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Well guys i have come to a horrible situation. Seems that i have run out of underwear!
So if anyone has any underwear layin around or something id be more then glad to pay for shipping!! Brown streaks are not acceptable! (unless you bleach em before you send em out! Greatly appreciate any feedback!!
In trade, you wont have to see me naked everytime i take a picture of myself :laugh:
Well guys i have come to a horrible situation. Seems that i have run out of underwear!
So if anyone has any underwear layin around or something id be more then glad to pay for shipping!! Brown streaks are not acceptable! (unless you bleach em before you send em out! Greatly appreciate any feedback!!
In trade, you wont have to see me naked everytime i take a picture of myself :laugh:

You are one SICK puppy :hmm3grin2orange:
Looking for a useable air filter for a Homelite 330.

If anyone can help out with a useable air filter for a Homelite 330 please pm.

Thanks in advance,
So I looked all over the interweb, and checked all over my local Dollar Tree, but I can't find them red olde timey shop rags nowhere. I like them best 'cause when I go out around town I keep one folded just right hangin' out of my back pocket. That way people don't have to ask me what I do fer a livin' they can already tell I'm a mechanick.
So if you fellas have any extree ones a layin' about i'd be happy as a pig in a poke to have some. I dont have much fer tradin' scratch, but I got a couple custom sheetrock screws that my best bud Scoot dun sent me with instructions on how to cut them down from 2" to 1 and 5 eights and weld 'em up with the JB.
Oh I almost fergot to tell you guys, I made a flywheel key. What I done was I looked through my grate grate pappy's tools, and I found one of his wooden handle screwdrivers with the squared shaft long part, well wouldn't you know it's the same size as them NLA flywheel keys for my Poulan Pro 4218AVX, so I fired up my Mini Mac with the carbite blade and cut that sumbeech down to the right length, it was really scary 'cause that chain would grab that thing and fling it all over my shop which is how I got this hole in my shin...........well any ways what I did was cut it down and it fits perfectly, that flywheel might break, but at least the key will last.
There's a bunch more screwdrivers in there too, along with some square box wrenches, and a hand drill, and a whole mess of other tools cause my grate grate paw paw was a railroad man before WWI. My best bud Scoot reminds me of him, cause he looked like Santa.

You, thomas1 and others have way to much free time. If you lived closer I could put you to work and use some of it. Tom
You, thomas1 and others have way to much free time. If you lived closer I could put you to work and use some of it. Tom

Thank you Mr Coker for being a true gentleman, and offering to employ me. However at this time I find myself with more than enough to do. As I was able to attend my local church rummage sale this past weekend, and once the event had concluded I was allowed to haul off a lot of what didn't sell, this included multiple milk cartons, and KFC Buckets of assorted fasteners, man I'll tell you what I got sheetrock screws from 1 1/4" all the way up to 2 5/8" in 1/8" increments. So my good friend thomas1 will be set for awhile with those. Also if anyone is needing some women's shoes I got a bunch of them too, y'all should PM me for those though for privacy sake. I also picked up some more shop rags, and some half used rolls of Ducting Tape, so I'm pretty well set to get repairin' of this Super 2. Which reminds me it needs a primer bulb thingy so if you all might have a spare I sure would be awful glad. I got lots of bolts, screws, and expired bus passes to trade.
Well guys i have come to a horrible situation. Seems that i have run out of underwear!
So if anyone has any underwear layin around or something id be more then glad to pay for shipping!! Brown streaks are not acceptable! (unless you bleach em before you send em out! Greatly appreciate any feedback!!
In trade, you wont have to see me naked everytime i take a picture of myself :laugh:

I have some in your size that isn't being used at my house, anymore. Would you prefer Batman, Muppets or Cars?
Well guys i have come to a horrible situation. Seems that i have run out of underwear!
So if anyone has any underwear layin around or something id be more then glad to pay for shipping!! Brown streaks are not acceptable! (unless you bleach em before you send em out! Greatly appreciate any feedback!!
In trade, you wont have to see me naked everytime i take a picture of myself :laugh:

what are you size 5-6? you prefer something in a t-back or a high rise bikini?
Rep sent in recognition of your efforts. Don't get all Susan Lucci on us.

What about me???? I don't get no freakin rep?????? :msp_mad:

Tom, I dont have much free time and dont live close but it would be a honor and a joy to come and help you work in the shop!

I'll work for rhubarb pie. :cool2: