the all aussie dribble thread!

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Um sorry if en umma soundin a bit dum
but are you saying the these fellers are the ones I should ask direct about finding the parts or are the shop keepers ?
I just had a yarn with my local Sthil feller and the prices for original sthil parts were frightening no no not frightening wrong work
fuggen woefull
Not his fault just how it is
thats the $60, 8.5x5.5m tarp it lives under, tho its strung with bailing twine and bush poles so it holds up to the bloody wind we've been having!

this is my baby. not everyones cuppa tiquila but i like it! sadly its bought not built but it was the right price and i needed another car at the time, i only had 12!

the only things ill change are to take the 'lowered roof' paint off the windows (!!!!) ha!! and put hessian sacks over the ali door cards and a big ol stezza in. had a nice custom 'zorst made up for it. happy days!

View attachment 313160 er, this is clearly not whats under the tarp! photos dissapeared. same paint scheme tho! rebuilt ground up, only took 7 bottles of gin! (it was a hot summer, gotta keep hydrated!)
fark a duck! you get to play with some nice cars huh?

my most exiting car tinkering recently was fitting a leccy fuel pump to a 22r!!!

been trying to post a photo of my ride but still cant seem to upload em

Some are good some are total #### heaps we do em all
after 7 bottles of gin if you got on it youd be upside down too! haha!

its a 97 (i think!) XR600R. bloody good fun! starts second kick almost every time, hot or cold. good job too, thats me buggered foot!
all registered and legal. sits on 110 happily and scares kids n old ladies when she fires up! even got it over the pits with the original 'not for road use' tyres on! took a razor blade to the 'not' haha!

next thing is supermoto wheels for this'un and then a smaller, lighter off roader that doesnt scare the beejeezus out of me in the bush! haha!
Um sorry if en umma soundin a bit dum
but are you saying the these fellers are the ones I should ask direct about finding the parts or are the shop keepers ?
I just had a yarn with my local Sthil feller and the prices for original sthil parts were frightening no no not frightening wrong work
fuggen woefull
Not his fault just how it is
try them (benny and matt the Great) and if still not happy ebay international or Weedeaterman (fellow site member.)
Matty number 2. Or bennie will be your best bet

Are you selling stuff too?

try them (benny and matt the Great) and if still not happy ebay international or Weedeaterman (fellow site member.)

If Benny or myself can't keep him happy then he's just a miserable bastard :)
I'm getting some T Shirts made up with "Matt The Great" on them as we speak.

Bloody hell Randy. You don't make an appearance here for a while then you come in with one single word to put everybody off side.
Bit harsh that.
Rough in fact.
I have also had T-Shirts made up with "I love Randy" on them as well. Not game to wear them though as everybody seems to know you in Australia...
Bloody hell Randy. You don't make an appearance here for a while then you come in with one single word to put everybody off side.
Bit harsh that.
Rough in fact.
I have also had T-Shirts made up with "I love RandyMac" on them as well. Not game to wear them though as everybody seems to know you in Australia and drops to the ground with awe at the mere mention of your name..

I have also had T-Shirts made up with "I love Randy" on them as well. Not game to wear them though as everybody seems to know you in Australia...
Does that mean I have to buy 2 T-Shirts since my jug cane from Randy and went to the other Randy for porting.?
Or do I get a paint pen and write X2 at the bottom of it. ?

Actually Randy you beat me to it. I WAS actually going to say that anyway. Honest.

Does that mean I have to buy 2 T-Shirts since my jugs came from Randy and went to the other Randy for porting.?

How big are your jugs then? Glad to hear you have two of them.

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