Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Old saws were reliable if they were maintained but most were not. The newer electronic module saws took less maintenance and that is what most chainsaw manufacturers are tilted toward. If they can successfully eliminate carburetors that will be a big step toward less maintenance. All advancements cost money and the owners become the guinypigs to test them for defects.
The old saws with Points were much less Maintenance Free! Change the Pts. every Fall and they would run all winter!

If the condenser was in good shape we often got 4 - 5 years out of a set of points. Bit of a secret I found was to polish the contacts, not just file them. Polished first with 500, then 1000 grit and finish with a leather strop and final denim with jewelers rouge. My Pioneers still have their original set of points in them. If the points were starting to pit we changed out the condenser.
Saw one of those moments in tyme tonight.......saw one of those new 6 ltr twin turbo Vettes get it on with some little chit box.....Avalon I think......I meen it was a poor excuse, but I gotta say a good tuner got ahold of it.......cause it went like a sumbitch.....perhaps nitrous......anyway we just cleared the Wisconsin line and these two come dowqn an on ramp onto the big road with gunz a blazin'......rather heavy traffic which was running a pretty consistent 85 mph......they was running way ovah a hunnert......they caused quite a stir in the flow......and there was little place form them to they calmed their jets a I came up behind them in the middle lane and all of a sudden they nailed it......that little chit box was no match for the automatic trans twin turbo Vette but it didn't go down easy.......I kinda eased off as the bride was screechin' sumthin' 'bout us not being in the middle of this chit the Vette blew the doors off the chit box..... hard......'bout two minutes later a Wisconsin State Troopah went by me like I was sittin' still........and wouldn't ya know it he stopped the loosah.......never saw the white Vette again......heheheheh.....
Saw one of those moments in tyme tonight.......saw one of those new 6 ltr twin turbo Vettes get it on with some little chit box.....Avalon I think......I meen it was a poor excuse, but I gotta say a good tuner got ahold of it.......cause it went like a sumbitch.....perhaps nitrous......anyway we just cleared the Wisconsin line and these two come dowqn an on ramp onto the big road with gunz a blazin'......rather heavy traffic which was running a pretty consistent 85 mph......they was running way ovah a hunnert......they caused quite a stir in the flow......and there was little place form them to they calmed their jets a I came up behind them in the middle lane and all of a sudden they nailed it......that little chit box was no match for the automatic trans twin turbo Vette but it didn't go down easy.......I kinda eased off as the bride was screechin' sumthin' 'bout us not being in the middle of this chit the Vette blew the doors off the chit box..... hard......'bout two minutes later a Wisconsin State Troopah went by me like I was sittin' still........and wouldn't ya know it he stopped the loosah.......never saw the white Vette again......heheheheh.....

Some of those fekkin lil tuner cars will suprise the hell out of ya. I have been forced to become a believer. Seen my nephew outrun a Shelby Super Snake with his tuner Honda Civic, from takeoff and down the road two miles, the big car never had a chance.
Yeah this lil' rig had it going on!!! But in the end was no match for the Vette.......and really no match for the Crown Vick with all the lights, whip ant. and stuffs!! I had never seen this new generation of Vetts go but man we was 1000 feet behind them when they cut loose...the Vette needed more room to use the power but when he found the space we could very clearly hear him!! She really come on and seem to get lower and wider under load and just went away......loudly!!! The little one was pretty loud too but in that angry bee in a coffee can kinda way! All this heard from inside the Rogue with the widows up, AC on, radio on and running 85 mph on a crowded freeway......anyway was an exciting few mins in an otherwise rather boring ride to Milwaukee.....felt kinda bad for the loosah.......but the law of the pay....

I thot of making an "Instructables" video for Robin today on the flippycaps but I ran out of time lol



I did have to cut a Pffftfir , look at the growth rigs , it grew like a bad weed


Hey Robin !!!!
What an awesome better mousetrap ;)
By the shore of Gitche Gumee

By the shining Big Sea-Water

At the doorway of his Wigwam

In the pleasant Summer morning,

Hiawatha stood and waited.

Some pics from along the shore of Gitche Gumee in the Hiawatha National the UP of Michigan.....Pictured Rocks Lakeshore Lake Superior....

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This is really cool......the pine tree growing on the top is fed by the root system stretching across the void to the main land. Apparently a bunch of the rocks fell down during a storm years ago leaving the established root system to feed the tree as even before there was not enough dirt to support the tree out on the edge where it grew.....

DSC_0093.JPG DSC_0095.JPG

I thot of making an "Instructables" video for Robin today on the flippycaps but I ran out of time lol



I did have to cut a Pffftfir , look at the growth rigs , it grew like a bad weed


Hey Robin !!!!
What an awesome better mousetrap ;)

Don't need 'stuctions on flippy caps.......actually have owned one for the last 10 years......just don't see the need of a bettah, more complicate, multi part mouse trap......that already been recalled by the factory once....LOL!!!

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