Sudden loss of compression

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I didn't think of the limiter caps either. but if thats all it was run he should contact the seller.

Sugar spring is near, ya know what that means dontcha,hehe. This year I'm gonna getcha a mator picture that will make ya mouth water.

Yes I agree , dayummm saw run 20 minutes is enuff to make a man mad. Hopefully they can work it out..
Heck, I don't even trade a saw in (for more than a few $$) unless I pull the muffler... I also do it on Craigslist buys..

On an ebay saw, I'd be pulling the muffler and doing a compression check before ever starting it. A bad seller will just accuse you off running it with straight gas.. but none of this helps the current problem..
Well if it has limter caps its within range. However the problem is, if it has caps, were they ever removed and put back. If so theres no telling how the carb was set when he got it. I for one would be having me a chat with the seller for it could well have been on its way out, fry wise, when he bought it. Thats not to say the seller knew but for 20 minutes of sawing she sure went kapoot fast. Sounds like a good deal gone bad to me. What was the price of that saw??

I gave 550 for it. He described it as being a trade in, so no telling what its history is.

And yeah, as you said in your other post, I need to know WHY it happened.

If the problem was an air leak, where would it be leaking? Cylinder base gasket?

Oh, Lord.... I feel a learning experience coming on.
Spring-- in the last week we've had 22in. of snow. i've got banks about 8 feet high along my driveway. but i'm looking forward to garden time.
i ordered a new type of mattor seeds and one tomato is suppose to fill a wheel barrow.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Heck, I don't even trade a saw in (for more than a few $$) unless I pull the muffler... I also do it on Craigslist buys..

On an ebay saw, I'd be pulling the muffler and doing a compression check before ever starting it. A bad seller will just accuse you off running it with straight gas.. but none of this helps the current problem..

You know what ole feller you have just gave me a great idea and your just the man to help these e-bay buyers out. I think you should start a thread about buying second hand saws. These guys need to know what to check out and look for before firing those saws up and getting blamed for all the break downs. Do it Lake, you know how to explain what to look for in these saws. If anyone can help these guys avoid these nitemares its you ole feller, start a CHECK IT BEFORE YOU START IT THREAD. Such a thread would be a great learning piece for all buyers of 2nd hand saws. Do it Lakeside, time we got a good thread meaning something for a change. Are ya with me?????
Billy - post the text from the auction, or the orginal link... Whether you have a leg to stand on depends on exactly how it was described.
I gave 550 for it. He described it as being a trade in, so no telling what its history is.

And yeah, as you said in your other post, I need to know WHY it happened.

If the problem was an air leak, where would it be leaking? Cylinder base gasket?

Oh, Lord.... I feel a learning experience coming on.

if your sure you done nothing wrong, used a proper mix, i woudn't try and find the problem, tell the seller to take it back or enough compensation to repair. and that won't leave him much. he's better off taken the saw back and fixing it his self.
I gave 550 for it. He described it as being a trade in, so no telling what its history is.

And yeah, as you said in your other post, I need to know WHY it happened.

If the problem was an air leak, where would it be leaking? Cylinder base gasket?

Oh, Lord.... I feel a learning experience coming on.

Well don't be frowing for guess what. If you decide to keep it and fix you will enjoy every minute of it. No saw runs as good as the one you rebuild with your own hands. Learning is a gift and no need to fear, there are many on here that will gladly guide you through the process. Lakeside is 100% top notch as they come and he will help you every step of the way. Once you get it right with the work of your own hands you'll be wanting to rebuild another one, its a great hobby, you'll see so relax...
HUH? What are you saying???? that the biggest threads of all time mean nothing????:monkey:
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yup,LOLOLOL Come on ole feller start that thread, you know what these guys need to know and I know you like helping so get with it. I'll be as kind not to derail at all with my usual non-sense, hows that. We got a deal now???
Spring-- in the last week we've had 22in. of snow. i've got banks about 8 feet high along my driveway. but i'm looking forward to garden time.
i ordered a new type of mattor seeds and one tomato is suppose to fill a wheel barrow.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Well not to get off topic but if you grow one that big I'm gonna come see your hide and steal it,LOL
Well not to get off topic but if you grow one that big I'm gonna come see your hide and steal it,LOL

yes we should stay on topic.:buttkick: as for him rebuilding it, thats a spendy saw to practice on, even with after market parts. and then if everything isn't right, bam! getting close to a new saw price and still broke down. tick't off big time. i think try an deal with the seller.
Billy - post the text from the auction, or the orginal link... Whether you have a leg to stand on depends on exactly how it was described.

Here's the auction, but first this update. Talked to the seller, he sounded both apologetic and puzzled. We talked for a while, trying to figure out exactly what caused it to score. Didn't come up with much, but the long and short of it is that I'm going to pull the P&C, take a couple pics and email them to him, and he's going to send me a p&c kit. I think that's a reasonable compromise.

Well don't be frowing for guess what. If you decide to keep it and fix you will enjoy every minute of it. No saw runs as good as the one you rebuild with your own hands. Learning is a gift and no need to fear, there are many on here that will gladly guide you through the process.

Wise words indeed, sir.
yes we should stay on topic.:buttkick: as for him rebuilding it, thats a spendy saw to practice on, even with after market parts. and then if everything isn't right, bam! getting close to a new saw price and still broke down. tick't off big time. i think try an deal with the seller.

Good point there Sugar, that saw is a costly one to work one. However its a fairly easy saw to work on. I guess if it were me I'd be stewing and wanting my money back. If thats not possible though that saw is a doosey of a saw when its right. I kinda like the idea of getting another man in the saw field doing things on his own but your right too, that is a costly saw to start with.

Sugar chip in with me here and encourage Lake to start that thread about 2nd hand saw buying. Seems he's putting up a struggle but the two of us together should get him convinced the guys could really use a good thread like that. Get on his butt Sugar. I myself don't push the Leopard too hard but this is for a good cause so give me a hand Sugar. Get on his butt with me, I'll be right behind ya Sugar, lol. Seriously Lake, do it for the good of the site, you da man...
Just outta curiousity, is he sending you an OEM cylinder/piston or aftermarket. If it's a $100 aftermarket, I don't think he's giving you enough back. I'd say half of an OEM repair including labor would be fair. Just my thoughts.
If he's willing to furnish the parts, send it back and let him replace the parts. it should be pressure/ vac tested and seals replaced. even if you have to bend a little and pay shipping. thall, your right about some buying tips for e-bay, i buy and sell there but check bought items close when received. as lakeside said, pull muffler, check carb jets, ect. and he would be a good one for that thread. :cheers:
Are these the same??


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I'm probably the minority here... but I sure woudn't want an aftermarket P&C kit on the saw that I bought with a supposedly good oem set... I've seen the nikersil/chrome/whatever peel on the Chinese (or Taiwan, who knows) cylinders, and the pistons look rough to me. But it's your saw...

And maybe I'm seeing things, but that saw look repainted to me... or almost new...
I'd guess that saw has been "rebuilt".. the exhaust port is WAY too clean...
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