In my defence I have to state the following...
I recently purchased a MEC 600 12 guage reloading press. In my infinite wisdom I hadn't realised just how much reloading components had gone up since the mid 90's when I last reloaded a shotgun. It simply isn't worth it although I did manage to buy a few 10kg containers of some old Australian made lead shot from a dealer for $29 a container! New dealer cost is $55 without freight! Luckily this dealer didn't know the new cost

Anyway, I had a heap of the old brass based Winchester AA hulls here from the late 90's that had just been waiting for the ideal opportunity to get reloaded. I went to the local gun store asking for ADI AS50 powder to load some heavier field loads as I had a heap of leftover 32gm and 36gm wads to use. Local gun shop only has AS30. I say to the guy that AS30 is only suited to lighter 24gm and 28gm target loads. He says no it is fine even with 36gm loads. I ask to see an ADI reloading manual. He doesn't have one. I reluctantly buy the AS30. I get home and consult my ADI manual to find I was indeed correct and the best velocity you'll get out a 32gm field load is a rather gay 1100 odd fps. Anyway I load up about 150 shells with No 2 shot and head down the in-law's farm for some weekend bunnit shooting. Turns out I still had full choke fitted to the top and bottom barrel and because of the lame arsed velocity the pattern wasn't opening up like a normal shell and full choke became more like a rifle. I flattened a heap of rabbits with them but quickly found my usual dead eye d*ck shotgun shooting made me look like a blind cripple.
That is why I deleted the video in case people thought I was simply firing wads at the crows or looked at me as a lesser man...
Andrew would have seriously rubbed it in as we were both AA grade sporting clay shooters back in the day. Now I look like a one armed C grader with a wonky eye...