At this time of the year i like to spend most sunday arvos in the shed looking over the saws while listening to the footy.Generally cleaning them up and looking for any problems and also spend a lot of time sharpening,the usuall stuff,getting cutters even length,rakers to correct height and rounded to original shape etc,they all look like a new pin.
So this morning i head of to a job of cutting up four trees a guy had pushed over with a dozer a few years ago.nice and clean timber so no problem there...but it was a mixture of grey and yellow box,so you no how sharp the chains were after a few cuts dont you!! makes me wonder why i bother trying to get them perfect in the first place :msp_mad:
The problem is there isnt much else to pick from around here,i swear one day im gunna cut down a cyprus pine,cut it into six inch blocks for some therapy :hmm3grin2orange:
sorry guys just haven a winge,the cook dont listen to me.
Cheers Dave