Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Super busy weekend. If it weren't for this phone i'd be totally off the grid.

Off for the 40 mile ride to mow the in laws yard.....

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Geez , I think I've got 2 or 3 of them 250 series saws LOL
From what they sell for on the bayz it might be worth trowin some new chinee p/c into them .
The Eekoo guy sez he has one more saw , he might bring it next weekend .
Hey Rick,,,you read all the posts ??

did you see were i said that crapsman is a ryobi ??

i dont have an EXCACT replacement carb,,but i do have bodies.
for postage i can go thru yours.

Okay I was at an auction most of the day and speed read this post an missed the part where you offered to go through it. Duh. LOL. :deadhorse: Thanks for not rescinding the offer. Spideyman can use the help. As discussed email sent. En route tomm.

Sent on the fly.
Worked on my dads trimmer finally

Last time he ran it the head froze up and melted

Got that off

Replaced the fuel lines

Dug the bee nest oughta the muffler

Fired up with a lil coaxing

Runnin good now just need a new head
Busy day fer a Slug ! Up to my ears in Steel whackers !

One tore down,cleaned up and ready for new rings. Ran the jug through the USC , cleaned it up nice !

Just swapped a carb on another one,now it runs , but idles down slow. Gonna put a kit in it ?

Had a 017 brought over,wouldn't start. Said he loaned it out. Someone put oil in the fuel tank ! LOL Got it cleaned out and running again. Smoked for a bit. LOL

Dang back is POed now. LOL Break time !