Thanks again for the chain for my ms270:yoyo:
Your Very Welcome Zane i'll have it out after i come in from work and i'll put a tracking number on it for ya
Thanks again for the chain for my ms270:yoyo:
Heck yea:msp_smile: Let me know if you come across anything 20" or longer Thanks:msp_smile:
Any body see anything they need?
3120, Husky 66, Solo, 041 and small Homelite are already gone. Weedeater too!
Whats left:
-Craftsman 1.8 (In a box, but appears complete)
-Cinder Block Mac
-Pro Mac 435 (P&C look good, and it has spark)
-Homelite 240
-Poluan 2055
-Poulan 2300 (Very clean)
-Mac Super Pro 40
-Mac 300 Complete with a 18" Mac bar
-Mac 1010
-Homelite XL12 with Homelite bar
I will trade on about anything.
I also have a couple of small mount Husky bars, 18"-20", .325 and 3/8 with chains.
What I need:
-A NICE 029/290 series clutch cover
-16" or 18" Stihl bar, .325
-Air filter and air filter cover for a 036
Well my popcorn eating friend, There will be some stuff in the colors you like, but the question is, do you have anything to trade in the colors I like.:cool2:
still in need of a 254 coil. Friend has $ to trade for the coil. Needs to get his saw back up and running. Figured Id try here first
Zog, this is all I could find in the lenghts you mentioned. I think it's a Homelite mount. 24", 10mm slot instead of 8mm, oil holes and adjuster holes look the same. Maybe you could make up a bushing. Yours for the shipping if you want it.
In need of a top end for a Husky 359.I think someone asked about one a while back? Hope they found one? Could have something to trade?Also got green slips!
What about a 2159 top end? Just got one in the other day
Looking for a starter pulley for a Husky 480cd, or the whole assembly.
Got trades and cash
Im looking for an 044 screw cap style fuel tank and trigger assembly. I have green paper to trade.. :hmm3grin2orange:
Anyone got a Stihl 44mm 028 piston laying around they dont need?
What about a 2159 top end? Just got one in the other day
One more try for a decent looking complete clutch cover to fit a 51 Husky....I do have the brake handle though.
Got some moldy old presidents, a few parts, or plenty of 3/8s .050 LGX chain.