Stranger things have happened!
I have them DA attacks a lot ! LOL
Stranger things have happened!
Smurf musta went to bed ? Dan didn't wait on him ! :msp_mellow:
The homie whacker I worked on today I thot was a lost cause
After doin the fuel lines took it out to start it but figuring I would have to swap carbs
Felt like it had no comp!
Checked to see if it was turning over and it was
That's when I found the mud wasp nest in the exhaust
Cleaned that out which helped
That whacker may be the easiest pullin I've ever seen!
Once everything was lubricated ran like a champ
This Eeko was full of carbon ! Muffler was close to shut off.
I will figure it out !
Some day ? LOL
Can't give up , nice whacker.
Cant wait for dinner..... LOL
Casting lead ingots tomorrow. Nothing fancy. A rusty plumbers pot, a gasoline blowtorch, and empty beer cans for molds.
Yes, I will remove the rust before using it.. I am thinking of just sitting the pot on a brick, and sitting the torch so it points at the side.
I have some wheel weights, and a big blob of lead to melt. I am planning on getting another 60#-75# of old lead pipe and flashing from the scrap yard. 100# should be a lifetime supply for me.... LOL
This one ain't bad
Really lite
Not overly powerful but will suit what it's needed for
Dad is gonna get one of the heads with replaceable blades for it
Don't compare to my stihl tho...........I gots to get a harness for it
Tried them plastic blades once, never again ! Break one off it shakes the chit out of you !
I got fresh apple pile in the fridge !
Guess I should have a piece. LOL
I have only had that happen once ought of nearly 30 blades!
Lot nicer than line in my opinion at least for what I do
Then of course I gots the brush blade! Keep away from toes!!
Anyone tell me how to identify the year of my Husky 36 by serial? Here's a shot of it. Is there a database anywhere?
View attachment 306565
Sent on the fly.
Keep it down, dang noisy slugs keepin people awake.
To many rocks around here ! LOL
But now days I just spray weeds ! LOL
Only time I run a whacker now is testing one ! LOL
Got that Husky brush saw with blades , I will likely sell it.
Anyone tell me how to identify the year of my Husky 36 by serial? Here's a shot of it. Is there a database anywhere?
View attachment 306565
Sent on the fly.
To many rocks around here ! LOL
But now days I just spray weeds ! LOL
Only time I run a whacker now is testing one ! LOL
Got that Husky brush saw with blades , I will likely sell it.
I got fresh apple pile in the fridge !
Guess I should have a piece. LOL