the all aussie dribble thread!

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Well just put the carby back on after sonic cleaning but still only wants to fire not a hint of running
So dropped the points setting to 25 thou hoping this would help but same thing happens, just fires
So now im stuff, dont know what to do now
Timing was done with a dial guage and set at 4.6mm BTDC so i know thats right
Im just wondering if it is the wrong carby for the saw, mine is HC16A
Every one else ive asked that has one of these saws use HL114A or HL114B
Any help on this would be great please as now i dont know what to do
Regards Peter
Well just put the carby back on after sonic cleaning but still only wants to fire not a hint of running
So dropped the points setting to 25 thou hoping this would help but same thing happens, just fires
So now im stuff, dont know what to do now
Timing was done with a dial guage and set at 4.6mm BTDC so i know thats right
Im just wondering if it is the wrong carby for the saw, mine is HC16A
Every one else ive asked that has one of these saws use HL114A or HL114B
Any help on this would be great please as now i dont know what to do
Regards Peter

does it fire if you put some petrol down the carbi (try to start then stop), try that.
you said you had the carby apart I think. ?
does it fire if you put some petrol down the carbi (try to start then stop), try that.
you said you had the carby apart I think. ?
Hi Neil, yes, if i choke it, it gets fuel coming out of the rear of the carby, pull it over it fires and yes just had the carby sonic cleaned
Hi Neil, yes, if i choke it, it gets fuel coming out of the rear of the carby, pull it over it fires and yes just had the carby sonic cleaned

sounds like its not pulsing, so is the diaphragm back in place correctly ?, perhaps gasket covering the hole to the emulsion block ? things like that.
won't be much wrong. timing should be 26 deg. guessing your points are opening and closing ect.
sounds like its not pulsing, so is the diaphragm back in place correctly ?, perhaps gasket covering the hole to the emulsion block ? things like that.
won't be much wrong. timing should be 26 deg. guessing your points are opening and closing ect.
Thanks Neil, Timing is set at 4.4mmBTDC thats what the paper works says anyway, and points are at 25 thou and are opening and closing and the gasket and diaphram is correct
sounds like its not pulsing, so is the diaphragm back in place correctly ?, perhaps gasket covering the hole to the emulsion block ? things like that.
won't be much wrong. timing should be 26 deg. guessing your points are opening and closing ect.

Heres the carby and the gasket and diaphram are sitting ok on this, where is the emulsion block your talking about, also the little hole in the top of the reed block is clear also where the carby lines up with
Well done peter!! Hard to tell exactly but sounds a little lean. Fatten it up till it nearly stalls and back it off a bit. [emoji106][emoji106]
Thanks Vince, still have to reset point, i think there a bit close, and then ill try again
Just put the cover back on and the chain, its spitting abit now through the exhaust
So tomoro,s job now
Had to put it in the vice, too much compression for a little bloke like me
All down safely cut up ready to be chipped tomorrow....the 5t excavator with grapple f8nally turned up so only had to climb 2 today....just where the excavator couldnt get....those things are awesome for tree lopping....

great job well done
did ya get wet:lol:
great job well done
did ya get wet:lol:
Not a drop, didn't even get my boots wet....

I was planning on having to climb two of the paper barks. was heavy one side and would have fallen on the petrol and diesel tank at the start of the video, but just got the excavator to rip the limbs off of that side so I could fell it safely in the opposite direction....heaps faster than having to climb and can do the work of 5 groundies moving trees around....very quick....I also had him grab one tree I was going to climb as it would have fallen on a shed, he grabbed it, I cut it and he just tracked back till it was clear and let it drop....groundies can't do that.