stihl vs husky

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Ryan, In all honesty I think I am going to have to conciete that Otto is correct about the 372 being faster. The 440 just doesnt seem to rap out like the 372 does. Maybe its a break in issue or the carb is off, but its my gut that the 372 will beat it. BTW you should love that 066, just dont carry it too far. I ran a friend of mines once and it was the baddest saw I have ever touched.
Ben, you may be right about the 372 being slightly faster but which one will holdup better??? i can't wait to get the 066 in and put it in some 30'' oak:D
i'm not saying that they are a bad saw at all, nor that they don't hold up..... just which one's easier to work on and will take the most beating??? i came real real close to buying a 372 when i bought the 460:angel:
Ryan you should have been looking at the 385xp not the 372xp if you were trying to decide between the 046 and a husky equivalent. Granted the 385 comes with a weight penalty, but it comes with a extra speed also. The tuners have said that they have gotten their largest gains from the 346 and the 385, so you can imagine what over 40% increase is like from a baseline like that of the 385. :blob2:

BTW. the 372 has nothing to be ashamed of as far as durability - compared to any model/make saw out there.:)
Otto, i know. i considered the 385 as well but my local stihl dealer gave me a good deal on a new 460 and since i do happen to have a fondness for orange and gray......:D
Just my usual amount of beer.
Someone is using the name "Beavergirl" on another forum and
we are guessing who it is. She/he spells too good to be Lambert!
Fish, never thought of that one.

Then obviously it can't be Otto either. :Eye: :Eye:
Hardly! can't be me, I majored in sex, booz and partying in college.

Never went to lit. classes, I was always too hung over, therefore can't write that well even 30 years later. :dizzy:
I got the bright idea I was going to trap when I was about 12. I found a bunch of holes in the ground which I thought where fox holes. They turned out to be skunks. I caught three on the three traps I put out. I had to wait till the things rotted away before I could retrieve the traps. Talk about stink. When you get close to a skunk it doesnt even smell like one. More like really strong burnt popcorn,
Ben, if you shoot them through the lungs with a .22 CB then they usually don't spray:)
OK, I admit that I am beavergirl. I can see that you are just trying to smoke me out. I knew that it wouldn`t take long for you guys to figure it out. What gave me away, when I said that I like the 046 with a 28" bar for limbing? I should have said snedding, then you guys would have thought it was Walt. LOL. Russ