the all aussie dribble thread!

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Stihl MS660 066 MS650 MS640 064 Rear Handle Fuel Tank Housing AIR Filter Shroud | eBay

they dont have the sprocket cover but seeing as its the same for many models it shouldnt be a hassle to find.

Bewt mate thankyou

I don't have an account don't have a bancard even and no check book
Ive always payed cash or gone with out mostly
I have had my doughter get things in the past , she isn't about
I,ll have a chat with a mate tomorrow and see if he wont get it for me
thanks again for the find
Not a bad looking knock off 660 a.:(

Got one sitting in my shed. It would surprise most people who think the Chinese knock offs are crap. You wouldn't know the difference running it except the antivibe buffers are using tougher rubber than Stihl and pretty rough on the mitts. Bulk grunt. though and typical 066/660.

Only trouble so far is the starter pawls had a few issues engaging after a couple of tanks (a clean and silicone spray sorted that out) and it can be a bit of a pig to start when warm. Obvious vapour lock issues in the carby which isn't uncommon with Chinese carbies.

The bar was smoking in the above video because the Chinese hard nosed bars don't have a Stellite nose and their chain is generally crap at carrying oil around the bar.
this was my last group of my chainsaw trainees and the vid clip was put together by one of them.
A nice mob of long term unemployed fringe dwellers and the slightly NQR but all good souls with hearts in the right place. Still was some effort to get them to AHCARB205A competency level,,, but I got them all sorted over 2 days. By the end they knew all hazards PPE needs and were able to strip maintain saws sharpen chain (er um just) cross cut plunge cut back cut and control the saw tip & carve their initials into wood rounds.


I been doin home work,,, yup my kids are laughing i gots to upgrade my cert Iv BAE to TSE level and its a **** fest of la la land online RPL dribble, just listen to this bit of PC tish for teachin chain saws you need to be aware and

• use interpersonal skills to relate to people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and with a range of physical and mental abilities.

but truly when I had a bloke try to use his Turbin as hard hard i did need to think fast on my feet or end up in teacher code of conduct grief..
Wayne, see your avatar, ''Well-Known Member'', that means you are high up on the pecking order.......
I'm just a newbie....

oh dear bloody neighbour dropped of some saws yesterday, yes that right more mac's for that growing pile,, I mean'' collection'' of pre loved saws and this time more 6 10's,,, oh goody for me.
Playing in the treetops.

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