You may want to see about purchasing a saw in the US and have it shipped directly to Randy/Mastermind. Should save you a bundle on shipping one way.
Heck you may want to call him.. he may have something kicking around his shop already to save shipping one way all together! A ported saw by Randy is an amazing thing; he really has a way with saws.
I like the stuff i read on Randy's work..
we started porting seriously about the same time,,even traded some info.
my porting on 2strokes started in 1984 so i had a jump..
Randy has went a LOT further than me on the saw side ..
you can see from his pix how nice a job he does,,while mine is more crude,, ( ask John

after porting 2strokes around 500cc for years i began to find that sometimes a LOT of work above and beyond didnt yield "that" much more for the effort..
seemed like a good basic job would get %80 of a wild balls to the wall job..
so when you have a $400 saw how much do you want to pay somebody to make it work like it has ?? 10 more cc ??
A mild job done with a dremell and a muff mod and a good chain can be very satisfactory for an end user..
sorry but 2 seconds faster in a 18 in log aint to me worth a couple hundred dollars or more....................
that buys a LOT of gas and oil !!
Just something to consider when you have to pay for a saw,,then pay for work on it,then pay shipping ,etc..