Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Thats what ya git fer eating your own cooking chinee style !!!! LOL !

oh yeh,,food piosning the WORST !! :(
ya didnt have any of Jimbob 's ice cubes did you ??

No, I think this is from something earlier this week. It has been going on for 2-3 days now.....
None of those ice cubes here... One hotel here had ecoli in their ice.... Unless the machine got its water from the sewer, that shouldn't be possible. I guess it happens if the machine goes 10 years without cleaning....
If I was that desperate for a cold drink, I would just give it a blast with the co2 extinguisher..... Cool a six pack down to frosty in under 4 seconds... LOL
Not sure what that meens but 'll have you know I gradiated grade 9 and I'm sure the googleator will let me know .

As Willie Nelson sang,,.....

I got a good christian rasin and an eigth grade education,,

aint no neede ya'll be treatin me this a way " ..

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sorry john :(
Hey Dan !!!

heres a betterer one !!

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( Ron shakes head and leaves room ) ...........


Flatulence , one more letter than flippancy .