That would be me right now...Chicago in the winter is no fun to go out and play with a chainsaw. In Australia, Macho Cowboys ******s can saw away in the sun all year long. Not so here unless it's your is not mine, it is a HOBBY, a hobby I love and relish and do not use as a medium to convey my manhood to the local female birds and squirrels(we all know birds love the smell of manly sweat), I have other outlets for that and I have passed the age for that form of entertainment anyway. This..."get on with the big boys or get outta the way" is an attitude I am very familiar the States, we've got our share of cowboys. Some are for real, some are poseurs. I am no poseur my friend when it comes to doing hard work, I played rugby for 7 years in national league, Judo for the same amount of time, gotten in bar fights, kicked butts and taken numbers, I have pipulled stunts that would make you wet your pants...I am not so proud of some and I did get damaged in the process (although never did as dangerous stuff as what andyshine did with his MS261):hmm3grin2orange: but I've grown enough now to realize that this posturing is quite immature and can be offensive to people less gifted and less reckless than us macho men. Now I build chimney, furnitures and take care of forests, that's my hobby, not my proving ground. MCW stands for "macho cowboys wonderboy", ****** was mean, my apologies.
I love busting southern dundee chops, no NOT really, you always know when you start a fight but not always when or how it'll end....but did I hear that I should start buying my firewood? What the hell would I need a chainsaw for?...a nice display for my mantel? hmmm...lemme think.... :msp_sneaky: