Some of the non supers had chain brakes as well.
Yep...that is why I asked instead of assumed.

Some of the non supers had chain brakes as well.
What model 038 is it? If its a super or mag send me a pm if you would.I have a complete 038 with some damage....
Broken handle/tank/clutch cover.
I need the filter cover for an early model 041, the type where the handle assembly goes all the way around.
I also need the rewind for a later model 041 farm boss. The casting on mine is broken that holds the plastic pawl.
Do you have the part #'s ? I have an older farm boss non AV I bought thinking I'll part out.
While on the 041 subject, I have a cylinder that the whole ear of 1 side where the 1 muffler screw goes broke off completely. Its beyond anything I can fix but mabe someone else can. The saw it came off was running very strong and flawlessly. I guess it would take some aluminum welding, milling,drill and tap a hole. If anybody is interested ,you pay shipping and its yours otherwise its going to scrap. My zip is 47957 if you care to figure.
for your consideration, an 028 AV Wood Boss. this does run, but the clutch went all hand grenade. not pictured, but included a large baggie of parts and 16 inch bar (no chain) would like to trade for a piston and jug for Husky 55 Rancher or Piston and Jug for Husky 266Xp . . . or something else, what you got to trade? Send me a PM if interested
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34642877@N05/3964004091/" title="IMG_0099 by rebekahmartinez, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2480/3964004091_4153f60fc6_m.jpg" width="240" height="135" alt="IMG_0099" /></a>
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34642877@N05/3964757950/" title="IMG_0098 by rebekahmartinez, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2559/3964757950_1d86a5f5cc_m.jpg" width="240" height="135" alt="IMG_0098" /></a>
Do you have the part #'s ? I have an older farm boss non AV I bought thinking I'll part out.
While on the 041 subject, I have a cylinder that the whole ear of 1 side where the 1 muffler screw goes broke off completely. Its beyond anything I can fix but mabe someone else can. The saw it came off was running very strong and flawlessly. I guess it would take some aluminum welding, milling,drill and tap a hole. If anybody is interested ,you pay shipping and its yours otherwise its going to scrap. My zip is 47957 if you care to figure.
I'm pretty sure I have a 266 piston kit....let you know tonight.
That can probably be fixed, had the same problem on my 394, where the muffler bolt went onto the head, somebody cranked down on it, and broke off the ear.
Had it welded, milled, and tapped, Good as new, or maybe better
Thanks, I thought that might be the case. It probably will not be worth it for me at this point since I don;t need it so if any 1 else wants it pay shipping and its yours. ( 041 cylinder with ear broke off )
Just checking to see if there were any 056 parts around. Talked to a guy that had one today, and said it was crushed. Bent the crank or something like that.
Just wanted to see, if I got my hands on it, if I could find some parts for it.
And check too see if anybody had any 3120 parts layin around. Like a carb, cylinder, or plastic.
Just about done with a husky 335 top handle saw. Looks pretty good.
Trade a strong runnin, rough lookin husky 385 for it?
Are you serious?
Thanks, I thought that might be the case. It probably will not be worth it for me at this point since I don;t need it so if any 1 else wants it pay shipping and its yours. ( 041 cylinder with ear broke off )
Trade a strong runnin, rough lookin husky 385 for it?