Stihl MS260?

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Mar 13, 2009
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Just taking over a family position as wood processor... I will be involved in everythin from felling 80 year old oaks & maples to splitting..... basically from tree to chimney.
Anyways, need a good HEAVY use limbing saw. Already have a '98 Jonsered 2065 tubo, ported & well maintained (the thing rips) for felling & bucking: But it is a bit heavy to limb 3+ hardwoods at a time. I've already burned up 2 Stihl "occasional use" saws and would like to know if the MS260 Pro is capable & reliable enough. I only plan on running a 16 inch bar, but it will need to start easy and often, then go like hell repeatedly for a day. I can get a non-running 026 for short money.... is it the same thing (feels heavy)? Should i invest the money to repair/rebuild the 026 or get a warrenteed and EXPENSIVE MS260 Pro. Is the decomp. and adjustable oiler the only difference between the MS260 and the MS260 Pro? What about the 026 and the 026 Pro? HELP!!!!!
yes buy it

they are more then the things ya mentioned. they flat rule:chainsawguy:

If I was earning my living w/ a saw...I think I'd go and get a new one. 260 is obviously a quality may also want to consider a Jonsered 2153, or Husky 346XP same saws one orange one red. Both are excellent saws.
ms260 should be great saw, specialy if it an adjustable carb. running right it will pur like kitten and cut lots of wood, itl run like saw size bigger than it but weigh much less.

itsl also less weight then a 346 by alittle.

but i think iff buying new its toss up between the 260 and 346. 346 has a one peice pop off top cover that i like. aswell as air injection, keeps the air filter cleaner longer. its also got nticabley more power. its 3.7hp

the 260 has 3.2hp, has a independ air filter cover seperate from the engine cover. spark plug is hardger to get to on the 260 than the 346. but its lighter weight and theres tons of like new ones going for 300-350 all over the place. muffler modded it might run with the 346 maybe? im sure someone will chime and saying it wont???

ive an 026 pro same as 260 and love it great handling plenty of power just good saw. in small would it cuts right with my 310 stihl wich 60cc
Plug for the 026/260...

Great, dependable saw. Run an 026 with a fairly heavy muffler mod and it is a pleasure to use.

Sure, you've got to keep up with the air filter, a few quick swipes with a very soft paint brush on fill ups; but I would buy another knowing what I know now.
The 026/026 Pro saws are older, but some prefer them to the newer MS260/MS260 Pro, I believe, because of the less-restrictive muffler. Also, the general consensus is that the Pro features (i.e. adj. oiler) are not really necessary on this size saw. I recently acquired two 026's which I really enjoy.
Excellent-condition used 026's (and parts) are everywhere.

You mentioned warranty. If you do buy new, I believe the Stihl warranty is only 6 months for commercial use. To me, that's hardly worth the new-saw premium over a nice used unit. Don't know about other manufacturers warranties.
hers my 026 pics. yeah i realy like the 026 260. so does my little girl. mine wears an 18" bar and 3/8 rsf full skip, pulls it very well.



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I was offered a new 260 Pro (still rated at 3,5hp here) for a very low price recently - it is a good saw that I like, but still far behind the 346xp - and I don't need a fourth 50cc saw that is lesser than the other three......;):D
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you dont need to like the 026 better either. might be a heart breaker to the orange saws.
Just taking over a family position as wood processor... I will be involved in everythin from felling 80 year old oaks & maples to splitting..... basically from tree to chimney.
Anyways, need a good HEAVY use limbing saw. Already have a '98 Jonsered 2065 tubo, ported & well maintained (the thing rips) for felling & bucking: But it is a bit heavy to limb 3+ hardwoods at a time. I've already burned up 2 Stihl "occasional use" saws and would like to know if the MS260 Pro is capable & reliable enough. I only plan on running a 16 inch bar, but it will need to start easy and often, then go like hell repeatedly for a day. I can get a non-running 026 for short money.... is it the same thing (feels heavy)? Should i invest the money to repair/rebuild the 026 or get a warrenteed and EXPENSIVE MS260 Pro. Is the decomp. and adjustable oiler the only difference between the MS260 and the MS260 Pro? What about the 026 and the 026 Pro? HELP!!!!!

Ya will never use the decomp valve on this smaller saw. Get one, ya won't regret it.
I was a diehard Stihl guy since buying my 036 Pro back in the late 80's. Cut a good amount of firewood with that saw and an old blue Homelite 921 when the wood got too big for the 036. I was in the market for a limbing saw and picked up the used 026 listed in my signature for a good price. I did a mild muffler mod on it and used it for a while. I got to play with a Jred 2153 (red version of the 346XP) and bought one immediately. The 026 is relegated to back up and lend out duty now. If there is a finer limbing saw on the market now than the Jred 2153 I don't know what it is. Before the Dolmar fans pile on about the 5100S that brand was not an option because the only dealer within 100 miles of me are a bunch of idiots and I wouldn't trust them to service a hammer.
I'd sure like a 260 to accompany my 361 - if it was competetive in the 50cc class, but it just isn't.....

Very true. I bought my NE346XP and promptly traded my 260Pro for a new 372XP. The Husky is just that much more impressive. The 260 is a good saw but simply lags behind the Husky in the 50cc class.
Just taking over a family position as wood processor... I will be involved in everythin from felling 80 year old oaks & maples to splitting..... basically from tree to chimney.
Anyways, need a good HEAVY use limbing saw. Already have a '98 Jonsered 2065 tubo, ported & well maintained (the thing rips) for felling & bucking: But it is a bit heavy to limb 3+ hardwoods at a time. I've already burned up 2 Stihl "occasional use" saws and would like to know if the MS260 Pro is capable & reliable enough. I only plan on running a 16 inch bar, but it will need to start easy and often, then go like hell repeatedly for a day. I can get a non-running 026 for short money.... is it the same thing (feels heavy)? Should i invest the money to repair/rebuild the 026 or get a warrenteed and EXPENSIVE MS260 Pro. Is the decomp. and adjustable oiler the only difference between the MS260 and the MS260 Pro? What about the 026 and the 026 Pro? HELP!!!!!

You are correct about the differences in the pro and non-pro models. All of my 026s are non-pro except one hybrid that has a newer decomp p&c but the decomp is plugged. I see no need for a adjustable oiler for a 16" b&c, maybe a 20"+ but they run best with a 16". A decomp in a 50cc saw is pointless to me, no need either. I say find a good used 026 that you won't have to dump alot of $$$ into. Those 260s are nice and I love those flippy caps but having 3 026s kind of covers my small saw needs.

The husky heads have spoken and I can't deny their reports, the 346/2153 are quick and faster than a 026/260. However, if you are looking for the best built and want a saw to last, stick with the 026/260.

The husky heads have spoken and I can't deny their reports, the 346/2153 are quick and faster than a 026/260. However, if you are looking for the best built and want a saw to last, stick with the 026/260.

I have never spoken against the quality of the MS260, but it lacks a lot in design and performance.....:yoyo::yoyo:

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