I'm also looking for a 365/371/372 top handle and the AV mount that connects it to the cylinder.
Carl I bet those could be welded. I'm going to have my 2100 crankcase welded.
I have acquired this monster recently and have too many projects already.
Compression on some of those old engines is 'normal' to be just under 100. I know that the Power Products AH-47 is normal at 95.
I find myself needing a couple husky parts:
445/450 coil (if nothing available permanently, just for testing purposes)
435/440 carb -- someone SMOOSHED the L speed needle... Stays running screwed all the way in....:bang:
TONS to trade... Parts, bars, chain, good cheer. Etc
TONS to trade... Parts, bars, chain, good cheer. Etc
All of the runners are gone.
Down to these parts left for 500 5000 490 590 325 saws. Some NOS never used.
Muffler has already been modded.
I would like to trade the whole lot of parts or ?? throw ideas to me in PM's.
Looking for stihl 031 av and 038 av parts have 039 parts saw for trade.