ok did my training to id and learn to secure this new critter bug, it was all about recognition and then enforcing site security keep man and machine vectors off away etc to aim stop further transfer out from quarantine zones... We were all kited up in teletuby suits and made to follow secure hygiene protocols as approached and surveyed a site that was infected...... er um hey ms this site,,, did you notice its just been ride on mowed by council fresh cut tracks every where under 2 trees covered with bugs and white fluff yeah he'd a done it Friday prolly picked up all the eggs visited dozen other parks by now,,,

do your best to know and secure if found it maybe bad for pine plantations if gets out of quarantine ones
Giant pine scale (Marchalina hellenica) is a scale insect that lives by sucking the sap of pine, fir and spruce trees.
This insect was recently recorded in Australia for the first time, in metropolitan Melbourne and in Adelaide.
Trees impacted by large populations of giant pine scale suffer severe dehydration and dieback of branches, and can eventually die.
Gardeners can be real help in detecting giant pine scale.
Before leaving a host tree location, check your clothing, machinery and tools for signs of the pest.
Do not remove any pine, fir or spruce trees or mulch from your property without first contacting the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources via the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline
1800 084 881 (toll-free).
put this number in your phone
Report any white, waxy secretions you see on the trunks of pine, fir or spruce trees. In addition to calling the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881 (toll-free), you can email photos of the suspected pest, along with your name, telephone number and address, to
[email protected].