Stihl MS 261 VS Husqvarna 346 XP VS Dolmar PS 5105

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If it sounds racist to say "aussie", it's wrong and I do apologize.
Racists are idiots.
I sure hope I am not one of them. I do not trhink I am.
Let's get this thread get back on civilized terms, shall we?
To the disomfort and deception of those who relish to see a good fight (and to whom I'll say...get on TV, check out Silva against St Pierre, well..eventually, that'll come), I'd like to share what I did before winter hit.
That's more constructive.

Your funny, lol!

The insinuations were there.

As for the name calling, you sound like you could be above it.

As for Matt's posting, i read it that he thought you were of caricature that could take it.

You don't sound like a bad fella, even if a little touchy! :msp_smile:
I started this thread with good spirits and good intentions...The will to hear feedbacks on a subject that is dear to me at this time. Plenty of people joined in the debate. It turned out to be mostly a partisanship fight between sthiler's and Husqvaner's, some professionals, some resellers, some amateurs and enthousiasts like myself. Great knowledge and fun attitudes along the way, I truly enjoyed it. About 100 posts ago someone said.."this is how threads go to hell" I did not see it then but I am afraid I see it now. This thread is turning sour. Andyshine made some great contributions and so did plenty of you but as of yesterday, it has taken a darker turn. Some like to stir the pot in ways that can only degenerate into some smack gutter talk. I got sucked into it and to those who value a good healthy debate, I apologize. To those who like to spread their nasty spirit, I will say...get out of this place and go back to these on line killing games so many people are addicted to. You do not belong here.
Spew your stuff all you want, i will choose to thoroughly ignore it. Call me chicken, I will no longer react like Mc Fly.
I will however honor my word when it comes to posting a video of the 346XP in action.
Sawtroll, I have no idea who you are, yeah you are anti Stihl, I think I might be too but it's not based on product performances at all,I bet the MS261 is a very good stuff (well the filter is better at least):msp_smile: I like you... your avatar might have something to do with's the best avatar for a site that is meant to educate the great unwashed out there (to which I belong). Aussie, thanks for not being pissed at me, I never meant a racist word. Andyshine, you put energy and passion in this, I am very honored by that, I can't remember all others but the bike post and kind advices were all received with great appreciation. Now for those who want to see a bloody fight...sorry, won't happen here, at least not with me. There are places for fights, the web is not one of them, except maybe for those who can't fight anywhere else?, advertising their willingness to see blood does not help their image. Peace my friends...troubled souls enjoy troubled relations, sane souls enjoy love and peace (as corny and cliche as it sounds..still a valid truth). Said it, will not repeat it. Choose your side, Mine is already chosen.
Signed.....Chicken Mc Fly
I started this thread with good spirits and good intentions...The will to hear feedbacks on a subject that is dear to me at this time. Plenty of people joined in the debate. It turned out to be mostly a partisanship fight between sthiler's and Husqvaner's, some professionals, some resellers, some amateurs and enthousiasts like myself. Great knowledge and fun attitudes along the way, I truly enjoyed it. About 100 posts ago someone said.."this is how threads go to hell" I did not see it then but I am afraid I see it now. This thread is turning sour. Andyshine made some great contributions and so did plenty of you but as of yesterday, it has taken a darker turn. Some like to stir the pot in ways that can only degenerate into some smack gutter talk. I got sucked into it and to those who value a good healthy debate, I apologize. To those who like to spread their nasty spirit, I will say...get out of this place and go back to these on line killing games so many people are addicted to. You do not belong here.
Spew your stuff all you want, i will choose to thoroughly ignore it. Call me chicken, I will no longer react like Mc Fly.
I will however honor my word when it comes to posting a video of the 346XP in action.
Sawtroll, I have no idea who you are, yeah you are anti Stihl, I think I might be too but it's not based on product performances at all,I bet the MS261 is a very good stuff (well the filter is better at least):msp_smile: I like you... your avatar might have something to do with's the best avatar for a site that is meant to educate the great unwashed out there (to which I belong). Aussie, thanks for not being pissed at me, I never meant a racist word. Andyshine, you put energy and passion in this, I am very honored by that, I can't remember all others but the bike post and kind advices were all received with great appreciation. Now for those who want to see a bloody fight...sorry, won't happen here, at least not with me. There are places for fights, the web is not one of them, except maybe for those who can't fight anywhere else?, advertising their willingness to see blood does not help their image. Peace my friends...troubled souls enjoy troubled relations, sane souls enjoy love and peace (as corny and cliche as it sounds..still a valid truth). Said it, will not repeat it. Choose your side, Mine is already chosen.
Signed.....Chicken Mc Fly

Good stuff.

