stihl quick release caps

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paint brush

:D It is the use of a dry paint brush that is the point. Mine has the "o" ring seal and I use a brush to dust it off, that way I don't have to change the fuel filters but once a year whether they need it or not. I put the ribbings (ribbons) in the post so you could explain to the novice who read this that a sharp chain cuts ribbons in green wood but expect dust in old wood. While I don't like the new design, it does work, it takes some getting used to:D I did put some smilies in there to see if you were as sharp as your chains. Geuss you saw those. I talked a lot of guys cutting firewood into buying the stihl saws but have not heard so many b*ing about the o-ring problem. I know it's there, I don't like it but I do something about it other than just whine like some.
To my knowledge I've never replaced a fuel filter, not even on my almost defunct 028WB. I'm not running massive amounts fuel through my saws like you full-time guys either so that makes a difference. I've only ran about 6 tanks thru my MS250 so far. It takes me about a month run out 2.5 gallons of mix, maybe that small amount of use doesn't qualify me to be here.:rolleyes:
My 260MS has those new caps. The gas cap worked fine, but I fiddled and farted around with the oil cap for sometime to get it to seat or it would just fall out. It seems to work ok now, but I dont know why it wouldn't seat properly at first. The cap is either in properly or it will just fall out.
I'm with you on that John. It's got to be just right. I'll get used to them eventually. It seems you need to start with the wing, I call it that, at exactly the right degrees from lock position.

I've fixed the pictures, thanks to glens expert help with resizing the images so they would load faster.
Thanks again Glen,
<h2>New Caps</h2>
And just to clairify on this cap issue I have never had a problem with the fuel cap on my new new MS340 just the chain oil cap! Thanks Dieseldog!
I have a MS260 I don't mind the new caps I had a little trouble at first but nothing major I never had a cap leak yet nothing gets into the fuel or chain oil. My saws don't throw dust they throw good sized chips from the chain I don't spill gas or oil on the tanks when filling them if I do I wipe it away before I start cutting.

My 046 Mag plus has screw on caps they can be a PITA because I don't pack a saw wrench with me my fallers bag sits on the truck with all my files etc. I never had one of these leak either any spillage filling oil or fuel gets wiped up before cutting a wet surface always catches wood chips and if you can't sharpen your chain right and you get dust fine as baby powder that sticks to the saw.

When you are filling your saw do you clean your gas can off to keep crap falling into the fuel tank of the saw. When I was doing alot of firewood bucking or doing brushing jobs I would go through 2.5 gallons of fuel perday never had problems with fuel spills dirty fuel etc. I also keep the gallon jugs of chain oil clean never let the crud build up on the jug, keep things clean you will have less problems.

A old guy I work for says you always clean your equipment before you put it away so its ready for the next time you use it ;)
In the past year I've sold hundreds of Stihls with the new caps. I havent had one problem of leaking yet. I sell atleast 20 old style caps to 1 new style cap. I also have about 80 hrs on my MS 460 with no problems.
>My saws don't throw dust they throw good sized chips from the chain

It must be nice to never have to clean a air filter on a saw, like some of you guys that don't throw any dust at all. :laugh: I've seen a few big chips get to it, but mostly small particles of "Wood Dust". I've got to figure what I'm doing wrong because every picture of a used saw on here has a certain amount of "Dust" on it.
I've been cutting metal in Machine Shops for over 20 years. That would be like saying "I don't get small slivers of metal, just big juicy chips". There's no way in h&ll you're not going to get some amount of dust when chainsawing. I don't care how sharp your chain is and how powerful your saw is, it just ain't gonna to happen. I suppose when you take your side chain cover off there's no build-up there either because that would have to be "Dust".
I've seen some premature leakage from worn caps on commercially used saws. I asked the service rep about it at our recent update and he wasn't aware of any complaints. He also told me the only way Stilh responds to some of this type of failure is to get a ???? load of them dumped on their desks.

So, advise to all Stihl dealers, when you do come across one of these new caps leaking prematurely, send it to your distributor so they can collect them and send them to Virginia Beach. When we just replace them and don't file it as a warranty or send the part in as its so easy to do with a minor part, Stihl has no reason to change or improve the part.
hand tight

Originally posted by glens
Someone's angry about something again.

I may have forgotten to mention that I had an MS290 with those caps and over the course of about 10 gallons of fuel I never had a lick of trouble whatsoever with crap getting in or contents leaking out.&nbsp; I like the caps very much.&nbsp; I think they're a great design.

I'd read an older thread a while back where someone was b!tching about having their screw caps tightened with a scrench and how that ruins the seals.&nbsp; I'd been using mine to put a gentle snug on the caps on my 036 since day one and ecided to try a hand-tighten-only on them.&nbsp; They seal just fine, and in fact, I found that I tighten them harder by hand than I do with the scrench.&nbsp; Go figure.

I've always told my guys to never use a wrench on my caps, hand tight is more than sufficient. The caps will last forever.
New Caps on MS200T

I like the idea of the new caps...on the climbing saws at least...
my Echos' (CS300/3400) bar oil caps are a b*tch to get off with bare hands. Never have much trouble with the larger saws though.

Now, with my's a b*tch to get the cap back ON!!
Only the oil cap though, and it's a problem with the tank, not the gets an air bubble in it and the cap won't screw on for sh#t. Here's my remedy:

1) Fill the gas and close the gas cap
2) Fill the oil to the top, tip the saw and watch the bubble pop
3) Add a touch more oil
4) Close it with ease
Recall Notice

Here`s the recall that Treeclimber referrenced earlier which pertains to the MS270/280. Funny how some of you guys who work in Stihl shops don`t even know about it. Russ ps, I want Fish`s nicknameMS270/280 Recall
Yeah, Russ, I saw that too, and was about to mention it by way of half an apology (the recall is not on the caps but on the gas vent), but Brian got crappily hostile again in the mean time and I couldn't justify it.

Thanks for broaching the subject so I could slip it in the back way.

Ben, get that old carb. on your 026, and enjoy the new feel. I even tried to drill out the jets on the new carbs, it helps, but nothing like turning a screw. Jon
I thought I was the only one here that did not have Mike and
Glen on ignore!
I have Darin on ignore, he has a problem with me calling everyone here *******, or to be more correct, the latin plural,
Just doing my job.
I ran over a pussum last night!
That's <b><font color="ff6eb4">o</font></b>pussum, and he must have crawled up here to die; I saw him by the ditch this morning.&nbsp; Apparently Russ doesn't have me on ignore either since I asked him a question this morning and he promptly answered it.&nbsp; So does that make three of you?&nbsp; (chainsaw, by the way)
Pretty in pink!

Who could ignore you? You help keep this forum fun! We all
need a few posters here to aggrieve everyone. I need all of the
help I can get! So is the ms270/280 a piece of junk or what?
I didn't use &lt;font color="<font color="deeppink">deeppink</font>"&gt; (should be the same as color="<font color="ff1493">ff1493</font>"), but rather &lt;font color="<font color="ff6eb4">ff6eb4</font>"&gt; (HotPink1 in my copy of the X Window System), <font color="ff6eb4"><b>bold</b></font>.&nbsp; I always had a thing for Molly Ringwald, thanks for reminding me.

Mike, I guess either you've got me on ignore or there's an echo in here.&nbsp; <font face="fixed"><tt>:)</tt></font>
