He's a MEEN Nadian and has a lousy boss.......Hello from a Ryobi fan. What's the story with your Ryobi Dancan?. Thanks.
He's a MEEN Nadian and has a lousy boss.......Hello from a Ryobi fan. What's the story with your Ryobi Dancan?. Thanks.
He just put Ryobi stickers on a Stihl he has just to be funny . LOL Think its a MS241 ?Hello from a Ryobi fan. What's the story with your Ryobi Dancan?. Thanks.
Hello from a Ryobi fan. What's the story with your Ryobi Dancan?. Thanks.
So, Dan, what do you do with all that spruce....furnace wood? Try to mill it into 2X's? Sell it for pulp or biomass?
Sounds like a inside day . Maybe even start a safety meeting a little early ? LOL45 degrees 'Merican and rain here .......supposed to get a couple inches "they" say....
Better get us some pix of all the fun !!!Took the new to me 044 Arctic and old faithful 044/460 hybrid along with one 026 Mighty Mouse to the big cut today, hard rock maple needing to be cut into 16" lengths. The nely built 440 started right up, ran perfect with no carb adjustments needed. Old faithful had not been started in 3 years but roared to life on the 3 rd pull over and ran 4 tanks of fuel through it. The Mighty Mouse only got to shear a few top limbs off, had too much fun bucking with the big saws again.
Better get us some pix of all the fun !!!
I aint no help with puters !Havn`t figured out how to get picts to work since getting this new puter, everything that worked before don`t work now.