You'll fit in well here.

Go the 346. :msp_smile:
That would be me right now...Chicago in the winter is no fun to go out and play with a chainsaw. In Australia, Macho Cowboys ******s can saw away in the sun all year long. Not so here unless it's your is not mine, it is a HOBBY, a hobby I love and relish and do not use as a medium to convey my manhood to the local female birds and squirrels(we all know birds love the smell of manly sweat), I have other outlets for that and I have passed the age for that form of entertainment anyway. This..."get on with the big boys or get outta the way" is an attitude I am very familiar the States, we've got our share of cowboys. Some are for real, some are poseurs. I am no poseur my friend when it comes to doing hard work, I played rugby for 7 years in national league, Judo for the same amount of time, gotten in bar fights, kicked butts and taken numbers, I have pipulled stunts that would make you wet your pants...I am not so proud of some and I did get damaged in the process (although never did as dangerous stuff as what andyshine did with his MS261):hmm3grin2orange: but I've grown enough now to realize that this posturing is quite immature and can be offensive to people less gifted and less reckless than us macho men. Now I build chimney, furnitures and take care of forests, that's my hobby, not my proving ground. MCW stands for "macho cowboys wonderboy", ****** was mean, my apologies.
I love busting southern dundee chops, no NOT really, you always know when you start a fight but not always when or how it'll end....but did I hear that I should start buying my firewood? What the hell would I need a chainsaw for?...a nice display for my mantel? hmmm...lemme think.... :msp_sneaky:

Um, somehow I think you've misunderstood me somewhere. I also think that you've somehow taken what I've said personally when most of it has been aimed at Sawtroll, in particular the firewood comment which I was referencing to from an earlier post. I reread it and it probably did look like I was directing it at you - sorry (I like Sawtroll by the way but sometimes people have to chime in against all this balance BS as he'd have you convinced that the 346 can cure cancer and possibly even take down Chuck Norris). What I have been trying to say all along is that they are ALL good pro saws with VERY little between them. Dolmar 5100-S/5105, the 346, the 260/261 etc. I support all brands. Somehow I think you've taken my comments as a cheap shot at the 346 which is simply not the case. You've obviously sided with Sawtroll on this because you want a 346. That's great, I'd love one too :)
I do however stand by my comment that if you are going to get worn out using a 261 because of it's poorer balance you will be equally worn out using a 346 no matter how Sawtroll words it. Maybe you'll want to read back through his comments to understand what true saw racism is. He made reference to any saw being OK for cutting firewood but when you get in the forest etc etc. I'm sure the 346 will feel nicer to use, and it has an awesome reputation, but Sawtroll's stubborn stance against the 261 basically saying it feels like a pig is based on nothing more than numbers from the Stihl manual.
My comment about using saws and analysing saws was pointed at most people, including myself by the way. It's not only me that thinks like this on AS but I have a lot of trouble listening to people talking crap about a certain saw model when they've never touched, seen, or used one.
Oh and as far as sawing away in the sun all year, try doing it in 115°f and see how far you get. I'm not macho at all by the way, despite your thoughts, I just put comments in from my perspective and when comments from somebody like Sawtroll or even Tommy below need to be balanced with the opposing or a more balanced point of view I'll be there :cheers:
Oh, and by the way, Tommy and I haven't seen eye to eye on numerous occasions with his one eyed Stihlness. I even wept once when he proved me wrong about buying shares in Stihl :(
All the best and no hard feelings. We've all been in fights too mate, some you win and some you lose. In real life a baseball bat wins 99% of them :D

Oh your picking it for now, MC likes to argue and tell it like it is, why he is worse than me. Tell ya what, for a small fee of ohhhhhhhh 50.00 I'll protect you. When he comes to lay a smack down on you I'll guard ya, yup, I be right behind you to catch ya,hahaha, cash only mind ya and payment before protection,hehehe

This is actually me below Tom ;)

