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It's a nice enough evening for porch sitting. The breeze is almost warm, very pleasant around these parts today.

Hows that coffee?


Coffee was good. Coffee and home made banana nut bread...warm from the oven...was even better.

Hey, I heard RandyMac has a whole bunch of crab and he's going to invite us all for a big crab cioppino feed. You hear anything about that?
Rain wet, showers, crumby broke down in the yard (damned lucky it aint up a mountain in the snow)... It can wait until next year, ordered $25.00 parts online cause starters are 200.00 and all it needs are contacts in the solenoid. My p/u runs and the crew is mostly off until Jan 6th, doing downtime maintenance and upgrades which happens ever year at Christmas break for us. Let'er sno let'er sno.....:havingarest::drinkingcoffee: I see lots a guys online that could be out workin' like me but I'm takin' a break 'till next year (if all goes as planned, subject to change in 2 min depending on need)...
nice here, 50 calm partly sunny........wait a few days......
we will be off a week or two after xmas........hell we off two for thanks givin and sick as a dog lol

crab what? well i'll try it.
Coffee was good. Coffee and home made banana nut bread...warm from the oven...was even better.

Hey, I heard RandyMac has a whole bunch of crab and he's going to invite us all for a big crab cioppino feed. You hear anything about that?

Come to think of it I did hear something today. From the bellerin on the wind, I figured he burnt his fingers trying to light the fire for the boil. Ya know, bought crab doesn't taste as good as caught crab. I sure hope he stowed away and caught the hisself.

frozen in the morning again, high 20's, clear and calm...

Its crab... which means its a sea spider with fuzzy eyes... or food that can fight back... or a bunch of work for a little nibble of tasteless rubber that smells faintly of urine and rotten fish... but that may just be me...

Yup, if you buy them dead in the store that's about what they are. They get gamey pretty fast. But if you buy them live and boil them yourself, maybe dip the hunks of meat in a little lemon butter with garlic, or whip up a big cioppino with fresh baked french bread...or just go cave man and eat them plain, betcha change your mind.
What's this? You say Randy has crabs? Poor sod... I hope he is not itching too much :crazy:

We have Dungeness up here too. Its a good year for it here. When I go to Anchor Bay/Gualalalalala we get huge crabs fresh off the boat in Pt Reyes. I cook 'em up in salt water with lots of garlic. We also eat fresh abalone there. I like the wine from around there too. Some of the best wine in the world comes from Redwood Valley and the Anderson Valley.

Now I am forking hungry! :barbecue:Oh, and the weather here is windy and overcast, but no rain, in the 40's. Almost balmy, 'cept for the east wind.
Betcha I've tried... its the smell that bothers me more than anything... has to do with camping/being stuck in the woods, for 3 days with nothing but lake trout surrounded by the last idiots dead fish they threw on the banks to rot... the flies where getting thick not to mention the living rice...
Yup, if you buy them dead in the store that's about what they are. They get gamey pretty fast. But if you buy them live and boil them yourself, maybe dip the hunks of meat in a little lemon butter with garlic, or whip up a big cioppino with fresh baked french bread...or just go cave man and eat them plain, betcha change your mind.
what? they sell dead crabs not cooked there? no way, dead get chunked before goin in the steamer...........any place sells dead don't stay in bness long.
some day, i'd like to get over there and sample some y'alls local food. we seem to eat simelar things but different.
They're cooked when you buy them, unless live. West coast crab rule #1, never cook a dead crab for eating, a case of the srcreamers is to put it mild. If for some reason you think it needs to be tried, cook that one last and by itself, it will poison the cooking water from then on. I have seen people eat them live and raw on the dock before, tougher than I am.

Crab is a staple at this house, according to the boy. Be it traps in the ocean or bay, raking at low tide or wading the surf, that kid is a crab eating machine.

We checked out them blue crab you have. You really eat them whole, fried? Guts and all?

what? they sell dead crabs not cooked there? no way, dead get chunked before goin in the steamer...........any place sells dead don't stay in bness long.
some day, i'd like to get over there and sample some y'alls local food. we seem to eat simelar things but different.

Owl said it right, and you're right too. Never cook a dead crab. We get guys that buy live crabs and take them to inland parts of the state. Some times they cook them. They sell out of the back of a van. They sell dead crab if they think they can get away with it..."Ah hell, it must have just died...get it home fast and cook it"...
They never hang around very long or work the same area twice.

C'mon out. In the winter you can buy live crab right from the boat. Same with salmon in the spring and summer and albacore in the fall.
or find a friend with a boat in season in Puget Sound here... drop a few pots, drag in a few crab, or wait for the right season and get really fresh shrimp, clams, oysters, cod, Steel head season is coming up if you feel like freezing yer ass off in a river... Not to mention various salmon runs... ( or wait until dark and use a spear...)

Just about everyone around here has a boat or knows some one with 2... trick is figuring out the seasons and not getting shot or in a fist fight at any of the launches...

I like clams, and oysters (cooked though), and salmon if its done right... smoked or baked on cedar... might try steel head again if I can ever find someone to not ruin it... And if I can werk my nerve up to try stream trout again... lake trout is out though... dog fud tasting mushy grossness
... dog fud tasting mushy grossness

That's how the inland salmon is here. It's like eating oatmeal..except not as good. By the time that fish comes clear up the Sacramento river and into whatever tributaries it started from it's one sad, sorry, beat to hell poor excuse for a fish. My neighbor in Grass valley is always bringing me river salmon. He's a great guy so I take special care not to let him see me burying it in the compost pile.
I was raised on the coast and we always had fish the same day it was caught out of the ocean or Humboldt Bay. I'm spoiled for life.
They're cooked when you buy them, unless live. West coast crab rule #1, never cook a dead crab for eating, a case of the srcreamers is to put it mild. If for some reason you think it needs to be tried, cook that one last and by itself, it will poison the cooking water from then on. I have seen people eat them live and raw on the dock before, tougher than I am.

Crab is a staple at this house, according to the boy. Be it traps in the ocean or bay, raking at low tide or wading the surf, that kid is a crab eating machine.

We checked out them blue crab you have. You really eat them whole, fried? Guts and all?

no lol. steamed and then you pick them. picking is an art, they have compitions on it..........the handbrake used to be pretty fast.
you may be talking of softshells, they are fried but cleaned first. i ain't much on those.
you guy's are going to make me dust off the boat and pots. have not gone out for 3 years now. think i need to change that up. used to go out on Nestucca bay and catch then setup on the spit and boil them up rite there . that is on a nice day though.
you guy's are going to make me dust off the boat and pots. have not gone out for 3 years now. think i need to change that up. used to go out on Nestucca bay and catch then setup on the spit and boil them up rite there . that is on a nice day though.

We used to do the same thing in Humboldt Bay. Sometimes we'd have a little by-catch like a nice small halibut or two or three. Couldn't waste 'em so we ate 'em. Sssshhhhhhh. ;)
I'm not much of a sailor, I don't get seasick, just had a few too many vivid reminders of how perilous it can be. We have resident Great Whites who have figured out that certain types of boats mean an easy meal, they become pests, as bad or worse than the big sea lions. The last time I went out to the reef, we started rockfishing, a guy hooked a big Turkey Red, just about to gaff it and a 14' GW takes it. We moved a quarter mile away, no sooner did we get lines in the water, the same GW shows up and starts nuzzling the boat "Hey feed me!" We moved over a mile back toward Castlerock, caught a few big Blacks, a good sized Ling was being brought up, another GW, a bit smaller came out from under the boat and snatched it. We wave hopped all the way back to the harbor.