seat of pants experience, for making tools and improvising!!

I am restoring a couple old stihls, an 041av and 045 av. I've owned since the early '80's, and had in dry storage since about 1990 when I got a new 028av. The 041 just needs a coil (found good used one). The 045 needs a pto side bearing, it runs (and looks) great, but bearing cage is breaking down into little brass pieces. I have a bearing ordered from WoodcuttersHQ, nice guys there. But have never split a case and will need to figure out best method on that one. I may find that a worthwhile practice, since many people just junk out an otherwise good saw, once they hear "pull crankshaft".

I would love to see the pics and info you mention above, if available elsewhere?