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Um, somehow I think you've misunderstood me somewhere. I also think that you've somehow taken what I've said personally when most of it has been aimed at Sawtroll, in particular the firewood comment which I was referencing to from an earlier post. I reread it and it probably did look like I was directing it at you - sorry (I like Sawtroll by the way but sometimes people have to chime in against all this balance BS as he'd have you convinced that the 346 can cure cancer and possibly even take down Chuck Norris). What I have been trying to say all along is that they are ALL good pro saws with VERY little between them. Dolmar 5100-S/5105, the 346, the 260/261 etc. I support all brands. Somehow I think you've taken my comments as a cheap shot at the 346 which is simply not the case. You've obviously sided with Sawtroll on this because you want a 346. That's great, I'd love one too :)
I do however stand by my comment that if you are going to get worn out using a 261 because of it's poorer balance you will be equally worn out using a 346 no matter how Sawtroll words it. Maybe you'll want to read back through his comments to understand what true saw racism is. He made reference to any saw being OK for cutting firewood but when you get in the forest etc etc. I'm sure the 346 will feel nicer to use, and it has an awesome reputation, but Sawtroll's stubborn stance against the 261 basically saying it feels like a pig is based on nothing more than numbers from the Stihl manual.
My comment about using saws and analysing saws was pointed at most people, including myself by the way. It's not only me that thinks like this on AS but I have a lot of trouble listening to people talking crap about a certain saw model when they've never touched, seen, or used one.
Oh and as far as sawing away in the sun all year, try doing it in 115°f and see how far you get. I'm not macho at all by the way, despite your thoughts, I just put comments in from my perspective and when comments from somebody like Sawtroll or even Tommy below need to be balanced with the opposing or a more balanced point of view I'll be there :cheers:
Oh, and by the way, Tommy and I haven't seen eye to eye on numerous occasions with his one eyed Stihlness. I even wept once when he proved me wrong about buying shares in Stihl :(
All the best and no hard feelings. We've all been in fights too mate, some you win and some you lose. In real life a baseball bat wins 99% of them :D

This is actually me below Tom ;)


+1 Excellent post MCW!
Whoever needs a good smile needs to listen to the Garth Brooks interpretation at the end. No bloviation here, I promise

Now that's was a great routine! Thanks for sharing that one! And this thread is a replay of so many..good thing this happened on your first real you have seen that predictable circle quirk..and when to tune out for real data..sometimes fun to watch because folks like you will drop in things like that link! ...:popcorn:
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I started this thread with good spirits and good intentions...The will to hear feedbacks on a subject that is dear to me at this time. Plenty of people joined in the debate. It turned out to be mostly a partisanship fight between sthiler's and Husqvaner's, some professionals, some resellers, some amateurs and enthousiasts like myself. Great knowledge and fun attitudes along the way, I truly enjoyed it. About 100 posts ago someone said.."this is how threads go to hell" I did not see it then but I am afraid I see it now. This thread is turning sour. Andyshine made some great contributions and so did plenty of you but as of yesterday, it has taken a darker turn. Some like to stir the pot in ways that can only degenerate into some smack gutter talk. I got sucked into it and to those who value a good healthy debate, I apologize. To those who like to spread their nasty spirit, I will say...get out of this place and go back to these on line killing games so many people are addicted to. You do not belong here.
Spew your stuff all you want, i will choose to thoroughly ignore it. Call me chicken, I will no longer react like Mc Fly.
I will however honor my word when it comes to posting a video of the 346XP in action.
Sawtroll, I have no idea who you are, yeah you are anti Stihl, I think I might be too but it's not based on product performances at all,I bet the MS261 is a very good stuff (well the filter is better at least):msp_smile: I like you... your avatar might have something to do with's the best avatar for a site that is meant to educate the great unwashed out there (to which I belong). Aussie, thanks for not being pissed at me, I never meant a racist word. Andyshine, you put energy and passion in this, I am very honored by that, I can't remember all others but the bike post and kind advices were all received with great appreciation. Now for those who want to see a bloody fight...sorry, won't happen here, at least not with me. There are places for fights, the web is not one of them, except maybe for those who can't fight anywhere else?, advertising their willingness to see blood does not help their image. Peace my friends...troubled souls enjoy troubled relations, sane souls enjoy love and peace (as corny and cliche as it sounds..still a valid truth). Said it, will not repeat it. Choose your side, Mine is already chosen.
Signed.....Chicken Mc Fly

Awwwwwwwwwwww as the guy said who just lied about winning a million dollars, if it were only true,LOL

Who titled this thread, was it you, awww yes. Who already had their mind made up on a certain brand, awwww yes, it was you. If I got my mind made up on something I don't ask about the other choices, I wanna know about the choice I made. If I want a new Chevy pick up I don't start a thread called Chevy vs Ford vs Dodge, I start a thread about the Chevy only.

