Stihl "log" side cover tags - PUT YOUR NAME DOWN!

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Lifted from fernox site...

"Application and Dosage

The recommended ?in-use? concentration of the product is 4%. One 4 litre pack will treat an average 3 to 4 bedroom house. The product can be introduced via the feed and expansion tank or injected directly into the system via a radiator or filling loop. "

Haha NOWHERE on that site could i find anything about aerial bombardment from a ladder!! but i bet your way was quicker! :)

and a big credit to you for the cancerresearch donations! Theres bound to be quite a bit of interest for these badges.

Well as you know, it's quite a big courthouse... the sump pump in there gave up trying to pump it out, it was too thick. So we got the fire hose out, flooded the place (sloped floor like a shower), then used a trash pump that was around to pump it out. Then got the lackeys to brush the rest onto the balcony outside the boilerhouse (where else is the boiler engineer meant to go for a ciggy?), which was perforated steel, and it rained red water onto the fancy brick paving below... :D
Great stuff, the orders are building fast. Keep them coming, this could be the only chance you get (unless you want to lay out $180 for a single one of your own, hehe...)
Building fast... hopefully we should at least reach the magic 100. If people are mostly happy to add $2 for Cancer research, that makes a nice $200 donation, which I will match with another $200 if we do.
He originally said 12-20 days, I think, but I'll push him for a faster run - it's a recession you know, he should be glad to get any business he can! :D
Maybe this is a dumb question, but I bet at least one other person is wondering too. How are these tags applied to a saw?
We don't need no stinkin' badges...

Will they say "Made in U.K." on the back? :laugh:

Well, as long as there are no Lucas Electrics involved, put me down for 5 (Paypal).

I can see it now: Stilh lawn tractors, Stihl baby carriages, Stihl golf carts, Stihl vacuum cleaners, Stihl computers, Stihl......... :hmm3grin2orange:

I don't even have a saw of that vintage............

But I think those badges are cool, and I'm sure I could find something to affix them a bicycle, a rock climbing helmet, etc.

I would like 4. Thank you Patrick!
Will they say "Made in U.K." on the back? :laugh:

Well, as long as there are no Lucas Electrics involved, put me down for 5 (Paypal).



:agree2: LOL then ROFL...

How many times have I said that myself as an ex owner of an MG and two old Land Rovers. I sure know what you mean...:cheers::cheers::cheers:

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I bet at least one other person is wondering too. How are these tags applied to a saw?

The OEM ones are riveted on and a lot of aftermarket ones glue or are self adhesive but if I get the ones I have asked for they will be riveted like the originals.
I have already spoken to my Stihl dealer, when I wanted to buy a genuine badge - he rang Stihl and asked, then asked about making a run of them - their answer was basically "We couldn't give a feck, as long as he isn't pretending they are our products or selling something that we still sell"
And they are NOT Stihl products, they are reproductions, as I think is pretty clear...

Oh, and from the previous thread, as we have just passed the 25 mark - "Price for a run of 25 is £6.00 = $7.08 per badge, The price for a run of 50 comes out at £3.50 = $4.96 per badge - significant savings for the larger run!, and whatever small amount the shipping (a stamp and an envelope!) may be."
Add a dollar or two or ten or whatever you want for the charity, when we hit fifty we are rolling... 100 makes them even cheaper and saves more lives...

I think this is a good idea, and I'm not trying to be a wet blanket here. I would get it in writing.
:agree2: LOL then ROFL...

How many times have I said that myself as an ex owner of an MG and two old Land Rovers. I sure know what you mean...:cheers::cheers::cheers:


Two Lotus Europas (Loti?), Austin Healy Sprite, 1275 Mini Cooper "S"...rebuilt a Jag 3.8 for a friend, owned an early Saab 99 -- Swedish body and transaxle, British engine, Bosch electonics -- now THERE is a group! :cheers: