the all aussie dribble thread!

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No that would be more DAD Diesel Addiction Disorder.
No it's Axe Addiction Disorder.

Yeah bushy, that eBay seller u were looking at for yr HID's.
he has posted it some tomorrow or Monday. 
But I may sell it and get 2 smaller ones. Trying to flood side vision more. Last high country trip I mowed down 3 Roos. 

My wife reccons i have two problems 1 piss head (drink to much) and 2 AYTAIFW (all ya think about is f_cking wood) :msp_smile:
No that would be more DAD Diesel Addiction Disorder.
No it's Axe Addiction Disorder.

Yeah bushy, that eBay seller u were looking at for yr HID's.
he has posted it some tomorrow or Monday. 
But I may sell it and get 2 smaller ones. Trying to flood side vision more. Last high country trip I mowed down 3 Roos. 

Had the same problem Vince and these did the trick spot on

From your mate Sunyee au-

Also these turned up yesterday. 3" 50W

Got myself a Masport mulcher. And it's a bloody beauty!!
Reduced this

To this

In about 40 mins.

It's not the cheapest mulcher but then again my Stihl chainsaws aren't the cheapest either.
Pressure cleaner/washer fella's? Lecky one will do. I checked out Choice and then did a product review on each and they all look like they are crap regardless of price. Anyone had good experiance with one?

Maybe lash out for a Spitwater!

I have a Karcher. Not sure on the model ( check it out when home) and done at least 80 to 100 hrs with it. Been a great unit!!

P.s. a big like on yr projectors! U will love em ! And great idea for the driving lights too. This light is going back. 3 dead LEDs
Edit : it's a Karcher 620M.
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Pressure cleaner/washer fella's? Lecky one will do. I checked out Choice and then did a product review on each and they all look like they are crap regardless of price. Anyone had good experiance with one?

Maybe lash out for a Spitwater!

Yeah most of them are pretty cheaply made these days, try and get one with a decent pump housing eg brass, the cheaper ones just use plastic and they don't last. Also look hose length, the cheap ones only come with about 2-3m and its annoying.

I have been using a stihl pressure cleaner for the last 5? years maybe and does a great job, never had a problem. The hose is a good length too. I think it may have even been one from Bennn*e shop.
Got myself a Masport mulcher. And it's a bloody beauty!!
Reduced this

To this
[In about 40 mins.

It's not the cheapest mulcher but then again my Stihl chainsaws aren't the cheapest either.

them little things are ok & real handy for victim body processing, its getting the DNA off that's the hard part and then your garden turf is always greener in a patch by the shed
aussie1 - what do you rekon to the led's, any good? what else do you run?
ive got a cheapo karcher, done me proud for ages so far, second hand too! does have a short hose tho. guess it keeps pressure up?

vincegu05 - the bar's faulty? what have they said about it? will they refund/replace or supply a handful of led's?

derwoodii - make use of the 'mulch' , plant your fave shrubs on the green spot! make use of the useless ones youve had to stuff through the chipper! the karcher sorts out the dna!

benn*e - i almost cut a bloody deck in half with one o them powerful washers, tore the grain out all over the show and took gouges out soon as me attention lapsed!

bloody flooded here again. fell up to my thighs in a rabbit hole today while trying to do a favour, bunch of, bloody cut hands, rusty tin, poxy ****** rabbit, arse.
I have a petrol Karcher K2500...


Best it's ever done is strip the feral dog out of the dirty raw hardwood at the back door of the house I luved in then rented out.....

Has some nads, don't use my 300 series electric unit now :msp_wink::rock: as the petrol is grunty.
aussie1 - what do you rekon to the led's, any good? what else do you run?

My headlights are HID. A great improvement now that I upraded to the series III clear headlights. I have projector headlights just arrive for the conversion. Ask Vince for the pic. I have the double row 18" 3w LED on the top middle of the bullbar. I will either shift this from the top to the front of the bar or remove it altogether as it will restrict flow to the intercooler scoop. I'd say the projectors will render it almost useless. Those small LED's down the bottom have worked fantastic placing light out to the sides. I can see wildlife now. I have Cibie driving lights converted to HID. These may go also if the projectors work well as it's getting too cluttered in front of the radiator. With the new turbo etc it wants more air.

The karcher sorts out the dna!

I have been using a stihl pressure cleaner for the last 5? years maybe and does a great job, never had a problem. The hose is a good length too. I think it may have even been one from Bennn*e shop.

I grabbed one from Benny as well. It's a OHC Subaru powered one and it has serious testicles. You have to be careful and the jet nozzle is just plain nasty. It will cut concrete, take chunks of rubber out of your tyres etc etc. I pretty well only run the 15-30 degree fan nozzles now to avoid damage. Also has a truck wash suction line too which is a handy feature. There isn't much this thing won't shift.
Oh and I also found the other week that vehicle numberplates seem to be plastic coated now and not painted. I have half an "S" stripped off now :(
Pressure cleaner/washer fella's? Lecky one will do. I checked out Choice and then did a product review on each and they all look like they are crap regardless of price. Anyone had good experiance with one?

Maybe lash out for a Spitwater!

I have had a Karcher for 13 years and it is still working ok.
there are more powerful models out there.
ha,my neibor just gave me one the same,but its red ,it needs a new donk though,she had the rod let go big time

Bloke next door to us has one with a bent crank he got a little too excited with the size of the branches he put throu it
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Good morning ladies, added some more toys to the collection over the weekend.

Wayne may just like at least 1 or all of them.

1st one is fairly big and is red and blue with a horrible solid bar running 1/2 inch.
(took 2 minutes to fire up). this toy was a former racer / work saw as they were back in the day.
Hotel special (it was raced behind local pubs for beer in the late 60's).

2nd was just as big but a greeny / yellow colour, but only took 20 seconds to assess and place on ute for future storage.

3rd is a monster saw,,, impressive to say the least, it too can be stored and forgotton, its almost a red colour with black bits and has a little in common with that muffler that Wayne found in the mail that time.

(the impressive bit was stretched or exaggerated for effect)

something to get all the saw wizards thinking.
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Good morning ladies, added some more toys to the collection over the weekend.

Wayne may just like at least 1 or all of them.

1st one is fairly big and is red and blue with a horrible solid bar running 1/2 inch.
(took 2 minutes to fire up). this toy was a former racer / work saw as they were back in the day.
Hotel special (it was raced behind local pubs for beer in the late 60's).

2nd was just as big but a greeny / yellow colour, but only took 20 seconds to assess and place on ute for future storage.

3rd is a monster saw,,, impressive to say the least, it too can be stored and forgotton, its almost a red colour with black bits and has a little in common with that muffler that Wayne found in the mail that time.

(the impressive bit was stretched or exaggerated for effect)

something to get all the saw wizards thinking.

you know the rules,pics or it didn't happen............................morning neil