I just got reminded of another stupid human tricxk of mine today, while doing an estimate.... I Am actually surprised they ever called me again after this one...
I had pruned a bunch of big trees at a high dollar home. Had the customer for a few years. She asked me to prune this little magmolia shrub by her house as a freebie at the end of the job. I stopped by and pruned it, but it was way out of shape and she's a perfectionist about the landscape, so I got some plastic coated thin dog runner type cable out and tied it up... She's got a part time handiman, so I just decided to tie the wire to the spigot, and let the handyman stake it later.
So fine I was done, but I took one more look and it was OK, but there was this one little hole, so I got out the loppers to cut the tail of the cable to use for the final support. I put the head of the loppers against the stone wall and spigot and gave the handles a little pop with the palm of my hand... then another and just one more when OOOOPS, water starts pouring out the stone wall... Nobody was home to stop that water which was probably now pouring into the basement...
I called the cops, located a neighbor with a key and me, the cop, and the neighbor were all just about to go in, when the husband comes home... Get to the basement an find and inch or two of water on one side. And lots of junk, fortunately most of it up on shelves with wheels.
I used the wet vac to suck up a few gallons before I got kicked out for scaring the cats... That man was terrified of his wife... I mean terrified.... He said "if we don't find these cats before she comes home... you have no idea"
I tried to tell them later it was a bad joint soldered (which it was), but they didn't want to hear it. Got paid and kept the customer though.. Sold them a $1500 pruning job today.... I never asked how things turned out though.