sycamore removals

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Bit off topic but this seems the place to talk about Sycamores. How well do they respond to pollarding? Been offered a job pollarding this 40' and i just wanted to know how the tree would respond. For the spot the tree is in a pollard would probally be the best management technique.
How come you chose to perform the work on a Sunday? Do you do trees on the weekends only??? Part-timer???
I have seen sycamores that have been pollarded and they look really good after new growth is established.
I'm not saying its right or wrong....but I have noticed a few around town.
sycamore trees

Davidsinatree said:
I will be removing these 2 sycamore trees. The customer wants them out to make room for a pool this spring. The trees are healthy, about 80' tall. About 30' of space between the trees.
Anytime I work on a tree type that I've never climbed, I am extra cautious and want to know about tendencies of the wood...( does it break easy, is the wood brittle..etc)

What are some of the important things to know about sycamore ?

My game plan is simple....
1. Limb it on the way up.
2. Drop the top limbs out.
3.Work down chunks on the way back down.
4.lay down the last 30' or 40' of the trunk.

Here is a pick of the trees.
wall i know it is a hard wood
it is easy to calmb with graphs
jmack said:
sorry for going off the handle, I realize we have different standards in the industry, than most. after i posted that outburst i continued on storm cleanups. i physically placed my rope in the tree we were going to remove ( no throw bag) didnt see any visible cracks, while removing a lead over a line i felt the whole top let go with my climbing line in it , the top missed me went to the line and took that out then went tight on my line dragging me, i had my flipline around the lead i was working on which prevented me from sailing with the top to the drive way below at that moment as i pulled slack out of my vt to let the top down and take the weight off me i realized that if i had found it impractical to place a secondary line in.... anyway happy to be here, clearance if it works for you to be untied at 100' go for it.
pics of that storm damage