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The timber with no bark could be Blackwood (Acacia Melanoxylon) or at a push, it also could be Lightwood (A, Implexa) Lightwood is a much harder wood as far as Acacias go, though it tends to grow in poorer soil and hence doesn't achieve much size, though in Gippsland a greater size is possible (10-15 m).

The timber with the bark I'd say is Black Wattle (A, Mearnsii)
it dose look alot like Melanoxylon but it not as dark as the stuff i see around here i was thinking Dealbata
The timber with no bark could be Blackwood (Acacia Melanoxylon) or at a push, it also could be Lightwood (A, Implexa) Lightwood is a much harder wood as far as Acacias go, though it tends to grow in poorer soil and hence doesn't achieve much size, though in Gippsland a greater size is possible (10-15 m).

The timber with the bark I'd say is Black Wattle (A, Mearnsii)

Good explanations from everyone re the wattle/acacias

I haven't seen blackwood loose it's bark so readily but then there's lots I haven't seen too....

I have what I am sure is another type black wattle without bark and the timber directly under the lost bark is as, it then lightens up immediately and goes through reds all the way to white in the's hard as and burns great...

I suspect there are many types of black wattle though and I'm sure some burn better than others but that stuff I posted in the bottom pic I'd say is softer than Cyprus, and that's a medium hardness that's making it difficult for me to call it a wattle/Acacia and I thought maybe something random like a type of peppermint or something...
There are five black wattles up this way that I know of but I recall there are something like another ten

The two common types of Black Wattle here in the SE of Victoria are A, Mearnisii and A, Decurrens, also known as early Black Wattle, which is actually endemic to N.S.W
though it's now prolific and very wide spread in Victoria and is the variety that's flowing at this time of year.
I've just researched peppermint trees and although they are common to WA and around Perth they're are a number of them here in Gippsland, the bark looks right but I haven't found a close up yet.....the tree looks right too....and they fall over easy just like wattle and grow amongst wattles and Eucalyptus typically...

Hmmm. ..wonder what it smells like..

Have to check it's hardness
A picture below of the good stuff to burn, some kind of black wattle (the 3 large rounds).......I haven't got anything with the bark still on it unfortunately.

Then below that a picture of the crap stuff to burn, still wattle I think but could be something else....they both look similar but burn very differently
View attachment 445678 and the crap stuff below (3 rounds again)

View attachment 445679

Anyone know what the go is.....both are common in Wellington Shire, Vic.
The top ones look like Sally wattle ( melanoxylon ) the way the grubs get under the bark like that & kill the tree, the bottom ones look like what is called black wattle here, the bark & branches dry hard & brittle & is full of tannin & used to be used as agent in tanning hides.
There's two different videos of that red ported the video where it ends with him starting to rip I was wondering why it was slow cutting those logs to start with...looks like he's running skip chain when he stops the saw in the rip.

I'm guessing the chains a bit blunt....*cough*
The local black wattles don't let any weeds grow under them. There is a weed free zone out to the drip line. There is a name for this but too much too drink and can't remember the name for the process. Matt will know. Plants release chemicals that allows germination but then the plants don't grow unless the adult plant dies. Acorns and oaks do it even basil does it.

could not let it go and had to google it


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Skip on that little thing I can only imagine why. Just had another look and paused it looks like skip but hard to tell

When I paused the other vid, where he cuts a weird looking round on the edge of another it almost looks like skip but you can just make out what looks like a tooth but it's prolly not skip...but when he stops it in the rip it definitely looks like skip to me..

He must have overheated the full comp chain and had to run skip given its extra HP