You ole boy got just what you asked for. You can't start a brand vs brand thread and then expect those that perfer the other brands to sit back while you beat the drum for the brand you like, tant gonna happen.

Finally and foremost if this to you is a fighting thread and somehow seems nasty you are indeed a good ole chap, I'll give you that, you have a very kind heart indeed. I find this thread 100% all in good fun and nothing more.,:clap::clap::clap:
Awwwwwwwwwwww as the guy said who just lied about winning a million dollars, if it were only true,LOL

Who titled this thread, was it you, awww yes. Who already had their mind made up on a certain brand, awwww yes, it was you. If I got my mind made up on something I don't ask about the other choices, I wanna know about the choice I made. If I want a new Chevy pick up I don't start a thread called Chevy vs Ford vs Dodge, I start a thread about the Chevy only.

You ole boy got just what you asked for. You can't start a brand vs brand thread and then expect those that perfer the other brands to sit back while you beat the drum for the brand you like, tant gonna happen.

Finally and foremost if this to you is a fighting thread and somehow seems nasty you are indeed a good ole chap, I'll give you that, you have a very kind heart indeed. I find this thread 100% all in good fun and nothing more.,:clap::clap::clap:

Oh man I can't help myself :blob2: First thing that came to mind reading this was "spoken like a dealer who lost the sale" Sorry T! :msp_drool: Its all in fun! :)
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Oh man I can't help myself :blob2: First thing that came to mind reading this was "spoken like a dealer who lost the sale" Sorry T! :msp_drool: Its all in fun! :)

Ha, never lost a sale I never had. I just thought it was kinda odd looking at what he said there and comparing it to the title of the thread, titles like that invite exactly what he seemed to be complaining about. Tant no biggie though, I think he meant well and really I don't see the nasty posts and fighting he's talking about, I see alot of good back and forth but nothing ruff or drawing any blood of any kind. Hell if this is a fighting thread I've been watching too much of the Soprano's,LOL
Point taken...can't be too touchy when hanging out on the web.
As a matter of fact, Thall and this is the God honest truth. I first had my mind made up on the MS261. Reading all the good stuff on the 5105 from Dolmar on this site, plus thinking it looked good, I switched my mind for a Dolmar.
At the dealer, when weighting it and seeing the inside engineering plus the filter set up and very tight tolerances (chain in its bar groove for example) next to the 346XP, the Husky looked more polished, in a further state of debug so I switched my mind again. After feeling like a friggin wind mill about my decisions, I thought, I'd revive the old debate to hear very specifically about those 3 saws from the experts so I could finally stick to a final pick. I heard plenty and plenty and quite honestly, i am not sure that the 346XP is any better than the MS261. I even suspect the 261 has the edge in term of rugedness (the filter set up for example). However what makes me stick to the 346 stubbornly now is the fact that I do owe this young salesguy for his time invested, I like him and feel loyal towards the guy plus I am sure that at this point, we are splitting hairs and the time invested talking about it is not worth the $460 of the saw. If paid by the hours, all the time spent here could afford us the MS261 AND the 346XP but this was not only about decision and work but mostly for the fun of it.
I guess I got a little pissed last night and left some bad blood boiling through my veins but I am over it now and it sure was not worth getting bent outta shape over. They say never to write e-mail when angry, that is so true. And I still haven't learned...Baaaah.
I do enjoy hearing opinions and most of all...I enjoy standing on my soap box bloviating pomposities away like the old wind bag that I am. You guys are good sports. Thanks for the education (at many levels, not just on chainsaws):bowdown:
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Go with whatever saw you like better you dont owe the sales guy anything they are suppose to do all that stuff its their job.

