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This thing chased a seal in the Klamath lagoon and beached it's silly ass.

A 12' GW got tangled in a gillnet at the base of the old Klamath bridge back in the '70s, just around the bend was a bunch of Steelhead guys, waist deep in the river.
Air always clears here after a nice rain. My power company send me this shot today from up on the mountain. About any where else the linemen would have been in a bucket. Ron

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You know what they say, bucket or F*** IT. Is one of them guys you? I don't see your double skid hanging anywhere. Tsk, Tsk.

Randy. What's wrong with a pet shark? Keep an old halibut carcass, or something to toss over and keep them busy while you move. I do know that if you bring one on the boat, you are done catching fish the rest of the day. They must leak something that comes out the bilge, fish really don't like it. What kill your salmon rigged and the big black and white dolphins show up. I think I would almost want to deal with the sharks, at least they won't spool your gurdies.

The boy spotted a 28' surf prediction coming. That should erase the hump off the beach for next season. Soon as it calms down we'll be out dropping pots and getting some spiders. Think we may have found a smal shrimp zone out there also. 800' of rope sucks when your hand lining though.

It's cold today, and damp and breezy, no porch sitting this evening.

Pots, the hard coated wire type pots. I think they're Alaskan shrimp pots or something like that. They don't have as much drag when you have to pull'em. Man I must be gettin old or something, every year I think more and more serious about getting hydraulics. We use the cheapo Danielsons for crab pots, they fish good and they're only 10 bucks on sale. When money counts we have some stainless comm pots.

owl they dip um in tar here. they are pretty big, prolly close to 4' square. i didn't know ya could catch shrimp in a pot.......what ya bait it with?
we catch eels in a type of pot as well.
This side of the world we have to double skid. 100% attachment at all times. Before you unbelt to climb past something, you have to put your double either under or over the obstacle. Always belted all the time. No way, no excuses for a fall. When I started all the hardware was a ladder and you wouldn't belt until you were in working position. Things have changed. Glad I don't have to mess with all the new regs, a stay in the burn center takes care of that for a guy. I do miss it though, during storms like the one we just had I really miss it a lot. I still get to fool around with the guys now and then though. They understand. Same with the woods, get busted up bad enough and you don't get to do that anymore either, but the guys still let you get out there as you need. I would much rather climb a tree than a pole though, both are good though.

Why don't they let you near the wires?

Owl, I'm general counsel to the company. They know me well enough to keep me out of harm's way.

We have some great linemen. We had a team that took first place overall in the 2014 Tennessee Valley Lineman's Rodeo held in Bowling Green, KY this past summer. We got a guy who can climb and descend like they do in the logging competitions except he is fetching a strapped in dumbie from the top of a power pole. Ron
Owl, I'm general counsel to the company. They know me well enough to keep me out of harm's way.

We have some great linemen. We had a team that took first place overall in the 2014 Tennessee Valley Lineman's Rodeo held in Bowling Green, KY this past summer. We got a guy who can climb and descend like they do in the logging competitions except he is fetching a strapped in dumbie from the top of a power pole. Ron

I haven't been to a rodeo in a long time. I don't even know how our teams did this year.

Rain, rain and more rain. Welcome to the NW. 6-8 inches of rain from Sat evening through Sun afternoon. Should be a couple gully washers should be had out of this one. I have my life jackets ready to go.

Went to Fortuna, rained every foot of the way. Slides on 49, 20, 101. Nothing major but lots of slippages in all the usual spots. Eel River is running strong and about the color of chocolate milk.

Good news...the highway widening project through Richardson's Grove is pretty much dead in the water. The state pulled the funding for it so those big 'ol trees will stand a while yet.
The Used Dog and I went out into the woods and weather for a walk. I parked at a closed gate and we walked in a bit. The area had been logged :eek: since the last time I'd been there. It was the same old political prescription--a thinning.
What's this got to do with weather? Well, it was cloudy and 40ish today but not raining. As soon as I pulled up to the gate, it started raining. I put on my raincoat--The Used Dog had his on already, and off we went. We wandered in on a trail to look at some blowdown that had come down 6 or 7 years ago. At that time, I went in on a volunteer trail logging out crew. I only had Old Sparkless and we ended up clambering over these ones and leaving them for somebody who knew more and had a bigger saw to cut out. They seemed bigger then too. I guess cuz we did some clambering?

We hiked back. When we got into the pickup, the rain stopped and stayed stopped. Oh well.