44.7 so far, wind has died away, just occasional gust here and there.
Almost hit 45, its cooling off now down to 44 now the cloud is starting to arrive.
Had to shoo a 5.5ft buck kangaroo out of the vegy patch again, he was quite happy nosing around under the sprinklers.
Wife had gone into the vegy patch, and only when closing the gate whilst leaving it, realised he was in there watching her unfussed by her presence, cheeky sod took out 2 of our sweet corn plants whilst making a nice place to lay down under the sprinkler. Still cant blame him, it was 44.9 today.
Have put out water for them under the mulberry tree last week, which offers good shade, but no, they must come into the vegy patch, then less than an hr later, he is back, and didnt want to move out this time.
Bit of a stand off till he finally gave up and hopped over the fence, not happy to dance with a male kangaroo only armed with a shovel, if he keeps this caper up he might be enjoying the inside of a freezer.
dont feel bad Derwoodii, heat knocks the daylights out of me now too.
what ya reckon kiwi?? a fair deal eh bro
not as good as some previous but worthy a share
Nice one. Gotta love the guys in the background constantly changing the picture on the wall.