anybody got a use ?
the recoils are in them.
I could sure use the torsion spring, brake handle retaining screw, and washer from that ProMac clutch cover. I could also use the brake handle/flag too if you have it as well.
A fellow here (may even be you memory's like a window screen) had these very same Mac parts all put asside for me.....but like an idiot I accidentaly deleted his PM and can't remember who he was. Whatadumbass....
I'd like to have the XL925 starter housing as a spare, but I'm not in a real need for it. I'm sure somebody here is in dire need....
nope,not me...that all i have right now,could ude a brake handle myself.
10-4. I may have printed that PM out. Got a file cabinet stuffed with crap I've printed off of AS "for future use". If you're willing to remove the spring, screw, and washer from that Mac clutch cover I could still use 'em.
Hey last post wasn't spam/fluff/jibber-jabber Mr. Jay. I was actualy expressing an interest in swap meet items in the swap meet thread (this time). You be the one postin' spam this time. Got any long Big Homelite or Big McCulloch (McCulluk/Maculeg,Maculogh,McClellen) mount bars for me yet???![]()
Is that a partner p55 starter cover??anybody got a use ?
the recoils are in them.
I've got a lot of Stihl parts I'm getting rid of. I'm listing them on ebay, but if any of you guys need something let me know. I like to trade!!! I have 026, and 028 stuff, a nice case with good bearing and crank for a 028 super, 066 rim drives, clutches, oil pumps, etc. I also have a 046 tank that has a crack up near the front wrap mount. I'm planning to fix it, just ain't had time. 046/044 clutch, 046 oil pump............
I need a 026 piston and a few odds and ends.
No chance you got an adjustable oil pump for an 026, HMMMMMMMMMM?
i got a box of pro mac saws and parts 10-10 looks the same 700 promac 555 pro mac that runs and few more parts saws im new to the forum so ive have never sent parts or load pic yet but got to learn i think the 700 will run with some work the guy i got them from told me it was the best saw he ever had
I'm pretty sure that I have a new 026 adjustable oiler if someone is interested.
I'm looking for a 12" or 14" 3/8 lopro B&C for a Poulan S25. I also need a sprocket for the same.
I'm in need of a brake handle from a Pro Mac 55, I think a 10-10 will fit. also looking for the starter housing screen. I've got some 021 & 029 parts to trade if needed.
10-4. I may have printed that PM out. Got a file cabinet stuffed with crap I've printed off of AS "for future use". If you're willing to remove the spring, screw, and washer from that Mac clutch cover I could still use 'em.
Will this fit a 55? It is from a PM605-610? If not it's up for trade if someone is interested. I have more PM605-610 parts too. Just PM me.