need 261 or 262xp cylinder, 272xp crank, 372xp cylinder. lots to trade or green.
I've got a nice 272xp crank. Lot's of things on my wish list too. PM me if you don't find something closer to home.

need 261 or 262xp cylinder, 272xp crank, 372xp cylinder. lots to trade or green.
Fred- I'm down for the 359 with the fried piston. All I have is $$.
Got a 20" 3/8s .050 husqavarna labeled bar with a lpx or lgx chain. A 28" 3/8s .050 total husky bar with 3 oregon chains. One is semi skip square, other is semi skip round with a little life left, and the other is full comp lgx. All the chains for the 28" are sharp and the square ground is a little over half life left and the lgx has 3/4 or so. Looking for a 28" .063 rw bar or 32" .063 rw bar or $$.
yup and i have about 10 Husky 55 parts saws.
I got a 50mm 372 jug with the top fin broken someone pays shipping they can have it.
I got some more pics for you guys if you PM me. I have an 034 needs a carb, 359 has a fried piston, 385 runner, and two shinny 575's one's a runner and one is for parts.
I still need a dolmar 115 coil- prefer to have a ducati coil but I will settle for a bosch.
I can use that...I'll add a few $$ to the 359.