the all aussie dribble thread!

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Was a busy track 2 weeks ago. Wish I could have unleashed the big block patrol tho!

Looking forward to the race tomorrow.

well it is a turbo Nissan on Conrod but not quite what MCW was thinkin:msp_tongue:
So true,,,,, I would like to drive down there myself.
I'm not byest or anything else but I would like to see a holden win, being a genuine brock surporter.

expecting frown from others but i have not yet done the Bathusurst pilgrimage been tryin but i have failed my required OZ religious passage
Thats part of being in the country,notice theres no footage of it,funny that,spose we dont want to tarnish the great race with some animal cruelty stuff
Thats part of being in the country,notice theres no footage of it,funny that,spose we dont want to tarnish the great race with some animal cruelty stuff

Lol. Yes last time they did channel 7 wasn't popular !!

Arrr beer, Bathurst viewed in a heated massage chair. Wifey making a steak sanger. Life doesn't get much better.
thanks for the replys i realy dont need a brushcutter but i cant stand the bent pipe flex drive hence the brushcutter
so i gather the 25 will do for the knee high grass and weeds

Yeah, I'm very happy with my 25 for both the well kept part of the lawn and also the mess down the back as mentioned before.

A good nylon line and it will take on all green stuff and the blade sorts the woody bracken.

However if I was buying from scratch I'd get a good Stihl kombi system setup rather than the Honda then later buying a cheaper Husky system.

Great racing at present - really like the last laps, and the top 10 shoot out.
so i git up and i washed me work falcon ute even the fiddly wheel nuts got a rub then the engine bay gits a tidy wipe of its dust ....i gotz to wonder what I done if a dunny door had won:confused:

good race twas wee boring but a good race.
So true,,,,, I would like to drive down there myself.
I'm not byest or anything else but I would like to see a holden win, being a genuine brock surporter.

Well young Neil looks as if you put your foot tight in it ....................... and jinxed the whole thing ..............
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A FWIW re the Honda brush cheers.

They respond really well to a muff mod and if you make sure the carby is getting absolutely full throttle!

Just remove the spark arrester and you'll get a heap more revs out of one :)

I also use Motul 300V 10w-30 to maximize grunt/minimise parasitic losses.

Maybe a little OTT.......
Not really OTT as they hold so little oil an oil change still only costs about 50 cents! (Note - no actual maths was used in arriving at this figure)
A FWIW re the Honda brush cheers.

They respond really well to a muff mod and if you make sure the carby is getting absolutely full throttle!

Just remove the spark arrester and you'll get a heap more revs out of one :)

I also use Motul 300V 10w-30 to maximize grunt/minimise parasitic losses.

Maybe a little OTT.......

Awesome!! Good to know. I can confirm mine is a GX25.
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New firearms offences planned in SA crackdown on gun crime

Updated 1 hour 8 minutes ago

Police display guns Photo: Police displayed guns at the news conference (ABC News: Nick Harmsen)

Map: SA
The South Australian Government said it would take more steps to crack down on gun crime.

Premier Jay Weatherill said new offences would be created and police given wide-ranging additional powers.

Under planned changes to the Firearms Act, the trafficking of firearms will become an offence, with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

People unlawfully in possession of a loaded firearm could face a fine of $75,000 or 15 years in jail.

Mr Weatherill said police would be given greater search powers and the authority to seize equipment used for manufacturing and altering firearms parts.

"These proposed reforms build on tough new laws we introduced in March this year and send a very clear message that the trafficking, supply, unlawful possession and use of illegal firearms will not be tolerated," he said.

Police Assistant Commissioner Linda Williams said more support for police efforts would be welcome.

"We believe these amendments to the Firearms Act will improve public safety," she said.

"This legislation will be focused squarely on illegal weapons and the criminals who use them."

Planned changes to Firearms Act
It would become an offence to traffic in firearms, with a maximum penalty of 20 years in jail.
Government plans to broaden possession legislation to make it an aggravating factor if an unlawful weapon is loaded, exposing the offender to a maximum penalty of a $75,000 fine or 15 years in jail.
Planned to make it an offence to possess a detachable magazine with a capacity of more than 10 rounds, with a maximum penalty of a $10,000 fine or two years in jail.
Would become an offence to be in possession of a silencer, mechanism or fitting found together with a firearm, with a maximum penalty of a $75,000 fine or 15 years in jail.
It would become an offence to reactivate, or attempt to reactivate, a deactivated firearm, or to make alterations to a firearm which changes its legal classification.

Better go hide ya hacksaws
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