Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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4 days of 8hrs in a row!! Amazing, I miss being busy.

Fixin to step outside to change the oil in one of the Tahoes, and then fire off a round from the CZ :D See if it will leave a bruise
There is a good running husky 2100cd that has been on craigs list cor months... The guy wants $450 for it. Any thoughts on that price?
If you guys dont think its crazy, and its still there when I get back, I might make an offer.
There is a good running husky 2100cd that has been on craigs list cor months... The guy wants $450 for it. Any thoughts on that price?
If you guys dont think its crazy, and its still there when I get back, I might make an offer.

If it's a good runner then I'd go with it.
I love my luck. My dad (a die hard stihl man) has offered to buy my 034. When he heard I was selling it, he offered me $250, just what I was going to ask for. Thats two stihls I have sold him now.... LOL

I am going to find a husky 61/262/266/268/272 and make that my main firewood saw. If I get the 61, I would put a 272 top end on it. Who knows, I might send it to mastermind some time.

You may want to see about purchasing a saw in the US and have it shipped directly to Randy/Mastermind. Should save you a bundle on shipping one way.

Heck you may want to call him.. he may have something kicking around his shop already to save shipping one way all together! A ported saw by Randy is an amazing thing; he really has a way with saws.
Least I got one whacker running good. The one I put all the new stuff in,runs great !

That other POS ? Bout got to tear it apart to do a vac test ! May just be the first thing I send out of here not right ! Runs fine today ? Yesterday , ran like chit ! Day before ran great ! :bang:

Anyone happen to know how to get the clutch drum off a FS45 ? ? ? ?

that reminded me of a question i got. i kinda sorta feel comfortable tuning a chainsaw but a weed wacker is another thing. without the 4-stroke to screaming threshold you get with a saw i'm not quite sure how to adjust the H screw. any tips would be welcome.
I love my luck. My dad (a die hard stihl man) has offered to buy my 034. When he heard I was selling it, he offered me $250, just what I was going to ask for. Thats two stihls I have sold him now.... LOL

I am going to find a husky 61/262/266/268/272 and make that my main firewood saw. If I get the 61, I would put a 272 top end on it. Who knows, I might send it to mastermind some time.

geof,,,you only SELL steals to people you DONT like !!!!
now when sumthing happens,,and it will,WHO's fault will it be !!???
and when you cut wood with him and shame that squeel,,how is he going to feel then ???

btw,,,dont have any of the GOOD kind you lookin fer :)
There is a good running husky 2100cd that has been on craigs list cor months... The guy wants $450 for it. Any thoughts on that price?
If you guys dont think its crazy, and its still there when I get back, I might make an offer.


used,beat up,missused,beat on,unwanted,needs work,,naw..
you can bet it will need some plastic..
maybe a piston and rings,,etc.....

$250 IF it runs and nothing major broken..

burnt up 395 and a BB top end get you 100cc and a new top end,port it a tad and even betterer..
Cause you get the big bucks ! :msp_thumbsup:

I know,,he gets to boss people around all day,,,ride around yelling at people,,go " inspect " here and there ,, :)

sit in air conditioning when he wants,,heat when it's cold out,,big FAT paycheck and he WHINES !! ????
that reminded me of a question i got. i kinda sorta feel comfortable tuning a chainsaw but a weed wacker is another thing. without the 4-stroke to screaming threshold you get with a saw i'm not quite sure how to adjust the H screw. any tips would be welcome.

Not much diff than a saw..
xcept there aint much slowin down in the cut.
tune it to scream them a tad to the rich for a little drop in rpm and you wont fry it.. :)
i always send em out on the rich side,,people always run em wide open and a few less rpm aint no big deal..
geof,,,you only SELL steals to people you DONT like !!!!
now when sumthing happens,,and it will,WHO's fault will it be !!???
and when you cut wood with him and shame that squeel,,how is he going to feel then ???

btw,,,dont have any of the GOOD kind you lookin fer :)

Hey Bagwhan;

What kind of trees are we murdering when I get up there?
You may want to see about purchasing a saw in the US and have it shipped directly to Randy/Mastermind. Should save you a bundle on shipping one way.

Heck you may want to call him.. he may have something kicking around his shop already to save shipping one way all together! A ported saw by Randy is an amazing thing; he really has a way with saws.


I like the stuff i read on Randy's work..
we started porting seriously about the same time,,even traded some info.
my porting on 2strokes started in 1984 so i had a jump..
Randy has went a LOT further than me on the saw side ..
you can see from his pix how nice a job he does,,while mine is more crude,, ( ask John :) "..

after porting 2strokes around 500cc for years i began to find that sometimes a LOT of work above and beyond didnt yield "that" much more for the effort..
seemed like a good basic job would get %80 of a wild balls to the wall job..

so when you have a $400 saw how much do you want to pay somebody to make it work like it has ?? 10 more cc ??
A mild job done with a dremell and a muff mod and a good chain can be very satisfactory for an end user..
sorry but 2 seconds faster in a 18 in log aint to me worth a couple hundred dollars or more....................
that buys a LOT of gas and oil !!

Just something to consider when you have to pay for a saw,,then pay for work on it,then pay shipping ,etc..

Well, I have a chance at a masterminded 372xp, direct from the monkey himself.
I just need to scrape together another 100-150 bucks, and I can pull it off. I might have to find another saw to sell..... LOL
Anyone have thoughts on those... LOL