Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Evenin' Ladies.

I have to catch an early flight to CA tomorrow. It'll be nice to be with my wife, and kids. Back to SLC on Tuesday. I finally got the movers pinned down to a load, and delivery date. The few days in a hotel won't be bad, except for having my 90lb Chocolate Lab tagging along. I swear water can make that dog fart.
Had me a good day in the woods, ran the 028 super, the ms260 and the 120si all day. Going to go back with the 9010 Sunday and start stumping the woods out. Should get a couple truckloads of stumps out of there. Saws ran great, that 120si is just a great saw. I think by next year I ought to have that Husky 359 running to try it out. I have the 6400 on the mini mill right now and was too lazy to take it apart this morning on my way out. I am also in the middle of a Gravely tear down, be my first time but they are a great machine to work on, very simple. I'll put up a couple of pics of the innards.
Well john, I think I may have took your crown today. I was out of bed for less than an hour total. And that was just for getting food and letting the dog out.
In other news, my dad is out of the hospital. Hasnt been out 2 hours and is already being mister grumpy about every little thing out of its place..... :dizzy: He will get him self all pizzed off about a single piece of paper lying out... :msp_scared:
Morning slackers!

These guys said rolling by 4...they haven't stirred! Not my usual fishing crews....usual captain's brother this weekend and his buddy. They needed a third man so here I am .... they don't get up soon I may just start on the beverage supply myself just for pure principal!

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Hope things progress fast Randy .
Jimmy , I hope you end up fishing for more than just beverage in a cooler LOL

I would usually say there are worse things to do on a Saturday......fishingwise...that is....However this is just another workday for breaking and soldering copper head flashings on wildly trimmed exterior window packages...probably the same all day tomorrow too......tilled in twenty bucketsful of well aged Hoss poo last evening after work...durn black flies were busy too.........damn tractor is to old to have come stock with a cup holder, like the new ones......

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