Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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I don't think the Walbro 170 for the Hoosky 51/55 has any pump.....but the same theory could be put to throttle shaft/carb body wear...we'll see if cheep China parts cure it....I hope needs to go away...
I really don`t know all the carbs that has them, have to look em up on a IPL for each new model I deal with. Never touched a Husky 51 or 55 so no idea on that carb at all. If I can possibly help it I won`t be working on any orange coolaide saws again. I tells them, get them stinkin saws away from me, don`t even think about putting one on or in my truck!!

20w50 synth racing oil = 4.21% gain in hp and .6s shaved off of cut time !!!
Landscaper proven and approved :)
WOOOHOO........nice day here....just got in from the island....going to be real bad here on the coast tonight......battened down the hatches at the camp, grabbed the skiff and shagged outta there early.....bride was not happy when I got her up yesterday at 4:30 AM.......just about as happy this morning when I got here up at 6:00 AM.......I said "Geeze you got an extra hour and a haff today!!" Knew the boat ramp would be a zoo today....NOAA forecast calling for "Hurricane Force" wind watch overnight and tomorrow over the outer islands...gusts to 70 knts...or 80.555 MPH......I was right..... boat ramp was crazy but we lucked out by the time I got back with the truck everyone had cleared out...except there was that jacked up 240 with some kind of pitiful flat trailer and fella was trying to get a big row boat onto it....5 more trucks and trailers showed up while I was giving that guy a hand, but we were first in line after the takes us between 5 to 7 minutes to get on the trailer, out of the water and the plug pulled...we were gone real quick before anyone else showed up!!! Gotta go and unbolt Hoss's doors, put down some straw and get him ready......he's going in for the night....'spose to get upwards of three inches of rain too.....generator on charge already...'spect there WILL be outages!!!! Best take a saw home too...with gas and oil!!!
WOOOHOO........nice day here....just got in from the island....going to be real bad here on the coast tonight......battened down the hatches at the camp, grabbed the skiff and shagged outta there early.....bride was not happy when I got her up yesterday at 4:30 AM.......just about as happy this morning when I got here up at 6:00 AM.......I said "Geeze you got an extra hour and a haff today!!" Knew the boat ramp would be a zoo today....NOAA forecast calling for "Hurricane Force" wind watch overnight and tomorrow over the outer islands...gusts to 70 knts...or 80.555 MPH......I was right..... boat ramp was crazy but we lucked out by the time I got back with the truck everyone had cleared out...except there was that jacked up 240 with some kind of pitiful flat trailer and fella was trying to get a big row boat onto it....5 more trucks and trailers showed up while I was giving that guy a hand, but we were first in line after the takes us between 5 to 7 minutes to get on the trailer, out of the water and the plug pulled...we were gone real quick before anyone else showed up!!! Gotta go and unbolt Hoss's doors, put down some straw and get him ready......he's going in for the night....'spose to get upwards of three inches of rain too.....generator on charge already...'spect there WILL be outages!!!! Best take a saw home too...with gas and oil!!!
Seen you were in for some nasty stuff yesterday , just didn't know when , missed that part of it . Now I know . LOL Don't forget to save some for Danny ! Hes had it way to easy this week . LOL
He can have all of it this tyme....!!!! Hoss's house all set and ready to be closed up....took a haff an hour and picked the dreadlocks out of his main from the storm earlier in the week.....that amused Hoss while he chomped his first baled hay in months...happy Hoss.....
Been crazy weather here today. Blowing stout all day and strange looking clouds moving by quickly. Wish I had some of the roof on my new building but glad I am not roofing in this mess.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
WOOOHOO........nice day here....just got in from the island....going to be real bad here on the coast tonight......battened down the hatches at the camp, grabbed the skiff and shagged outta there early.....bride was not happy when I got her up yesterday at 4:30 AM.......just about as happy this morning when I got here up at 6:00 AM.......I said "Geeze you got an extra hour and a haff today!!" Knew the boat ramp would be a zoo today....NOAA forecast calling for "Hurricane Force" wind watch overnight and tomorrow over the outer islands...gusts to 70 knts...or 80.555 MPH......I was right..... boat ramp was crazy but we lucked out by the time I got back with the truck everyone had cleared out...except there was that jacked up 240 with some kind of pitiful flat trailer and fella was trying to get a big row boat onto it....5 more trucks and trailers showed up while I was giving that guy a hand, but we were first in line after the takes us between 5 to 7 minutes to get on the trailer, out of the water and the plug pulled...we were gone real quick before anyone else showed up!!! Gotta go and unbolt Hoss's doors, put down some straw and get him ready......he's going in for the night....'spose to get upwards of three inches of rain too.....generator on charge already...'spect there WILL be outages!!!! Best take a saw home too...with gas and oil!!!

Ahhhhhh........but Lad.......what could be finer than being out on Ebens Head with half a tumbler of Single covered by the other hand....and taking it away till you have just the right amount of Rain Water.
Perhaps a dram or two inside first. Checking for lightning and such.......but in a squall on the Head yelling at the top of your lungs to be heard......priceless.........
Been crazy weather here today. Blowing stout all day and strange looking clouds moving by quickly. Wish I had some of the roof on my new building but glad I am not in this mess.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Yep this one is just like last week......'cept more high speed air involved. Starts way below you, travels vertical .......the end is way above me....long buncha clouds... We on the very coast gonna get whacked I believe......seen boats of all sizes on trailers all day........4:30 this morning the lobsta boyz were headed down the bay......massive LED lights blazin....dieselz roaring.....turbos spooled sleeping in at the camp...boyz either taking up traps or moving them into deeper water if they had the warp......or moving them to a lee shore until this chit storm passes. This latest generation of downeast lobsta boats are fast....average 34-40'.....average HP 750....turning large dia, steep pitch 4 blade wheels......if you can't run at 40 mph you a loseAH....different game than wh.........chit....ain't raining or blowing yet and just had a power outage!!.....where wuz I??...oh....en I was young fishing with my father....we cruised at about 7 knts....WOT probably 12........chit... Uncles UFO does 12 knts at dead idle.....38' with a v 12v Mack....950hp stock......1200HP chipped for the Lobsta Boat Races.....her record was 58 MPH fully rigged for fishing.....(when she was new)..(and Andy was just a tad under 80 years old) ( that was near 20 years ago) (he gave up racing 3-4 years ago)......pulled the Mack and put in a 750 hoss V8 Volvo...sigh....