I dont pay much attention to the sales guys anyway I do my own research then decide for myself. I told my local dealer I was going to mod my muffler and he said he likes guys like me cause he makes money off of them. I guess he thinks im too stupid to tune a saw myself and ill lean it out. Just cause a lot of people do that doesnt mean I will and if I did break it I would not take it to them to fix it anyway. I would fix it myself or have someone on the site help me.
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Um, somehow I think you've misunderstood me somewhere. I also think that you've somehow taken what I've said personally when most of it has been aimed at Sawtroll, in particular the firewood comment which I was referencing to from an earlier post. I reread it and it probably did look like I was directing it at you - sorry (I like Sawtroll by the way but sometimes people have to chime in against all this balance BS as he'd have you convinced that the 346 can cure cancer and possibly even take down Chuck Norris). What I have been trying to say all along is that they are ALL good pro saws with VERY little between them. Dolmar 5100-S/5105, the 346, the 260/261 etc. I support all brands. Somehow I think you've taken my comments as a cheap shot at the 346 which is simply not the case. You've obviously sided with Sawtroll on this because you want a 346. That's great, I'd love one too :)
I do however stand by my comment that if you are going to get worn out using a 261 because of it's poorer balance you will be equally worn out using a 346 no matter how Sawtroll words it. Maybe you'll want to read back through his comments to understand what true saw racism is. He made reference to any saw being OK for cutting firewood but when you get in the forest etc etc. I'm sure the 346 will feel nicer to use, and it has an awesome reputation, but Sawtroll's stubborn stance against the 261 basically saying it feels like a pig is based on nothing more than numbers from the Stihl manual.
My comment about using saws and analysing saws was pointed at most people, including myself by the way. It's not only me that thinks like this on AS but I have a lot of trouble listening to people talking crap about a certain saw model when they've never touched, seen, or used one.
Oh and as far as sawing away in the sun all year, try doing it in 115°f and see how far you get. I'm not macho at all by the way, despite your thoughts, I just put comments in from my perspective and when comments from somebody like Sawtroll or even Tommy below need to be balanced with the opposing or a more balanced point of view I'll be there :cheers:
Oh, and by the way, Tommy and I haven't seen eye to eye on numerous occasions with his one eyed Stihlness. I even wept once when he proved me wrong about buying shares in Stihl :(
All the best and no hard feelings. We've all been in fights too mate, some you win and some you lose. In real life a baseball bat wins 99% of them :D

This is actually me below Tom ;)


You sound like a stand up guy MCW.
You could have been all touchy (like I did) but chose to be very mature and good spirited about it. I respect that.
Sawtroll most likely works at Husqvarna or has some strong reasons to be very loyal to that brand. I have even become a bit biaised toward Husky myself too but for very irrelevant reasons (after seeing the Stihl dealer actually).
I have mistaken you for somebody you are apologies about that.
Be well and drinks lots of water when in weather from the depth of earth...It gets hot in summer in Chicago but never that hot...116 is like sauna hot.
Point taken...can't be too touchy when hanging out on the web.
As a matter of fact, Thall and this is the God honest truth. I first had my mind made up on the MS261. Reading all the good stuff on the 5105 from Dolmar on this site, plus thinking it looked good, I switched my mind for a Dolmar.
At the dealer, when weighting it and seeing the inside engineering plus the filter set up and very tight tolerances (chain in its bar groove for example) next to the 346XP, the Husky looked more polished, in a further state of debug so I switched my mind again. After feeling like a friggin wind mill about my decisions, I thought, I'd revive the old debate to hear very specifically about those 3 saws from the experts so I could finally stick to a final pick. I heard plenty and plenty and quite honestly, i am not sure that the 346XP is any better than the MS261. I even suspect the 261 has the edge in term of rugedness (the filter set up for example). However what makes me stick to the 346 stubbornly now is the fact that I do owe this young salesguy for his time invested, I like him and feel loyal towards the guy plus I am sure that at this point, we are splitting hairs and the time invested talking about it is not worth the $460 of the saw. If paid by the hours, all the time spent here could afford us the MS261 AND the 346XP but this was not only about decision and work but mostly for the fun of it.
I guess I got a little pissed last night and left some bad blood boiling through my veins but I am over it now and it sure was not worth getting bent outta shape over. They say never to write e-mail when angry, that is so true. And I still haven't learned...Baaaah.
I do enjoy hearing opinions and most of all...I enjoy standing on my soap box bloviating pomposities away like the old wind bag that I am. You guys are good sports. Thanks for the education (at many levels, not just on chainsaws):bowdown:

Awesome post, more like it. As with anything on the net its never wise to take things too seriously. I saw the whole thread as a good open debate with no real shots fired personally at anyone. I do pick on my buddy Sawtroll, that Husky lovin sucker, but he and I have done that for years, we enjoy the back and forth. Its nothing personal.

I agree your not gonna see nor feel alot of differance between the saws you titled. I got all three and I got no problem grabbing any one of three and go sawing.

Yup that man that gave you 1.5hrs of his time should get your business. Get on over this week end and get your saw, sooner you get it the sooner you can enjoy it!!!