Stripped the paint off of my 562xp clutch cover, now what?

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Looks just as horrible as the first time I saw it - but each to their own....;)

I don't dislike it quite as much, but it's not my cup of two-stroke mix.

Looks OK, but I would have gone with either polished...

That would have been my choice.

... Do you put anything on the bars after you strip the paint off of them?

You will get some surface rust. I use a little 30W oil on the bare metal. What rust appears is gone as soon as you make a few cuts.
I like the look of the bars without paint. I've been running a total super bar and the clear is starting to come off,mostly from putting it in my vice to sharpen the chain and I'm wondering if will start to rust. Do you put anything on the bars after you strip the paint off of them?

I just wipe with a little bar oil as needed but yes it will rust if you let it go awhile without oiling.
expy, what is your method of removing bar paint?

Use the bar until it gets good and scratched then remove it from the saw and spray down with aircraft paint remover and scrap off what you can. I then used 600 - 800 - 1000 grit sandpaper (I think). Warning, do not put it back on the saw until you are 110% sure that you washed all paint remover from the bar or you will be powder coating your clutch cover like I did. Trust me it takes a good deal of elbow grease to get a decent look.
With all that work getting that ugly grey color off, why didnt you just paint the cover Husky Orange? I had ruled the 562 out bc of the grey and decided on the 2260. Thanks for the thread. Gave me an idea. 562 looks promising. I was thinking today that if I got the 2260 my group wouldnt be balanced. As it stands now I could do- 540xp(waiting),562, 288, 2153,2171, 2095. Problem solved.
Looks just as horrible as the first time I saw it - but each to their own....;)

That's it SawTroll, I have filed a restraining order. You must stay at least 3 threads away from any of my post! :msp_tongue:
With all that work getting that ugly grey color off, why didnt you just paint the cover Husky Orange? I had ruled the 562 out bc of the grey and decided on the 2260. Thanks for the thread. Gave me an idea. 562 looks promising. I was thinking today that if I got the 2260 my group wouldnt be balanced. As it stands now I could do- 540xp(waiting),562, 288, 2153,2171, 2095. Problem solved.

I may change to just the brushed aluminum look with a clear when I get my new 540XP done. I do like that if this saw ever gets stolen, with the blue color, I would be able to identify it real easy on a pawn shop shelf or Ebay.