stihl vs husky

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ArboristSite Lurker
May 27, 2002
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hi room/ i`am thinking about buying a husky 394xp, what can you all tell me about this saw, i have been a stihl man,up in till the other nite when i pulled the cyl off a 50 rancher (wow)that 50 have some sweet looking ports, and that was only a 50 ,i`d love to see inside a 394.,is the 394 = to a 066?,and what is better, and what is a good price for a 394/

roger :p
394 is no longer made-395 now, I like husky,but the 50 was one of their POS. If you mean the 55 rancher, then that is good saw with a proven design. 395 powerheads are around $800. There is a guy selling used 394s on ebay for around $350-$400.
I do not own any Stihls currently, and comparing the 394/395 to the tired and worn 056 I used for a time wouldn't be fair, I suppose.

I do have a 395 Husky, and am satisfied with its performance. I've not used it a lot for felling as really big wood isn't common in my area, but have milled lumber with it...compared to a 4 cube saw, its a bear...

I've heard some say that 395 is "adequate", but needs a lot of work by a sharp engine guy to make it a killer able to chew up and spit out 066's. On the other hand, it isn't hard to find a 395 for around $850, ready to go to work, and I doubt you'll find an 066 that cheap.
i tried a 395 the other day and didn't like it at all:( about a pound heaver than the 066:eek:
stihlvs husky

do any of you guys know or know any thing about the guy selling the 394 on e-bay and is that a good price????????

Iv'e had a 394 and it was a nice dependable saw just not that aggressive, 66 on the other hand is one mean saw, iv'e got two and would'nt have nothing else for that size of saw.
Now on the other hand....

if the Greffardized 066 that woodsjunkie offered for $850 is still available you couldn`t go wrong with that. Check in the Used Equipment forum. Russ
Russ, you wouldn't be talk'n bout' my new saw now would you???:D
BWalker, You sure know a lot for sure. You have given some very confident sounding opinions, I am curious as to where you came by your experience and knowledge?

Are you in the timber business? Are you a wood cutting professional? Are you a service tech or a dealer, or have you just had a lot of saws and cut a lot of wood?

How many 066s have you ran against comparable cc and weight saws?

I got a 694 Solo that is getting some break-in time on it; I wish your 066 was close by.
ok heres some stihl vs husky for ya:

026 vs 346xp - win for the husky
026 = light, very durable
346xp = light, faster

044 vs 372xp - win for the husky
044 = bulletproof
372xp = faster, lighter, bulletproof

046 vs 385xp - win for the husky
046 = lighter
385xp = more powerful and faster

066 vs 394xp - win for the stihl
066 = bulletproof, powerful out of the box, best hp/wt ratio of any saw
394 = powerful out of the box, very durable
Otto, when comparing the 026/346, 044/372 I dont think there are any claer cut winners. Comes down to whaich one fitys you best.

Tony, No I am not a pro. I will be doing some logging in the next year or so on some property I bought. I have cut lots a of firewood and I have a fair amount of expierance felling big oaks. I have owned quit a few saws and currently own a 044, 026 and a 372 xp.
Ben - these are all saws I have used and just my opinions. However, somehow you're always quick on the trigger to discount the differences (some a matter of taste and some not). Some of these saws I have used quite a bit more than a little bit. Once you attain some experience yourself you will most likely notice the differences a little better. This is not an anti-Stihl post as you notice I picked the 066 over the 394 as it is a clear winner. Could this post of yours criticising the 026 vs 346 comparison and the 044 vs 372 comparison have something to do with the particular saws you own? Have you ever even ran a 346xp? I suggest you try it.:angel:
What about you Otto? What is your backround? Are you in the tree business? You cut trees for lumber, firewood, veneer?
What kind of forests are down there? You seem too hardcore
to be an arborist. You also let one Stihl have an endorsement
{of sorts}, is this a change towards a kinder and gentler Otto?
firewood and cleanup cutting for the last 5 years here in the AR, cleaning out inlaws land (several square miles). Mostly hardwoods suck as hickory and Red Oak. Not in the tree business in any other way than getting rid of the wood for some useful purpose. I dont think you need to climb a tree as you can get to the top very easily by lopping it over, LOL.

The ice storm some time ago here created me a bunch of work so I bought the 136 originally to clear the trails in the woods. I bought the 372 as the 066 loaner was getting heavy to lug around. The 066 was a loaner, and before that I was using a 044 that belong to the inlaws. The 026 was my friends who also had a 394.

I'm not hardcore - the 066 was the best stock saw I have ever used. Just too heavy and one can save so much weight by having a smaller saw hopped up. I hate a slow cutting saw more than anything as I like to drink beer between cuts.

I call the chips as they fall, but sometimes I guess the facts dont matter - just the name (not to say I havent been guilty of this very thing myself many times.)
Fish, if Otto is Beavergirl, she/he has to be a bleached blond.

I wonder what picture she/he will be posting with that 046. :blush:
Otto, I dont own a 346...yet. No doubt I will get one when I happen upon a good deal. BTW I am not discounting your oppinion its just that in the particular classes you mentioned it is really tight. Especially the 026/346.

Fish, Beveraging again? Dare I ask who in the heck beavergirl is.
Otto, I might add I ran the 372 and 440 back to back today just for grins at lunch time. The 044 hasnt even ran through a complete tank of fuel yet. With both saws running 24" bars, 72 lg chain on the husky and rs on the stihl i would say that the husky is ever so slighty faster. I am guessing maybe 5-8%. This is just the way they felt to me seat of the pants, no timed cuts. I forgot to add the log was a 24" white pine.
thats pretty good Ben considering the 440 isn't even broken in yet. keep us posted:angel: