Erik B
ArboristSite Guru
Bar oil is cheap for me. It is on the top of the wish list for one of my sons to get me for Christmas. I don't go through that much oil in a year so a gallon jug is good for my needs. I guess it is a guy thing, son is happy but don't know if the DIL or better half appreciates it.
He has been getting the Husky oil for me.
The local Stihl dealer closed up shop a couple of years ago and now the local Hardware Hank hardware store is carrying the Stihl line. Hardware store is only 5 miles from home. Next closest one is double that.

The local Stihl dealer closed up shop a couple of years ago and now the local Hardware Hank hardware store is carrying the Stihl line. Hardware store is only 5 miles from home. Next closest one is double that.